
A Taste of Chaos

Meet Ji Hoon, our 23-year-old protagonist grappling with the weight of his past and struggling to provide for his brother Min Jae, a beacon of hope in his sombre world. Little does he know that his live is about to take a turn and the world as he knows it is about to experience a cascade of events that could very well shatter the delicate balance of reality. Now faced with challenges greater than he could have ever imagined, will he be able to overcome all odds and uncover the secrets of the universe?? and the mysterious system he suddenly discovers?? .... The system doesn't appear for while into the story so if you're here for that, please be patient. Also I'm a new author so the story might be a little rough at the start, please bear with it, it gets better. That's all, I hope you enjoy the read.

David_F365 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 17: Echoes of Loss and New Revelations

As Min-jae and the infected disappeared into the darkness below, Ji-hoon's world shattered. He stood frozen at the edge of the vertical drop, his mind reeling with disbelief and despair. Min-jae, his younger brother, had sacrificed himself to save him, and the weight of that sacrifice crushed Ji-hoon's heart.

"Min-jae!" Ji-hoon called out, his voice choked with emotion, but there was no response, only the eerie silence of the sewer echoing back at him.

Tears welled up in Ji-hoon's eyes as he fought against the overwhelming urge to jump down after his brother. But Soo Won's hand on his arm stopped him, her grip firm and resolute.

"Don't do it, Ji-hoon," Soo Won pleaded, her voice trembling with emotion. "It's suicide to jump down there."Ji-hoon's heart ached at the thought of leaving his brother behind, but Soo Won's words struck a chord deep within him. If he jumped down and met the same fate as Min-jae, what would be the point?His sacrifice would have been in vain.

"But he's my brother," Ji-hoon whispered, his voice barely audible above the din of his inner turmoil.

"I know, Ji-hoon," Soo Won said softly, her eyes filled with compassion. "But Min-jae wouldn't want you to risk your life for him. We have to honor his sacrifice by staying alive."

As Ji-hoon stood at the edge of the vertical drop, his mind consumed by grief and guilt, Soo Won's words of reassurance fell on deaf ears. He couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of responsibility that weighed heavily on his shoulders. If only he hadn't suggested leaving the apartment, none of this would have happened.

Tears continually streamed down his face as he berated himself, oblivious to the danger his cries posed in the dimly lit sewer. Soo Won, sensing his anguish, wrapped her arms around him from behind, holding him close in a gesture of comfort.

"It's not your fault, Ji-hoon," Soo Won whispered, her voice soft and soothing. "We all agreed to leave the apartment for our safety. You couldn't have known this would happen."

But Ji-hoon couldn't be comforted. The weight of his guilt was suffocating, threatening to consume him whole.

"But it was my idea," he choked out between sobs. "I'm the reason Min-jae is gone. Just like... just like I was the reason our parents... our parents..."

His voice trailed off, the pain of the past too raw to put into words. Soo Won's heart ached for Ji-hoon as she held him tighter, offering what little solace she could in the face of such overwhelming sorrow.

"I'm so sorry, Ji-hoon," Soo Won murmured, her own tears mingling with his. "I can't imagine how much you're hurting right now."

But Ji-hoon couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that gnawed at his soul. It reminded him all too painfully of the loss of their parents, a wound that had never truly healed. And now, history had repeated itself, leaving Ji-hoon to grapple with the devastating consequences of his decisions once again.

With the rest of the group. Jae-ho leads the group towards a dilapidated building tucked away in the shadows of the city. With a wry smile, he gestures towards the entrance, beckoning them inside.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Jae-ho announces, his voice echoing in the desolate corridors. "It's not much, but it'll provide some shelter from the chaos out there."

After welcoming them, Jae-ho ushers the group inside the shelter, where they find themselves in a dimly lit room with makeshift seating arranged in a circle. They settle down, their eyes fixed expectantly on Jae-ho as he takes a seat opposite them.

"Alright, let's get down to business," Jae-ho begins, his tone serious yet inviting. "What do you want to know first?"

The group exchanges glances, silently deliberating on the questions swirling in their minds. Finally, Mr. Park speaks up, his voice reflecting the urgency of their situation. "We need to know more about these infected," he says, his gaze unwavering.

"What are they, and how did this all begin?" Mr. Park asked, probing to know how much Jae-ho knew.

"I'm not sure I know much more about that than you do, but from what I've seen, the infected are basically either people that got scratched or bitten by other infected or corpses that got infected," Jae-ho begins, his voice grave.

"Corpses that got infected?" So Mi interrupts, her tone a mixture of surprise and disbelief.

"Yes, corpses," Jae-ho continues solemnly. "From what I've seen, even if a person wasn't bitten or scratched before death, after death, the person is sure to come back to life as an infected, unless the body is burnt."

His words hang heavy in the air as the group absorbs this unsettling information.

"As for how it began, I'm not sure about that," Jae-ho admits. "My first encounter with an infected was after the state of emergency had been declared, so I'm sure it must have begun long before that time."

The group sits in silence, contemplating the gravity of what they've just learned.

"So, Jae-ho, how have you been surviving out here?" So Mi asks, her voice tinged with concern.

Jae-ho takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "It's been tough, but I've managed to find shelter and scavenge for supplies. Avoiding the infected has been the biggest challenge."

"Do you know of any weaknesses of the infected?" Mr. Park interjects, his tone indicating the urgency of the question.

Jae-ho pauses, considering his response carefully. "Well, from what I've observed, they seem to be attracted to noise. Loud sounds can draw them in, so it's best to keep quiet whenever possible, that's all I know of though. I do know they die if their heads get detached from their bodies as well and also that apart from burning them, there aren't that my ways to deal with them"

The group nods, taking in this valuable piece of information.

"Is it the same for the special infected??" Mr Park asks.

"I'm not sure because I haven't had a lot of encounters with it and I hope not but I do know it also very sensitive to sound" Jae-ho replies

"And what about other survivors?" Min-ji asks. "Have you come across anyone else?"

Jae-ho nods. "Yes, I've encountered a few, but not all of them have been friendly. Some are hostile, willing to do whatever it takes to survive, even if it means turning on others."

Jae-ho looks at the group expectantly, his gaze shifting from one member to another. "So, what's your plan moving forward?" he asks, curiosity evident in his tone.

" We're heading to Pinaencheo Oasiseu " Mr Park replies before anyone else can answer and without stating the fact that they were going to meet the others there.

 Jae-ho's eyebrows raise in surprise at the mention of the location. "Pinaencheo Oasiseu? That's quite a journey from here," he remarks, his tone thoughtful.

Mr. Park nods. "Yes, it is. But we have reasons for heading there."

Jae-ho studies their faces, sensing there's more to their plan than they're letting on. However, he doesn't press for further details. "I see. Well, if that's where you're headed, I can guide you there safely. There are some areas we should avoid along the way."

"Thank you," So Mi says gratefully. "We appreciate any help you can offer."

With a nod, Jae-ho rises to his feet. "Let's get moving then. It's a bit of a trek, but we should reach Pinaencheo Oasiseu before nightfall if we keep a steady pace."

The group gathers their belongings and follows Jae-ho as he leads them out of the shelter and back into the desolate streets of The city, their destination set on the distant refuge ahead.

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