
A Systems' Wish

I, Muerto, lived an unlucky, miserable life, and then after, I was brutally killed! How rude… However! I woke up and realised I was reincarnated in a baby boy’s body. In this world, there's magic, of course, artificial magic. And now, after finally receiving my magic, I was given a dark prophecy, although it's said that there’s a way to prevent this. Hooray! Starting today! I'll be training to be strong, then I will go to a school for us ‘new to magic’ kids. After all this, I will set out on a journey to prevent this stupid prophecy from happening to me. Amazing. Oh! And it looks like I have friends coming with me…

Mysteryandhotmen · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Oh my, I really did reincarnate...

I woke up to the sound of a baby crying.

It was quite annoying as I was just trying to recover from my dream or what I assumed that it was a dream. Then it came to me, instantly I opened my eyes to see.

I looked up and saw a beautiful young woman. She had emerald green eyes that stood out because of her medium length wavy black hair. Her nose was pointed, and her face was soft looking, and its shape looked like those korean idols. She also wore blue hospital pyjamas.

She was sweating a lot, and her eyes looked red like she was on the verge of collapsing to sleep, and she had been crying for a while.

Next to her, a handsome young man. He has short red hair with a few streaks of grey strands that were pushed back. He has hazel eyes and a very fluffy looking beard. He looked very muscular, and did I mention that he had a very sharp square jawline? He wore a black turtleneck and a charcoal coloured blazer.

I assumed that these two were a couple.

Suddenly, I was picked up by the young man. I immediately thought about how that was possible as I was a full-grown adult that weighed 189 pounds!

I tried to talk, but the only word that came out of my mouth (well, I don't know if this is really a word) is 'Oooh' in a cute voice. I sounded like a baby!

The man looked happy and talked in a language that I didn't quite understand. He then passed me to the woman, and she cradled me in her arms.

I reached out to her and saw my arm. It was chubby and short, and my hand was so small.

She held my hand and then looked up to her husband, I suppose with a smile on her face, then back to me and spoke with an unknown language with tears in her eyes.

Then, at this point, her words started to become understandable. She said: 'Your name will be Calixto Roosevelt'.

At this point, I came to the conclusion that I was really reincarnated in another world, or maybe dimension, even.

After my bonding moment with my new mother and father, I was soon given to a nurse. Well, I thought she was a nurse. Rather, I was appalled to see that she was a robot.

Her full body was the colour blue, and she was bald, and her forehead had a bright red circle with the same coloured cross in the middle. She was also wearing a nurse's typical uniform that was the colour white, like in my previous world.

She carried me to a high crib (it's where you put newborn babies), but my crib was floating on the floor. Now I must say it's quite cool. She then pushed the floating crib next to my new mother.

I studied the room, it was very futuristic and more different than what I was accustomed to.

On my right side, I was beside the bed where my mother lay, including my father, who was sitting on a floating couch to my left in the far middle of the room. Next to my mother was a big window, in the corner of the window was a small plant blooming of roses. And in front of the bed just about 200 cm from us was a counter and a see-through refrigerator. On the right wall in the middle of it is an automatic sliding door that leads to a hallway.

The robot went to the sliding door after she covered me with a warm blanket that would prevent me from moving (not going to lie, I was quite comfortable with this), afterwards she set me to my crib. Then, after a few minutes, a boy about 10 years old went inside with another woman. My guess is that the woman is either a relative or a babysitter.

The boy was also good-looking. He has short, fluffy black hair with hazel eyes. His face looks like he could steal your girl with just one look. At the age of 10 or so, he already has a sharp jawline like his father's.

He came running to my mother and hugged her, then immediately went to look at me over the crib. The woman soon followed in. She was tall with short length hair black hair. Her eyes were the same colour as my mother's. She wore a long sleeved flowy white ivory dress that was below knee length that matched with white pointed sandals.

The two women also hugged each other. The soon after joined with the boy.

Soon after, she picked me up and cradled me in her arms, then rocked me back and forth.

'She has your eyes' said the woman who now I assumed is my mothers sibling.

'Yes, yes, he does. My son, this is your Aunt Annalise.' My mother replied with a warm smile.

I'm quite happy that I inherited my mother's emerald eyes, as green is a very beautiful colour and it's also unique in my past life.

I don't know if it's still that unique in this world, though.

'May I hold him?' said a kid's voice.

'Of course you can, but hold him gently because he's very precious.'

At that moment, Aunt Annalise slowly gave me to the little boy. He, too, also held me very gently like I was the most fragile human in the world.

'Hello there! I'm Callum, your big brother! Hehe.'

How fortunate I am, I really was reincarnated, to a good-looking family too.