

Demonic_Monarch · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Trapped In The Depths

Each beat of Ryu's heart, which pounded in his chest as he desperately ran deeper into the forest, echoed the horror coursing through him. The ferocious wolf pursued him with unwavering zeal.

Every glimpse back at the beast fueled his resolve to find a way out. Then, in the midst of the chaos, Ryu's eyes locked onto a cave located atop a nearby mountain, its entrance beckoning him with a glimmer of hope.

Ryu, gasping for breath, muttered to himself through ragged breaths,

'I have no other option.'

Fear and adrenaline propelled him forward as he sprinted towards the cave entrance, the feeling of struggle and panic urging him onward.

With every thundering step, he could hear the wolf's growls closing in.

Just as the wolf lunged towards him, its jaws snapping hungrily, Ryu mustered every ounce of strength and dived into the safety of the cave, narrowly escaping its razor-sharp teeth.

Collapsed against the cave wall, Ryu trembled with fear, his heart racing from the close encounter. The weight of his survival weighed heavily on his shoulders, and a sense of vulnerability washed over him.

He cautiously peered outside, meeting the unwavering gaze of the wolf. In that moment, Ryu felt a mixture of fear and defiance, a silent plea for salvation escaping his lips,

'God damn, please save me,' his voice barely audible in the darkness.

Fear surged through his veins as he realized he was trapped. However, the gnawing ache in his stomach reminded him of another pressing concern.

Despite the oppressive mustiness that filled the cave, hunger gnawed at him, urging him to explore deeper within.

'I can't stay here forever,' Ryu murmured, his voice tinged with hesitation. 'I'll have to go further into the cave.'

With his nose closed tightly, warding off the repugnant odor, he proceeded cautiously. The air grew stale and heavy, suffocating his senses.

Each stride into the unknown sent shivers down his spine, the walls of the cave closing in around him. The darkness stretched out endlessly before him, swallowing any trace of life.

Ryu's heart sank, frustration building within him.

The cave seemed endless, its depths an inescapable maze. Doubt clouded his mind as he questioned whether he would ever find a way out.

'Damn, what kind of luck is this? Will I ever find a way out?'

Ryu muttered, his voice laced with frustration and despair.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on Ryu's body, and with a final misstep, his leg became lodged in a narrow crevice, causing him to stumble and fall.

Unbeknownst to him, the wolf continued to wait patiently outside, anticipating its next meal.

The following morning, rays of sunlight filtered through the cracks of the cave entrance, gently rousing Ryu from his unconscious state.

His eyes fluttered open, memories of the wolf's pursuit flooding back, reminding him of the imminent danger he was in.

'Where am I? What happened?'

Ryu muttered, disoriented and groggy.

To momentarily distract himself from his dire situation, Ryu surveyed his surroundings, seeking solace or a clue to his escape.

His eyes instinctively darted towards the cave entrance, relieved to find it empty.

'No one's out there... but what if the wolf is hiding?'

Ryu's voice trailed off, his anxiety lingering in the air.

Doubt gnawed at his mind as he revisited the events of the previous night. He remembered his leg getting stuck, prompting him to reexamine the cave's inner depths in search of answers.

To his surprise, the repugnant stench that had transfused the cave seemed to disappear as Ryu ventured deeper.

He noticed the walls becoming more visible, bathed in a soft, ethereal glow from a ray of light that illuminated a small tomb-like structure.

Intrigued, Ryu's voice echoed through the chamber, 'This is interesting. What could be beyond?'

Compelled by curiosity, he followed the path of light, which led him to a radiant object.

The diamond-shaped pattern glistened with a glossy red surface, adorned with hints of yellowish-green, captivating his attention.

'What is this? I've never seen anything like it before,'

Ryu murmured, his voice filled with wonder and awe.

Eager to examine it closer, Ryu took a step forward, but his anticipation was interrupted by a low growl that reverberated through the cave.

Startled, Ryu spun around, only to discover that the cave entrance had been sealed by large stones, trapping him inside.

'What the heck is this?'

Ryu exclaimed, frustration seeping into his voice.

He felt a surge of desperation as he tried to move the stones, his muscles straining against their weight. But his attempts were in vain, and frustration welled up inside him.

The realization that he couldn't escape at the moment forced him to shift his focus to the strange object he had discovered, hoping it held the key to his freedom.

As Ryu's fingers made contact with the object, a wave of softness and familiarity washed over him. He quickly realized it was some sort of edible fruit.

However, before he could fully comprehend its nature, a large rock crashed down from above, narrowly missing him.

'What the heck was that?' Ryu's voice quivered with alarm and confusion.

The cave's security system had been activated, and the walls began to crumble, threatening to bury Ryu alive.

In a rush of adrenaline, he scrambled onto the small tomb-like structure, instinctively knowing it held the key to deactivating the security mechanism.

'Luckily, this tomb saved me,'

Ryu panted, his voice a mixture of relief and exhaustion.

With relief washing over him, Ryu examined the strange fruit in his hands.

He contemplated whether it was safe to consume, knowing that satisfying his hunger was of utmost importance.

'Should I eat it? Well, I don't have much of a choice,' Ryu muttered, his voice tinged with a touch of hesitance.

Taking a small bite, Ryu's face lit up with a smile as he savored the delicious taste, the flavors exploding on his palate.

Ryu's worried and tense expression swiftly morphed into one of contentment and joy.

Although the fruit had provided a momentary respite from his hunger. He realized it would be fleeting.

Numerous enigmas lay concealed within the cave. And his quest for an exit had merely commenced."

"True beauty lies not in perfection, but in the authenticity of imperfection."

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