
Ch 59. Scolding

"What made you think shanking a student was a good idea kid?" The principal was obviously annoyed and a little concerned with Frit's mental state. It was not common for someone to come at another student with the intent to harm. Or at least not from what the Principal has heard about his school.

"What do you have to say for yourself?"

He looked at the man who was scolding him from his comfy chair across the room. Fritz was not sure what the problem was.

"I was being attacked and I defended myself what's wrong with that?"

The Principal leaned forward in his chair and squinted at the kid. He was not sure if the kid was being truthful or just playing stupid for getting caught.

"There are scissors in the wall and the teacher saw you attack a student with a pencil. That is not defending yourself that is actively trying to hurt someone at that point. I think a few days suspension will do you some good and help you rethink your actions."