
Welcome to Korea

"Wow, Finally I am going there..... Yeahhh..... Korea University wait for me. I am on the way." She expressed her feelings so freely.

She went in to the airplane.

"Welcome to the first class." An air hostess greeted to her. She found her seat very easily. After seated on the seat her looked at the other passengers. She accidently saw the next seat girl watching a video.

She didn't hear anything. But she saw the subtitle in the video. She read it.

"Do you believe the Destiny? You know, if you are going somewhere it is because of the Destiny. Also you Will be able to meet your soulmate."

"What the.. destiny, soulmate, true love. Ha Ha Ha. Wow they are childhood fairy tales, Aren't they?" Sakura thought like that.

Two hours later the plane landed to the Seoul, South Korea international airport.

"Wow. Finally I am in Korea." She said it to her self.

But she wasn't the only one who came to Tokyo to Japan. The person who followed her at the airport also came to Korea.

Who is thid mystery man?

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Billy_Rorycreators' thoughts