
A tale of Royalty and disaster

A princess that had many fine traits that were evident both in public and in private: warmth, sweetness, affection, femininity, naturalness, grace, sensitivity, reserve, humility, wit, instinctive sympathy, thoughtfulness, generosity, kindness, courtesy, resilience, exuberance, energy, self-discipline, courage. But .... What if she choose a wrong decision for her lover What will happen to her .? In The End ....

Nikunj_Gaur · Lịch sử
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Once there lived a beautiful princess named Amelia who was the Princess of EUROPE.

She was everything one can ask for . From a kind person to a sensible human being


She was much different from her royal family. She built her own rules ,was carefree and was charitable and sweet .

While she was born into a noble family, Amelia was your typical teen who played with her siblings, wore funky outfits, loved her pet, and worked random jobs. (In fact, she was the first royal bride to have a paying job before her engagement).

At school Amelia excelled in athletics, music, and art. She did not enjoy math and science. One of her favorite things to do was to work with the elderly and the disabled. She loved to help others. When she completed boarding school at the age of sixteen, she went to finishing school in Spain.Finishing school is where girls from high society families learn about cooking, dancing, and attending parties. Amelia didn't like the school and begged her father to let her come home. He finally agreed and she returned to England.

When Amelia turned 18 she moved into an apartment with three of her friends. She didn't need money because her father paid for all of her expenses. However, she also didn't want to just sit around and attend parties. Amelia took a job as an assistant at a Kindergarten. She really loved working with kids. She also took jobs babysitting for friends.