
A Traveling Kaledeiscope

I gasp as I feel cold and wet, trying to move around I want to cry out in pain as I feel my body burning me from the inside. I feel hands grasping me gently and I see... This story is about a young kid who gets the Kaledeiscope, The Second True Magic but he has absolutely zero idea what it is and he won't even know what it is called or how to use it, on the huge upside, he won't have any meta-knowledge at all, and the only advantage he is going to have is that he has magic circuits, that's it.

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chp 4




I bite down on some rather tough piece of bread

Its so strange though, this bread is rather stale yet it tastes so damn good

Far better than any bread that I had in my original world or back in Japan with the Demon Slayer Corps

One of the benefits is already shown

I am way taller than I was 2 years ago and even my muscles are far more prevalent than ever before

I think I am around 5'11 right now, and I am 15 nearly 16

I turn to look over at Rayleigh who is eating some stew that he made

This past year I have learned so much

Gotten my ass kicked a lot, but I am still learning

A few weeks ago I finally managed to use Armament Coating on my blade


Its still progress though

"I am leaving brat," Says Rayleigh interrupting me from my thoughts as I turn to look at him

"What?" I say in surprise at that

"Why?" I ask him while putting down my wooden plate on a rock that I am using as a makeshift table

"I have taught you the bare minimum basics and while Observation Haki is far weaker than your Armament, you just need to put it into practice," He says

"This will be your final test, survive here for a year and train yourself and your training will be done," He says and I stare at him dumbfounded

"I..." I begin to say before he raises one of his arms

"You can also decide to return now, but do keep in mind that I will not ever be able to respect you as much if you decide to give up now," He says and it strikes a chord with me when he finishes that

Back when Tecchin found me, I displayed some interest in Swordsmithing, and he said that he would teach me about it but that I would have to end up marrying someone from the clan when I turned 18

Oh, I learned about maintaining swords when I was in the village before joining up with the Corps.

Demon Slayers would have to keep up the maintenance of their swords whenever we went on long hunts. So, learning how is important as you don't want your sword to break or get dull

I close my eyes for a moment as I think about it

These past 2 years of training and learning more about the world through Rayleigh's stories along with seeing the giant creatures on this island have widened my perspective a lot

I am not in my original world, heck, I am confident to say that I wasn't in my original world either when I was in Japan, and neither was it time travel, there were far too many differences for that to be noticible

But, here, this is a completely different world entirely

Far removed from my own

The only clues that I have are Tecchin's mentions of glowing lines on my chest, as well as Rayleigh's comments about it too, but, something else is the immense amount of colors that I sometimes see in my dreams swirling around me

My gut tells me that light has something to do with me going to different worlds, but I don't know what it is

I open my eyes and look at Rayleigh in the eyes

"I will stay here for a year," I give him my answer with determination to which his eyes widen in surprise but he then lets out a joyous laugh at what I am going to assume is my answer

"I am sure you are just a late bloomer," He says while laughing and I have no idea what he is talking about

He stops laughing soon enough

"I am going to be returning back to my home, I already informed the captain of the ship on his previous visit, and he will only be delivering minimal supplies, if you want to quit before the year is up, just tell him and he will bring you back," He informs me

"Got it," I tell him while mentally preparing myself for it

"By any chance how far along am I with Haki in general?" I ask him rather curious

"You are a complete Novice, but it is expected as you have only really fought those...demons and me before, and even then I wasn't aiming to kill you. Haki is much more than just training, you must confront challenges in order for both it and you to grow as a person," He says and I listen to him

It reminds of the hobby that I have to write everything down and go through it later

I have multiple journals at this point filled with information about the different species and my findings on them as well as several plants around this island

Edible plants, medicinal plants, as well as poisonous plants

I have no idea where this hobby of mine started but Rayleigh did comment on it before when I was making some traps around our camp

Well more like early alarms in case something got too close, or curious about the smell of the food that we have here

He said that I was becoming more and more paranoid and that for some reason, I was worried about someone coming to this place and attacking us

It took a lot for Rayleigh to get me to reflect on my actions

I may have been going too far in my actions

"Thank you, Rayleigh, for everything," I tell him getting a bit emotional at this point

Rayleigh has been like a grandfather to me these past 2 years

I hardly even remember my own grandfather, and I am starting to forget my parents faces too

I miss my family

So damn much

I miss when my dad was trying to teach me about the many types of wrenches and about maintaining a tidy bolt wrench box

I miss my mother trying to teach me how to cook for myself as she was going to start working again as she became a stay-at-home mom to take care of me, watching the TV with my grandpa which we would totally ignore as he would tell me stories about his youth and while my grandma would be cooking up a storm

