
A unique True-man

A Unique True-man

James_Deng_Garang · Thành thị
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17 Chs

A good person, mother earth and never lose your culture

He also wrote about being a good person as an outcome

When we think about being a good person, we usually need deed thinking and questioning it, is there any wrong outcome of being a good person?

Do i need reward of being nicest person or i do things for God seeks or save lives? I experience being a good person has outcome of getting being uses instead of cheer up with you ... as quote says' some people gets use because of theirs kindhearted, so people see you as a fool because you didn't join in same boat of practicing bad behaviors with them

A good person is always a target and victim of bad acts pushed to them by miserable ones while their attention was about doing things either for God seek or to save lives, so what will be an incredible roll nor what will be a game changer that's possible way to be good person and avoid being uses at the same time.

obviously! check out whether you are not comfortable with your current activities you're doing with someone and find or figure out what kind of behaving are you practicing, this will definitely help understanding the situations between' you the nicest person and the miserable person, then

after you find out the behaving; I suggest that never generalized that all people are miserable there are still one in trillion like you ...go and find them, the nicest people that value your present with them being nicest to them and they need doing things with you not to using you.

Mother Earth

Mother earth got enough water and foods to served us and hosts others creatures too for free without expecting anything in returns, mother earth knows when the weather is not comfortable with us ...she rushing and change it into better weather to all inhabitants, mother earth need support right now, she is tired because we wrecked her way of doing things herself, it's right time to support mother earth at this moment but how we can support her?

1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

2. walk, bike (run, skate, move yourself

3. Ride the bus to work

4. Plant tree

5. using less heat and air conditioning

6. changing light bulbs

7. buy a fuel efficient car

8. buy locals goods and product

Never lose your culture over other culture

In 1989 that was first of shingemori okiya, michiko taniguchi, when she said when i become maiko and getting popular ... I will start acts like tengu as if i know everything in the world, i had experience this process in many ways and lives like woman in kagai by this she means that she knows that became like know it all, as self-important tengu...this characteristic is not beneficial to the abitity to provide ky-omtenashi

The times are changing since fukuemi okamissan was a maiko, but tradition of providing quality kyo-omastenashi remains the same in kyoto, tokyo , osaka , kobe, yokohama , nagoya, saporo, Hirosama, sendai , fukuoka, kanzawa, nara, nagaki , naha, kitakyushu, himji, saitama , takayama, nagano, chiba ,kawasaki , morioka, kurum, shizuoka, kure, otsu, kasugi, hiratsuka, toyohashi, kagoshima, fukyama, matsuyama, iwaki, matsue, takamtsu, kumamoto, aomori, niigata, utsunomiya, okayama, otaru, maebashi, hamamatsu, hakodate, toyama ,ichihara, okazaki, kofu, matssumoto, koriyama, wakayama.

The Japanese cultural activities didn't change even if Japanese are known for theirs advancement in Technologies , the Japanese culture is still exist today ... to hold your cultural appropriation is an act that keep your identity exits for very long time.

The acts of being influence by other culture is a tempted of losing yourself while the ones you're joining theirs culture view you as pretenders who escape is own culture seeking for greener.

Once we hurt anything it may return as a backfire

I was extremely aware not to hurt the horse by beating the horse with little stick I was caring because the anger of horse may backfire to me straight in time and its response might be worse and biggest than my beating. yeah I like ridding the horse but not interest to beating the horse "even if the horse refused to walk or run as part of racing.

It was nicest moments when I came cross pyramids of Giza looking for great, unique horse ... then I realizing red one with white forehead is strong, brave, young horse, he is good for ridding or racing with friends. I have understood he is gentleman like me...we both are strong and gentlemen too, anything I going to do with him whether good or bad may get it outcome which I might not like or like, that moment Mr. red horse was interest too to care gentleman like him walking around with: at the same time, he is ready to response anything that's going to hurt him.

I noticed it from his face, I was like bro ' I came for ridding not to strike you, we could have fun like running around, fast, walking, am not here to embarrassing you because your girl might be around without my notice which you may surprise me with bite, so he nods which means he agree with all me says " while he is very ready because he saw little stick I was caring.

A very person that gave me a stick, told me to beat Mr. red horse " so he could run too fastest, I said hell no ' I can't ' I will take it as guarding stick in case he trying to make low process or in rush minutes" i will use it to keep him calming down before I jump off'; I told the man it's up to you... you can strike him & his response will shock you anytime' if you continue strike him for being unable to run or performs amazingly.

Since I was aware of horse bite " I took riding while i notice we both were creatures and with his highest considerations he accepts to run fast, jump, singing, walking around, taking pictures to capture the moments, we did all these without my single beats, I said keep moving bro, I can't strike, you are good boy oh yeah. turn around' let's go back to begin racing again ... you great bro do it.

Elope to the moon

Fear to elope to moon is a powerful deterrent, but it can also be an effective motivator. The fear of failure or rejection can be unhealthy and irrational, but fear of not telling your loved ones how much you care is important. So not all fear is bad. Some people, though, let fear run their lives. They avoid risk, hoping to minimize the chances of fail to get your love life, and in effect move. The trick is to knowing when to listen to your fear and when to not. especially when someone special arrives at your gate' and asks if you could unlock the gate of love again after all lives of disappointments.

Realizing i had other chance to elope to the moon with you … i began to prepare for it ... however, had other ideas. Doing that meant i was accepting you to elope to the moon with you or bringing the moon down to you.

I'm not sure what I was expecting is worth it but this was it. I was expecting hope." though" her attitude brighter enough than anything that could shinning... she appreciated every single word" i told her… she is full of life lessons like i did.

which grantee she is going to be ambitious human you could spending time with , someone that's best and still be loves in many different planets, but the fear of elope to the moon got her attentions , that we may miss landing on the moon , so i reach out to her at the moments of fear attentions ; i replied ' if we miss landing on the moon 'we could lands on the alpha centauri the neighboring star, that's when the fear gone with my replied ... i said ' its healthiest to be with somebody you practicing love and fear not , you are more than safer right here... you belong here , it's your turn to be loved forget all disappointments happened previously

Leaves island boys alone, climate is what we expect, but it's weather what we get__ mark Twain; so i thinks what you get is Lebanese weather, when you were expecting Ecuadorian climate which is going to be too hot for you to handling. i was like dawn i can't let her experience somewhat climate she was not expected; she is going to suffers from it, i have to rescue her, so she could be thankful once she realizing it too.