
A Thief’s Magic

Hello, this is my first novel soo feedback would be really helpful. This Novel is about a Thief who discovers a secret society of witches and witchers and after finding out that he is a witcher himself, he strives to become the strongest one. Have fun!

Donyeer · Kỳ huyễn
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1 Chs

Golden Goose

Waking up on the roof of a building, a boy put on his hood and started to do his daily errands.

The Boy look's to around 14 years old and his shabby clothes made him look like a beggar. Most of his face was has hidden by his hair.

'I think today I'll try my luck at the dexter alley' he thought while walking to the infamous alley where many aristocratic teenagers throw around money, trying to buy drugs.

Going around searching a for lone target he finds his golden goose.

His target was a middle-aged man who seemed afraid of being thought poor.

He wore a white cloak and walked around with a golden cane. Seeing the heavy pouch in the mans hand, Aiden smirks, knows that today he will be able to eat a fine meal.

Planning what to do next he see's his opportunity arriving. As someone passed by the target, he swiftly take's the mans purse without making a noise.

Afterward he tap's the man's back to get the man's attention and says:"Excuse me Sir, i think someone just stole something from you. I think he ran that way…"

After checking his belongings and not finding the purse, the man runs after the guy that just left the backstreet. What's left is Aiden with a black purse full of gold coins.

'Idiot, heh' He thought while counting the coins.

'This is worth enough to rent a room in an inn for over a month!'

There where also some black stone inside but it seemed useless for the moment.

'Maybe it is worth something somewhere'

Happy about today's spoils, he goes to buy food.

Aiden wasn't always homeless.

Since his parents died an early Death in a car accident, he lived in an orphanage.

When he was around 8 years old he got kicked out of the orphanage because of the false accusations of the other kids, that he stole their thing's. And after being kicked out he had no other choice than to steal so that he could survive on the streets. Not that he would mind doing bad thing's. But one of the good thing's is that he learned how to write and read at the orphanage.

'Maybe i should also buy some warm clothes, now that i got money'

It was a cold autumn day, so he had to consider how to stay warm, now that winter is also approaching.

After getting his needs he begins to search for a nice place to sleep. He decided to sleep on some roofs again so that he could safe the rest of the money for winter, when it's getting to cold to be sleeping outside. He somehow feels safer to sleep outside anyway instead in some inn where people may recognize him.

So after a long day Aiden finds a place to stay.

'I hope tomorrow is going to be as nice'

Just when he was about to sleep he suddenly gets punched in the face. Falling down he hears

"You little Bastard! I finally got you. Just you wait and see what i am going to do to you!"

'Who the fuck is he and how the fuck did he get here!?' Aiden quickly gets up to defend himself and finally sees the attacker.

'It's that guy! The one i stole from today! How did he find me?'

"Where is my purse!" yells that guy.

"How dare you inferior being steal something from me, the great Adam Brenstorm"

Suddenly Aiden felt electricity running trough his body.


'What the fuck is going on here!?'

"This is what happens if someone dares to challenge me"

Aiden felt like this guy was shooting more and more lightning's after him.

'Is this guy Zeus or something!?'

Since he didn't know what was happening to him he decided to use one of his favorite tricks.

Playing Dead.

Falling forward and seemingly passing out, he hopes for his attacker to come closer.

'Fuck it hurt's so much, why doesn't he stop!'

Usually people don't think much of it and leave him be after kicking his body for some time.

However this guy doesn't stop even after seeing Aiden pass out.

Laughing like a maniac, Adam Brenstorm slowly comes closer to him.

'Hurry you fucker, i think im going to pass out for real now'

"Of course such a street rat like him stood no chance against me" laughed Adam.

"Now lets see where my purse is"

But just when he stretches out his hand to search his body Aiden suddenly bites him.

With enough force he bites off two fingers.


Yet, Aiden didn't listen to his rambling's. Spitting out the two fingers He throws his own body at him and fights Adam with everything he got. But every time he hit his Attackers body it felt an incredible pain like some electricity running through his body.

Nonetheless, in his Rage Aiden didn't care about anything else than killing him.


He kept punching until he was sure that his enemy was dead.

Afterwards he passed out.

Meanwhile a Lady on another building watched this scene with a creepy smile.

"Interesting" she mutter's.

Hello, this is my first time writing something, sooo feedback would be really helpful. Thanks and Enjoy!!!

Donyeercreators' thoughts