
A Trap in a Lewd Dungeon

Have you ever wondered what would become of you once you died. When the last vestiges of your existence is wiped from the universe. Well if you have then you've thought more than I did. As I was what one would see and say that he only lived in the moment, chasing the most recent highs and wasting a life away in silence. Yet when it all ended I found myself in a black void, a voice telling me of wondrous things. Of people turned heroes by a mysterious system, of a place where all could happen. I was excited, to be able to become one of those but my luck it would seem had not turned as I was not to be one of those heroes but the opposite really. A villain, one whose only purpose was to be the stepping stones of a burgeoning hero. NO... NO I say to that fate I would not be just another common mob, waiting for my inevitable death. I had dreams beyond that, beyond anything that this damned system had made for me. I had died alone, with no one to mourn me, but most importantly I had died without ever knowing the touch of a woman. And it may have been for that very reason that I had overcome my limits, taking the power the system gave to me and jailbreaking it. Taking it upon me to be the lewdest dungeon. Instead of being the whetstone for a hero I would be the bad end. The final villain that none could overcome. Yes, that was to be my purpose. But why... why was I given such a body. I had become so cute, a body that would topple countries with its cuteness, I didn't want to be that, I wanted to be the muscular demon lord at the end of the road. SO WHY!

SpacesSnips · Kỳ huyễn
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233 Chs


Yawning, I woke up. My head was tossing and turning as I tried to wake myself up enough to actually get out of bed.

But a traitorous part of me wanted nothing more than to just lay down and go back to bed.

And the funny thing was, it was winning.

I groaned and swept the blanket back over me…

"Wait!" I called out, a blanket? I didn't create this. For a moment I just lay there, trying to comprehend how I could have obtained one before panic eventually won over and I opened my eyes.

Instantly the mysterious light of the cavern took my eyes and for a second I just readjusted to the light.

Then I swept a hand over the blanket and turned it over and over, puzzling over it.

It was only then that I threw it to the corner of the room. Shivering at what I had found.

It waved back, a slimy tentacle being made in order to do so.

"You!" I yelled jumping to my feet. I tried to sound intimidating but it came as more of a squeak than anything.

Immediately I clamped shut on my mouth before I turned away, my cheeks blushing at the voice crack.

I hadn't had one of those in years and to have them again was immensely embarrassing.

"MMM!" MMMM!!!"

"Hah… what's that" I muttered, looking to the corner that I ignored.

What I saw stunned me for a moment and caused me to go back to my system messages.

"Shit…" I called out as I saw what had happened.

[Intruders detected]

[Your |slime (lv2)| has killed a mana enhanced human.]

[Gain |250xp| ]

It must have happened while I was asleep. And the slime over in the corner that had masqueraded as a blanket just formed a giant thumbs up and was that a…

A giant smile.

I recoiled back at that, although the slime must have thought that it was charming it just came off as creepy.

'Wait' I thought, shaking my head before going Vance to the kidnapped woman m.

I hadn't thought it possible. For me tk be even more surprised then when I had died but now…

I was thinking that it may actually be possible, this situation was a bit more than I could handle.

So I set myself upright and walked over to the captive that my slime had brought to me.

She was wrapped in a cocoon of silk. Courtesy of one of the spiders.

Which one, it didn't matter.

I just sighed and looked for the nearest sharp object.

Which happened to be a bloodied sword.

But what did I care. I just grabbed it and walked to the obviously terrified girl.

Her screams were muffled by the silk but I could understand some of it.

Unfortunately, none of it was helpful as all I could understand were pleas of help.

I just sighed and walked over to her.

I raised the sword and she closed her eyes in terror.

I slashed down, taking the silk that covered her mouth with it.

A moment later she opened her eyes, ruby red eyes staring at me pleadingly.

"Help… please…"

She pleaded but I only crouched down and gave her my most beatific smile.

"No." I simply said before I sat across from her.

The look of pure despair on her face seemed to trigger something in me.

Something that I couldn't resist indulging in.

I couldn't help but draw closer, the sword in my hand feeling light as I brought it to her face.

It filled me, the terror that was, it was like a warm meal after a particularly cold night.

I dragged the blade across her face and watched as the blood dripped from her wounds.

I couldn't help it, my tongue flicked from my mouth and I drank do the blood.

For a moment I just sat there and tasted it, the breathing of the woman a calm serenade.

"Mm~" I couldn't help but moan out.

The blood was so good, soo good.

I wanted more and I would have more.

Fangs grew from my mouth as I bit into the woman, sucking and sucking all that I could from her body.

She started to scream, then it turned into a whimper as she fell asleep.

By the time that I ahead ended my feeding frenzy she was barely more than a husk.

Her cheeks and face sunk from blood loss.

I wiped the errant blood from my lips and licked my finger.s.

My senses were so powerful right now.

I could even hear the slow heartbeat of the woman as she slowly…

"Oh shit!" I yelled.

'Can I heal her? I want more of that blood and if she died I wouldn't have any.'

"Shit, shit, shit!" I didn't have much time.

I strained my ears trying to hear her heartbeat but at this moment I could hear nothing. She was already dead.

[You have killed a mana enhanced human]

[You have gained |250xp|]

[You have drank the essence of a mana enhanced human]

[Your senses have strengthened]

[Your body has began units evolution, feed it more blood to increase the progress]

[current progress |1%|]

I lay back down on my bed, contemplating what I had just done.

I had never felt so hungry before. It was as if some primal instinct in me was calling at me so do that.

And I had answered that call.

"Hah" I sighed into the air. Now that I thought about it, it made a lot of sense.

If I were a vampire it would make sense why I could see in the dark.

I had thought it nothing more than a quirk of the dungeon and that I was just able to.

But if I was maybe half vampire, a dhampir? Yes, a dhampir half vampire half dungeon then it would make sense.

But why hadn't I wanted the blood of those guys before.

I had a theory, one that may sound crazy but it could very well be true.

Yes it was…