
A Taste of Chaos

Meet Ji Hoon, our 23-year-old protagonist grappling with the weight of his past and struggling to provide for his brother Min Jae, a beacon of hope in his sombre world. Little does he know that his live is about to take a turn and the world as he knows it is about to experience a cascade of events that could very well shatter the delicate balance of reality. Now faced with challenges greater than he could have ever imagined, will he be able to overcome all odds and uncover the secrets of the universe?? and the mysterious system he suddenly discovers?? .... The system doesn't appear for while into the story so if you're here for that, please be patient. Also I'm a new author so the story might be a little rough at the start, please bear with it, it gets better. That's all, I hope you enjoy the read.

David_F365 · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Chapter 10 : Into the Chaos

As they walked back to their apartments, Min-ji expressed her concern, saying, "Things seem to be continuously getting worse."

The group let out a collective sigh as they thought about everything that had happened.

Ji hoon then spoke up, "I plan to leave the apartment with Min-Jae today," bringing everyone out of their thoughts.

The announcement took everyone by surprise. So Mi immediately asked, "Leave? Where would you go, and why?"

Ji hoon took a moment before responding "I think it's time we find a safer place, away from the unknown threats here. Staying might be more dangerous."

So Mi and the others exchanged worried glances, realizing that the situation was indeed becoming increasingly perilous.

As the gravity of Ji-hoon's decision sunk in, Soo Won voiced her concern, "But where do you plan to go? And what about the rest of us?"

Ji hoon, looking resolute, explained, "I don't have a specific plan yet, but I believe we need to leave this building. It's too risky to stay. As for the rest of you, you should decide what's best for yourselves. We can't stay here indefinitely."

Soo Won, taking charge of the situation, asserted, "Leaving is the right call, but we need a proper plan. We can't just wander into the unknown without any direction. We should gather supplies, figure out a destination, and maybe find a more secure place."

Agreeing with her, the group moved to Ji-hoon's apartment, unaware that Mr. Park lingered nearby, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Once inside, they began discussing the crucial details. Ji-hoon, feeling the weight of responsibility, outlined his initial thoughts, "I think our best bet is to head towards the outskirts of the city. We need to avoid crowded areas and find a place where we can fortify ourselves."

"Where do you have in mind" Soo won asked

Ji-hoon brought out his phone from his pocket and opened a map of the city showing their current location in Dosim-gu and tracing a path with his finger towards a small rural settlement on the outskirt of the city called Songnim Maeul.

As Ji-hoon pointed to Songnim Maeul on the map, the group huddled around his phone to get a better view. He explained that Songnim Maeul was a less populated area compared to their current location. The idea was to minimize the risk of encountering infected individuals or potential threats. He also mentioned that they could explore some supermarkets along the way to gather additional supplies.

He explained the intended route he had in mind to avoid unnecessary problems along the way and they all absorbed the information calculating the risks they might face along the way.

"What do you think?" he asked after his explanation

"I think it's worth it," Soo Won replied, receiving nods of agreement from the group.

With that taken care of, Ji-hoon listed out the essentials they needed for their journey.

"Alright, let's make a list of what we need. First, food. Soo won, could you and Min-ji handle that?, focus on non-perishable items." Soo Won and Min-ji nodded, ready to take on the responsibility.

"Water should be a priority too. I'll make sure we have enough bottled water," Min-ji added.

"Good. Now, medical supplies. Min-jae, you and I will handle that. First aid kits, any medications we might need."

Min-jae acknowledged the task "Right, I'll check for bandages, antiseptics, and basic medicines."

Soo Won chimed in, "We should also have a source of light, like a torch. It gets dark, and we don't know what we might encounter."

"And a basic toolkit, you know, just in case," So Mi reminded.

"Good suggestions. Also, personal hygiene items. Masks and sanitizers are crucial. Soo Won, can you add that to your list?"

Soo Won agreed, "Absolutely. We need to stay clean and protected."

"Finally, warm clothing. That'll be on each of us, let's make sure we pack them because of the weather. Let's have extra layers and blankets." Ji-hoon emphasized

"Great. Let's get to it. We'll leave in the evening, so let's be ready by then, also let's try and be careful and not cause panic among the other residents." Ji-hoon ends the meeting with this and everyone goes on their way to prepare.

By 6 pm, they gathered in Ji-hoon's apartment, each with their assigned tasks completed. Ji-hoon looked at Soo Won and Min-ji, "How long will the food we packed last for all five of us?"

Soo Won replied, "It should last about a week, at most."

Ji-hoon nodded, "Alright, that means we'll need to get more from any supermarkets we pass along the way. We can't afford to run out."

Everyone agreed with the plan, realizing the importance of having an ample supply of food.

So Mi then suggested, "Maybe we should distribute all the supplies among us, just in case we get separated after leaving the apartment. That way, each of us will have some essentials.

"The idea resonated with everyone, and they began the process of redistributing the supplies among their individual packs. Each person ensured they had a fair share of food, water, medical supplies, and other essentials.

"Alright, this looks good. We should leave now before it gets too dark. Make sure you've got everything you need in your packs. We stick together, and if we have to split up, we share information on our locations. Safety in numbers," Ji-hoon emphasized.

With everything prepared, they all get out of the unit and make their way to the apartment exit carefully to avoid alerting any of the other residents.

Their advance is cut short though when they come face to face with Mr Park and Miss Kim standing at the exit, their expressions unreadable expressions unreadable. Ji-hoon, Soo Won, Min-jae, Min-ji, and So Mi exchanged wary glances.

"Leaving, are we?" Mr. Park broke the silence, a sly smile playing on his lips."

"We can't stay here. It's not safe anymore," Ji-hoon replied, his tone firm.

Miss Kim nodded in agreement, "I've seen enough. Staying here won't do any good."

"Mind if we join your little expedition?" Mr. Park asked, raising an eyebrow.

Soo Won exchanged a sceptical glance with Ji-hoon, but they ultimately nodded. "Fine, let's stick together."

The unlikely group of survivors, now including Mr. Park and Miss Kim, ventured out into the uncertain world beyond their apartment. The empty streets of Seoul, once bustling with life, now echoed a haunting silence and just like that, they began their perilous journey toward Songnim Maeul.