
Ch 11. A quick sentence

Sarah, Kaz, and Perish, all tied up, walked behind the bandits as they were paraded through the town. The bandits who Kaz had found out were the militia from this town. They were seen as protectors of these people, but to Kaz, they were just bullies and thugs. Some people threw rotten vegetables at them while the kids watched from behind the skirts of their mothers. Some people cursed them for prolonging a war and killing so many people.

He still did not know enough about this world to understand exactly what they were mad about, but he had an inkling of an idea. It sounds like there is a war between humans and monsters, not just some disagreement.

The three were walking up to a large guillotine and placed in a row by the side of it. The Leader of the militia, who was an ugly brutish looking thug, stepped in front of them and smiled before turning back to the crowd.

"We have here two monsters and a traitor. All caught by us just moments ago planning to attack and take over this village." The Leader spat at Kaz and looked him in the eyes. Kaz met his gaze. The Leader looked angry now.

"We are not some simple villagers, you monster. We won't fall to simple creatures like you." Sarah tried crying out to explain what was happening, but one of the militiamen quickly gagged her and smacked her across the face.

"We don't listen to little witches. We know what kinds of tricks you can cast with that dirty little tongue of yours." The crowd cheers, and the Leader smiles at them. He is taking in the theatrics like water. Kaz was sick to his stomach. He was close to death's door once again, and it seemed like there was nothing he could do.

"Why were humans so despicable?" He thought to himself as he tried to come up with some plan of escape. But how was he going to free both Sarah and Perish and get away from the guards? He looked over to Perish, who had her hair raised on end and her teeth bare. She was upset with how they were treating Sarah, but she quickly got back in line when the Leader noticed her.

"You must be the Witches familiar if you try to protect her like that." He turns to look at every one. "See, this is a sign that she is a witch in collusion with the monsters!" Sarah was sobbing now all hope was lost in her eyes. Perish looked around for some way to escape but could not see any options. Kaz was in the same boat.

As if the wind itself answered their mental cries, a voice began speaking to Kaz. "When I say run, you will turn around and rush back into the forest. Nod slowly if you understand."

Kaz had no clue where the voice was coming from, but he looked over and saw both Perish and Sarah nodding slowly. He decided to do the same, and suddenly a bright light came from the middle of the crowd as a skinny young boy called out a spell. "Flash!" the crowd began to scream and disperse in multiple directions away from the young boy who was not running towards the prisoners. Perish and Sarah both started to run as fast as they could back away from the militia. Kaz was stunned for a moment. He did not expect anything so bright. He needed time to adjust his vision since he saw stars. The young boy was now in front of him and swiftly moved past him, grabbing Kaz and bringing him along. "I said, move it!" Kaz stumbled a little before running with the boy. The Leader called out to the other men, and they rushed after the three escapees. "Don't let them getaway, or they will bring reinforcements to slaughter us all!" Making sure to emphasize the last part, the Leader pulled out a crossbow and aimed it at Sarah, who was the slowest of the bunch. The young boy saw what was about to happen and called out another spell. "Shield!" a bright glowing circle appeared behind Sarah, and the bolt flew and broke into it, falling to the ground.

The young boy took his hands and touched Kaz's bindings. "Untangle!" The binding came loose, and Kaz was free again. The young boy looked at Kaz as they ran and handed him a knife. "Please protect Sarah and Perish!"


Protect Perish and Sarah as they escape.

Reward 7 Character Points

Failure- -2 Ego, -2 Body, -1 Presence

With only a knife in hand, Kaz turned around and stopped where he was. Three men were following after them, and one almost ran into Kaz. The man swung his sword at the kobold, but Kaz was swifter than the fighter and dodged out of the attack. Using his dagger, he shot forward and plunged it into the man's chest. Then he let go of the blade and prepared for the next attack. The man struggled back, trying to get the knife out of him and dropped his sword, which Kaz quickly picked up to prepare for the next attack.

The two remaining men continued past Kaz ignoring their fallen comrade. The Leader of the group stopped in front of Kaz with an elegant rapier in his hand. He looked at Kaz and smiled. "Your friends are going to die either by guillotine or by our blades. It does not matter to me in the least."

Kaz looked back and saw that the militia was almost upon his friends. He had not time to save them because the Leader charged him. All Kaz could do was parry the attacks coming his way. The Leader was more skilled than the other men. Kaz had innate training due to his feat, but he could tell this man had more experience fighting. Without any of his tactics from before, Kaz was not sure how he was going to fight off this man and save his friends.

I've decided to post extra chapters if we reach milestones.

Every 5 Privileged readers we get I will post an extra chapter. Privilege is only 1 coin so come join us and read ahead ^.^

Currently 7/100 privilege readers

Extra chapters posted so far 1/1

Delphonsecreators' thoughts