
Chapter 23: No Choice

“What the hell is with this guy?” I said, my carpet would probably be worn down from the amount I had been pacing.

Wade sat on the couch holding the invitation, staring at it as if he could decipher it’s meaning with sheer will.

“How come I wasn’t invited?” Lonnie said tossing a grin my way. I rolled my eyes, but I smiled too.

Wade looked at Lonnie and then back down at the invitation. “We have to go.”

I sighed “It’s a trap.”

Wade scoffed “Of course it’s a trap. It doesn’t matter. We need the information.”

I cursed under my breath and walked into the kitchen placing my hands on the counter and hanging my head. He was right, I knew he was right but that didn’t matter. We had barely made it out of the compound with our lives last time.

Lonnie spoke, looking back and forth between Wade and I “Aren’t we forgetting something?”

“Like you telling us how you happened to just have a panther cub handy?” I said looking over at him from where I stood.