

Devesh had come to Advik's home for the post-wedding rituals. It was 9am in the morning and the ritual of Seth Bhaiya was going on. Everyone was enjoying a lot. Then was the Majgad ritual followed by Jua Khelna and Mutthi Khulai. Then was the ritual of bride's Sir Guthi.

The rituals were over by 2pm and Chhaya was getting ready for her Pag Phera rasam. Her brothers would be there anytime to take her home for the ritual and Advik had to come in the evening to take her back. Their room was to be decorated for their wedding night.

Chhaya's brothers came, they had their lunch and took Chhaya with them. They reached her home. She was immediately engulfed in a hug by her mother. She also hugged her father. They had an emotional moment.

Bhavna reached Chhaya's house. They hugged each other as if meeting after years. Chhaya took Bhavna to her room. They started talking. Bhavna was asking about her day hoping to hear something about Devesh but Chhaya very well knew this and was teasing her.

"You are very clever. Making your own love story in my wedding. When are you guys getting married by the way?"

She asked teasingly. Bhavna blushed and said.

"My parents are not aware yet. Devesh wants that we tell them together. Once they approve then."

"Ohhooo!! Blushy blushy!!"

Chhaya repeated her words just like Bhavna had said when they were talking about Advik. They talked for some more time when Nalini called them outside saying that Advik had arrived. They went outside and saw Advik sitting there with Ananya, one of Advik's cousin sister and Devesh.

Bhavna and Devesh looked at each other and smiled. Bhavna gasped when she saw Devesh winking at her. She looked around to see if anyone saw that, thankfully no one was looking. She glared at him. He chuckled at her attempt to look intimidating. She looked anything but that.

They had their dinner and went home with Chhaya. Bhavna also went back home.


It had been two weeks since Chhaya's wedding. Devesh and Bhavna had been talking to each other all this while, late night calls, video calls.

"Devesh when are we planning to tell my parents about us? You said that we will tell them after Chhaya's wedding. Its already been two weeks now."

"I am sorry jaan. I got busy in work. A lot of work was pending due to the wedding. Once I am done with this we will tell them. Promise."

"Hmm. Ok."

They talked for some more time and slept at around 1:30am.


It has been a few days that Bhavna had talked to Devesh about them. She was sitting in her room checking notebooks when her mother called her outside for dinner.

They were having dinner and Bhavna saw her parents exchanging weird glances as if wanting to say something. They were almost done with their dinner when Bhavna couldn't take anymore and said.

"What happened? Do you want to say something? Stop signalling each other."

"Its- umm- actually-"

"Tell me mumma, what is it?"

"A marriage proposal has come for you."


"Haan beta. The family saw you in Chhaya's wedding and the boy was immediately interested in you. I know them personally. Both the family and the boy are very good. And he likes you."

"But papa what about me? What if I don't like him?"

"Beta we won't force you for anything. They are coming tomorrow. Meet him and if you don't like him, its fine. Nobody will force you."

Bhavna nodded, washed her plate,wished them a goodnight and went to her room. She needed to talk to Devesh. They needed to tell their parents. She can't get married to anyone else. Those were the only thoughts going on in her mind. She shut the door of her room and dialled Devesh. He picked up after some rings.

"Devesh i wanted to te-"

"I am busy Bhavna. If its not very important can we please talk later."

She was stunned. This was the first time he was talking to her like that. She felt tears pooling in her eyes. Not wanting to cry in front of him she mumbled an okay and disconnected the call.

A few tears escaped from her eyes and she quickly wiped them away.

"He is busy alright, but he could have said it politely. Why did he have to be so cold. I won't talk to him now, until he calls me himself and says sorry."

She mumbled cutely. Was she overreacting? Maybe. But she was not used to his cold tone. He had always talked to her so politely and lovingly.

She decided about telling the guy coming tomorrow, whoever he was a No and then telling her parents the truth. She can't hide it forever.

She slept thinking about all this. The next morning came and Bhavna got ready to go to school. Her mother had asked her to come on time as she would need her help preparing for the dinner. Bhavna smiled meekly and nodded.

She went to school and prayed that evening never come. But it was as if God was against her and the day went by more quickly.

Why is it that when you want the time to stop it passes by more quickly?

She entered her home to the sight of her mother in the kitchen cooking food and her father helping her. She asked Bhavna to get fresh and then come outside to help her with the food.

It was 4:10 and Bhavna was ready when the bell rang.