
A Thousand and One Miles

The past few years have been rough for Harlow. Following a series of life changing events, she finds herself running away from sunny Southern California to the rolling fields and small town of St. Dalton Montana. Plagued by night terrors and anxiety, she considered it a perfect hide away. Unfortunately, she soon learns that St. Dalton has greater secrets then just hiding her away; and not all fairy tales remain within the boundaries of a story book. Tossed into a world she never believed in, she quickly learns of the secrets of the world that was always there. There she is forced to come to terms with her past, and what her future was always meant to be.

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13 Chs

Sage Wilson

How can someone's life be so different in such a short amount of time? How could your viewpoint be turned upside and shaking until it was no longer even recognizable?


She was eighteen years old. This was a time before she knew Viviana, Lucas, or even Harlow Write. Sage Wilson's life was ideal for her. Living happily in her own apartment just a few minutes from her childhood home, she was enrolled in a local University for her second year.

If she hadn't stayed at home, and gone to a school out of state then her life would have been different.

Two months before she was set to turn nineteen, Sage entered into her favorite coal coffee shop. It was only two blocks from her university thus making it the perfect morning study stop. She had a test in one of her general-education classes that afternoon. While waiting for her turn, her eyes were down at her phone. A sudden bump to one of her shoulders sent her stumbling and she juggled with her phone for a moment.

Things would have been different if she hadn't turned around.

"Sorry about that." Sage turned to look to the owner of the voice, pausing when she laid eyes on him. He wasn't too tall, maybe an inch or two taller than herself. He wore sunglasses that blacked out his eyes, sported a stylish hair cut and wore a light jacket over his trim body. "I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." Sage shook her head, giving a small smile. "It's okay." The man lifted his sunglasses as he smiled. His teeth seemed almost too white, and his eyes were the most wondrous shade of coffee colored eyes. It was as if someone had placed just the right amount of cream into them to make them shine. "Can I make it up to you, maybe cover the cost of your coffee." Sage felt something growing within her as she continued to stare at the man. "Yeah, you can."

Over coffee, she learned the man with wonderful eyes was Lucas Moran. A twenty-two year old senior whose studies were focused in business. At the time, she didn't learn much more than that. Someone from the outside could easily note that Sage spoke more about her own life to Lucas then he did to her of his own. Sage didn't notice though. She was too entranced by the god-like man on the other side of her. So it should come to no surprise when he asked her on a date later that week, she said yes.

Things would have been different if she had said no.

For their first date, Lucas set out to impress her. He picked her up right at sundown, in a ridiculously expensive European car. The brand being something she had never heard of. With the windows rolled down, he drove her down the coast along Pacific Coast Highway. Their journey ended at a cliff side restaurant, where their table offered them breathtaking views of the baking oceans waves. The meal was filled with the most finery life could offer. Though she was underage, a glass of wine costing almost 300 dollars was given to her for her pleasure. As it was in the coffee shop, Sage spent more time talking about her life then Lucas spoke of his. But she didn't notice, she didn't care. It was worth it to her to get lost in his eyes, and the warmth of his voice when he did speak.

He could have taken her to a mud pit for their first date- nothing would change the fire that boiled in her stomach when they eyes met or the chill that ran up her back when they touched.

When she did finally approach the topic of his life, he swerved and changed the subject. If he did tell her something, it was vague and left her with more questions.

A few nights later, after yet another fancy meal was over, the two sat in Lucas' car. The two faced each other, wrapped tightly in the other's embrace. Sage had one leg tossed over Lucas' lap; his hands slipping under her top. She withered at the touch of his skin on hers, pulling away from their kiss. "Wait." Lucas looked up at her, his eyes turning her into a puddle. "I like you, Lucas, a lot." She removed his hands from under her shirt. "If we're going to make this work, you're going to have to trust me." He kept looking at her, his eyes luring her back in. She leaned back in, kissing him briefly before pulling back away. "Please, Lucas, trust me." His thumbs brushed over her cheeks, and pulled her face in towards his. Instead of a kiss, his nose landed in the crook of her neck. She could feel his inhale before his lips gently pressed against the corner of her neck. "Okay." He pulled away, and moved her leg off of him. Once Harlow was back in the passenger seat, Lucas started up his car.

Things would have been different if she hadn't asked him to trust her.

Sage learned that night that Lucas was more than just a final-year college student with a focus in business. He was also a rising member in the underground black market group called The Coven. Some would say it was a gang, others would say the mafia. Sage didn't know what to call it, all she knew was that it was highly illegal and dangerous. Upon learning of his true nature, Sage should have run. She didn't. She couldn't. Something about Lucas kept her reeled in, there was a light in him. The same hands that would be bloody from the multiple hits towards a face were also the ones that would set her body ablaze when they softly touched her. The same mouth that spewed hatred when angered was the one that passionately whispered love in her ears. Lucas' edge made her feel protected.

Things wouldn't have been different if she had left him sooner.

