
this new yet old world

Jason Miller found himself in a perplexing situation, disoriented by the abrupt shift from the Nevada desert to what appeared to be the vast expanse of a savannah. As he lay beneath the shade of a tree, his thoughts swirled with confusion, trying to reconcile the events that led him here.

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning – he had been reborn, reminiscent of the fantastical tales he often indulged in. Gingerly rising to his feet, he noted the unfamiliar attire adorning his frame – a camouflage shirt, a sturdy jacket, and navy green pants equipped with protective padding.

Inspecting the contents of his hiking backpack, he discovered a Colt Single Action Army revolver, meticulously tucked into a leather holster. Gripping the weighty firearm, he felt a surge of reassurance, each round a tangible reminder of his newfound survival tools.

With a practiced efficiency, he equipped himself with the essentials – a sheathed knife secured to his side and the revolver holstered at his waist. The comforting weight of the weapons lent him a newfound sense of security in this enigmatic landscape.

Determined to navigate this unfamiliar terrain, Jason ventured forth, shedding his stifling jacket as the African sun beat down upon him. His journey led him to the rugged coastline, where he surmised his location to be near the Mediterranean Sea, a sanctuary amidst the wilderness.

Faced with the stark reality of his reincarnation, Jason endeavored to activate the enigmatic "Traveler System," a beacon of hope in this bewildering realm. With a mix of frustration and anticipation, he called out to the system, his voice echoing into the void until a luminous blue screen materialized before him.

Eager to unravel the mysteries of this newfound power, Jason engaged the system, learning of its extraordinary capabilities to traverse realms and acquire powers and creatures. The allure of embarking on adventures in worlds he once only dreamt of left him exhilarated, yet cautious of the dangers that lurked within.

Surveying the array of worlds at his disposal, Jason's gaze lingered on familiar titles from his past life – "Game of Thrones," "Harry Potter," and "The Walking Dead" among them. With a calculated risk, he selected the treacherous world of "The Walking Dead," drawn by the promise of abundant resources amidst the apocalypse and perhaps, the allure of certain characters from the show.

With resolve in his heart and the promise of adventure beckoning, Jason embarked on his journey, armed not only with weapons but also with the knowledge that his destiny lay beyond the horizon, amidst the boundless realms of possibility.