I don't talk about them to anyone, especially since I have no one that is that close to me to learn about them but I still think about them

"Come let's go we are burning daylight," He says as we finish our breakfeast





"Come on, just a bit more," I say as I keep punching solid stone while using Armament Coating on my arms as I keep on punching the wall of stone




"OOOWWWWWWWWWWW," I scream out in pain as the Armament Coating disappears from my right-hand moments before I punch the stone wall again

Pain flares up my hand and into my arm and I fall on my back

"I think I am done for the day," I say as I move some of my hair covering my eyes

Going to have to cut it again myself

I shaved my hair a few days after Rayleigh left but I have just been letting it grow and then I just tied it with some cordage that I made so it wouldn't get in the way

I cradle my hand in pain as I sit up and look at the hole I have made on the stone

Well, it can't really be called a hole as it honestly is more of an open cave now

I stand up and begin heading towards my camp to rest for the day

Nothing disturbs along the way

Feeling something wet flowing through my hand I look and see that my nails have gotten rather long and I have scratched the palm of my hands enough for them bleed

I shake my head as I finally reach my camp and grab some herbs that I sun-dried that can help disinfect the wound before I cut my nails

I grab a bucket that I made by peeling some tree bark and filled with water that I boiled and pour myself a cup of water before I begin to ground the herbs using a rock and pouring a bit of water on them

I grab some makeshift bandages that I prepared beforehand in case of emergencies and put the herbs in another cup and grab a pot full of boiling water that I got early in the morning and quickly pour some of the boiling water into the cup

Not a lot but enough

I throw out most of the liquid into the ground and put the remainder with the herbs on the bandages and then gently wrap them around my hands and thankfully I don't hiss at the slight pain I feel

I sit down and take a breather

These past 6 months have been difficult without really having anyone to talk to and yes, the ship that comes along every month to give me some supplies has been a major help to my sanity

I smile as I feel myself subconsciously using TCB(Total Concentration Breathing)

I finally did it, after years of hard work and determination, I finally managed to do it

The physical benefits are huge

I can punch holes into solid stone when I begin drawing in more air into my lungs without Haki

I have been pretty much-breaking boulders down to mere pebbles and I only recently began to punch a hole on a small mountain, carving myself a nice cave that I am thinking of moving my camp there once I get deep enough, as these past few weeks have been rather horrible as I had to deal with rains, droughts, and snow

Sometimes in that specific order

It is becoming too much for me alone

I have been pushing myself ever since Rayleigh left some months ago

My Armament Coating has come a long way, as well as using it on my sword

I can slice through some small boulders with a small amount of difficulty depending on the boulder while channeling Haki into my blade, using Coating, I can cut rocks as if they were a vegetable

I look at the sunset and close my eyes

I am going to sleep tonight, I haven't slept in 4 days and I have been feeling mentally tired for the whole day

TCB is such an incredible technique, especially now that I have reached the point of always using it, even when I do sleep

I let out a sigh as I think about my struggles with Observation Haki

I haven't advanced as much with it as I did with Armament Haki

I grab a fly moving around me by the wings

But, I am able to at least use it with some skill now

I let the fly go and take a whiff of myself and my face contorts in disgust

I need a bath


"It's so good to see you, everyone," I say grabbing my bag filled with books that Shakuyaku was nice enough to send me as a gift as I would sometimes send letters back and she would ask about how I am doing

In one of my letters, I talked about how it would be nice to have some books to read

Never before had I ever considered myself the studious type but I found myself rather fascinated by the stuff that is in this world

She sent me history books, survival books, and even some books detailing about the construction of different types of ships

I smiled like an idiot when I first got the books and I would trade letters with her and tell her my opinions about them

I like to think that we now have at least a form of friendship as I expressed my love for learning and trying out new things

"I am sure, it is lad, now come aboard we have a month's travel to do and the winds are good," Shouts out Captain Swei and I smile as get my stuff from the boat and say hi to the crew

I began to help out after putting my stuff in the room that they gave me and I was quick to offer help around the ship

A quick glance to the side, I see that 2 boats have returned with some of the game that I got in the island as a major thanks for having me on board

Salted meat mostly, but anything is appreciated

Last month they gave me a few spare barrels and I filled them

I get to work helping them bring the barrels in and after a while we set sail to Sabaody Archipelago



Don't forget to check out my other story The Ultimate Saiyan Warrior Reborn 

It is 9 chapters ahead in Patreon due to some issues but it will soon reach ten chapters ahead

This story is updated every Saturday

Also, guys please comment, review and send me some power stones, please