
A Time for Redemption

Humanity isn't ending, it's just beginning. A wall surrounds the growing nations, historians claim could only have been built by the gods themselves. A metropolitan government hunts two young boys for their president who has been in power for 200 years. A governor who can call upon the hand of god to smite his enemies. All threads lead to a mercenary, and a spy working against his own government.

Velixar_4091 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

On the Run

Adum ran into the night, not stopping, not slowing, and not knowing where to go next. 'Adum stop...ADUM!!….Weston we need to stop'. Adum stops suddenly, the voice in his head said the word, his name. "That's not my name you son of a bitch!" 'Your insults hold no weight to me Weston'. "What would you have me do then? My cover is blown, the one person we need is captive, and soon Moto will have everything he wants!!" 'Untrue, you still have me my friend, we need to find the boys, they are really what Moto is after'. "The house is likely burnt down along with the neighborhood. I can calculate thousands of thoughts at once and I just went blank, I should have kept calm". 'I pushed you to leave, that was my fault, still finding two young boys on the run shouldn't be too difficult. We just need to think like they do. I know my brothers well, likely hide out for a few days. If we could find their tracks we could follow them'. "Hmm, I know where they are going but we need to hurry, the Triplets will be after them soon, or more likely after us". Adum resumed his run, toward the docks. Passing house and alleyway faster and faster his legs carried him through the night. He felt his breast pocket, the photo the old woman had given him, was still there.

"Alex, come on, we need to move faster". "Please Mykel, I can't move as fast as you. Where are we going anyway?" "Grandma said we need to head to the docks...Merc Island, then across the sea to Truly". "We should go save mom, that's what grandpa would do". Mykel grabbed his little brothers hand "I know, we can slow down and walk, just need to stay out of sight". The two boys walked along the street, lite only with street lamps. Passing on the edge of their light, incase they need to dash into the darkness. Soon a red light shone behind them, and they both stopped to look back. "There goes the neighborhood" Mykel muttered as the only world he and his brother ever knew went up in flames. He clenched his fist tight enough for his knuckles to turn white, renewed with determination but, he didn't know what for. Until he looked down at his brothers face, teared up, 'for you Alex, and we will come back and save mom'. Soon they both mustered the courage to turn around and keep heading toward the docks. "We'll be there soon Alex, look there it is". The sun began to shine behind them lighting up massive cargo ships, smaller cruise vessels, and fishing boats. It was as if the sun, or the sight of the docks, or the burning of their home gave them new life and they picked up the pace and headed to a ticket booth to book passage. It was still closed but, they would be the first in line when it opened. Sitting down on a bench Mykel felt his eyes become very heavy, looking over Alex was already fast asleep. Soon he couldn't fight it anymore and gave into slumber.

Just a 12 miles from the docks Adum stopped dead in his tracks, a lone slender figure in the distance, he knew the other two wouldn't be far away. 'Let me handle this' Adum crawled to the back of his mind and let The Beast take over. He began to walk toward the figure, seeing her slim armored body more clearly now. All black with deep red eyes. "I would ask that you not do this, you are as tortured as Adum is". "Ah, so the coward has let The Beast do his fighting, don't worry, this won't take long". The Beast grinned and lowered his head, "It never does". Launching into a full sprint toward the figure, she didn't move. Instead she jumped to avoid his charge and came down where he would have been, but he was to quick. Pulling back the right sleeve a 16 inch blade folded out like a pocket knife. "Father just wants you to return home, he did after all spend so much to make you." She grinned, and a blade from each arm fell out, readying her stance to launch an assault of her own. Adum stopped, turned to face his opponent, " where are the others?" "Not far behind", He watched as her feet moved swiftly, carrying her body toward him, swords at the ready. As she passed he blocked one arm but, the other he grabbed, bent it inward and shoved it through her chest. With a satisfied grin he grabbed her head and prepared to smash it on the pavement. A hail of bullets stopped him, and instead, he threw her body towards the fire and took off running in the opposite direction. The bullet fire didn't stop, they were keeping pace, the now shining red light of district 3 burning and lighting up the sky ment very little places to hide. Still The Beast willed Adum's legs forward, he would have the best chance in the industrial zone with its tall buildings. He felt the body becoming slower, still he willed it forward. The bullets began to slow as he entered the Industrial zone but so did his body. Satisfied he had enough distance he ducked behind a building, and stopped. Reaching into his pocket he retrieved a patch and covered the wound on his thigh, another for the shoulder, and the last for his lower back. That done he reached another hand to his left side and pushed a button and a canteen sized flask loosened, pulling it out opened it and guzzled it all. "We need a refill Adum, whenever we get the chance". He began to look around, the bullets had stopped completely, still though they wouldn't give up that easily. Looking up he saw a pair of booster jets, just small enough for feet descending toward him, and a set of deep red eyes staring back. Standing still he raised his hand and it shot from his arm like a cannon and caught the figure under the chin and she fell the last 20 feet to the ground. After her crash landing he walked over to her still body and kicked it, after she stayed still squatted down and looked her over. "Which one are you? Cassandra, Emma, not Mary, she is down right now. My guess is Emma, so un tactical descending from a roof like that." Grabbing her arms one at a time he ripped them off, then stomped her feet flat. Holding out his left arm, his hand reattached, then used the momentum and smashed her head. "Don't worry, you're not the first model to fail, still though, Moto is a fool to think even an army of you can stand against The Red Wolf." Slipping back into Adum's mind and letting him take back over. 'We should get back to the task at hand my friend, although your flask needs more oil and your body is in need of repairs'. Adum moved his eyes to the destroyed robotic body, finding the parts he needed and repaired his own. "You didn't have to be so merciless you know" 'you are not one of them, you never were'. With his body repaired and his flask refilled he headed towards the docks at a renewed sprint as the sun began to eclipse the fire behind him.