Sage came from a family of privilege. Her parent's successful law firm and her own naturally pale skin gave her an advantage over others. She had never taken Lucas home to meet her family. Despite almost a full year of dating- something was preventing Sage from bringing Lucas to meet her family. So when it came time for a yearly trip abroad, Sage left Lucas behind. The trip itself went smoothly and no issues arose. The Wilson family spent almost a full month along the Greek coastline, emerging themselves into the culture of the land. It was the plane ride home that changed everything. Her memory of the events are fuzzy at best. All Sage knew off that night was that she lost three of the most important people in her life.

Lost in grief, Sage allowed herself to fall deeper into Lucas' world. She found herself doing and saying things she would have never done before the accident. That's when Lucas gave her the golden locket. The symbol etched on it was one she had seen many times- the sign of the Coven. When he placed it around her neck, the metal shining in the light, he closed it with the binding words- "you're on your way to fully being one of us." Sage's fingers brushed over the locket, before she turned and messily kissed Lucas. She then entered into a euphoria that she'd only ever get from being with him.


Throughout this whole time, Sage continued to attempt to finish her life plans. She graduated college- barely, and struggled to find an agent to sign her. While doing so, she continued to work at the theme park with Viviana. At some point the two had decided to move in together. Though Viviana did not approve of Lucas- she knew barely anything of him- she did not stop Sage from spiraling deeper with him.

"Hey Sage." Viviana called for her roommate through a closed bedroom door. Sage had gotten home only a few hours earlier and was deep in sleep when her friend's voice woke her up. She grumbled something that Viviana couldn't understand. "Sage, you need to get up. Someone is here for you." Sage groaned, "Tell them to go away and come back later."

"I don't think I can-" Viviana was unable to say anything else as Sage's door swung open."What is so important?"

"Sage Wilson?" Sage looked to the voice coming from their front door. The man had stepped in and closed it behind him. "My name is Detective Alex James, FBI. I'd like to have a discussion with you." Sage looked to the badge that the Detective had flashed out, and felt all the blood leave her body.


Months passed after that day. Sage continued to live her double life, balancing between her days as a princess and her nights of crimes.

As she prepared for another night out- this time a celebration for someone in The Coven at some unground club north of LA- her eyes landed on the locket that Lucas had given her. She picked it up, and watched it as it twirled and twinkled in the light. Her eyes studied the symbol for a moment before she placed the necklace back in her jewelry box. Closingthe box, Sage then reached for a pair of diamond earrings sitting next to it.

Lucas picked her up, right on time, and sped through the city to their location. When they entered the large warehouse, they were met with head pounding music and blinding flashes of lights. Lucas quickly led her to a roped off area, where drinks were already waiting for them. With the alcohol flowing in her veins, Sage found a spot on Lucas' lap. She crushed her lips to his, wanting to hold onto the feeling of his lips on hers. Time passed in an unmeasurable way, between kisses, drinks and dancing; time was nonexistent.

The sudden bang that went against the beat of the music was the que that something wasn't right. Suddenly, above the music people's screams rang out and chaos ensued. Lucas stood, and Sage stumbled from his lap. She landed on her feet and stood as people fled around them. Sage could see the men fully decked out in black rushing into the room from all entrances. Lucas called to her, but when Sage didn't move he tossed her over his shoulder. She wasn't sure how he was able to, but Lucas was able to get the two of them out of the fray of the mess. She was dropped onto her feet in the middle of a tight alleyway. "We need to get out of here." He grabbed her hand, ready to move. Sage didn't follow. "I can't." Lucas turned back to her, dropping her hand. "Why not?" The chaos grew louder as it got closer to them. She knew what she was about to do next could possibly end her life. But she had to let him know. "I'm the mole."

Lucas gave her a look she had never seen before. It was more than rage and hate- it was something deeper. It felt as if his body was morphing, his eyes changing shades. Just when she thought he was going to attack her; Lucas took a gasp and crumbled to the ground. Sage watched as flames consumed his body, looking up to the source of the fire. Detective James stood with a gun in hand, a swat team member holding a flamethrower. The two moved towards her, the swat member staying at Lucas' body while Detective James came to her. "We have to go, now." She followed him, unable to speak. Lucas' death was always a possibility, but to have it happened was something else. As Sage stepped away from the burning body, she felt as if she had been broken out of a trance.

Hidden away in the back of one of the armored vehicles, Sage was debriefed by Detective James. She had played her part to the T and because of her hard work the FBI was closer to taking down The Coven. As put by the Detective, "You take down The Coven, and you've basically taken out the whole black market." As the car continued down the road, Sage was informed of what was to happen next. It would only be a matter of time that The Coven figured out that she had been the mole. She was no longer safe. Emilio, the current leader of The Coven, would have her blood.

Emilio hated a lot of things in life, and moles were one of the top things he hated the most. Sage knew this because Lucas had told her. She had only seen Emilio a handful of times- it was always at some large event where he stood with his chest puffed like a king.

Even with her name written in blood, Detective James reassured her that it would all be okay. Sage had been there for the FBI and now they were going to be there for her.

Sage Wilson would have to die.