
A Switch in Time

Tobin got more than what he bargained for when he decided to switch worlds with his look alike out of curiosity and his love for Magic. He found himself in a world where magic rules and everyone is expected to be a custodian of one form of power. He is expected to pretend to be Lord Harold a young great Wizard of Ozir. What will he do when he discovers it would not be purely adventure for him because being Lord Harold places alot of responsibilities on his young shoulders for his land and his BETROTHED. Yes during the switch his look alike kept tight lips on a lot of details. Will Tobin get a to the end of this adventure by accepting his new identity as Lord Harold and marry Naomi his bethrothed or was there going to be a way of escape for Tobin to return back to his world ? EXCERPT Tobin paced around the large living room confused on how to go about the proposal befor him. His hands were sweating and his legs could hardly carry him. The people of Ozir have been challenged by another kingdom into a deadly magical competition and the people have rushed down to him to see what he would say about the challenge. The people of Ozir have never been known to refuse any challenge as it has always been their desired to be known as the strongest kingdom with magic. "I think it is time for me to come clean. I cannot risk my life knowing fully well I have no powers of my own. But then who would even believe my story and not call me a coward instead? " Tobin asked himself as he looked around in confusion to the faces of people waiting for his reply. The people have never seen Lord Harold ponder about any challenge. It has always been a straight yes from him From the corners of his eyes he could noticed Naomi taking calculated steps towards him. She was his betrothed and he knew what she was coming to do. She was coming to persuade him to take the challenge for the sake of the people.

Delta_Line · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs


Immediately they took a portal to the mansion, Tyre took excuse to be absent while leaving Calvin with a confused Tobin in his room.

After Tobin switched the responsibility of making the portal, Tyre was the one who created the portal. For Tobin it was like moving in a n elevator but this time it was faster. In last than one minute they were in the desires location and that was directly in the chambers of Tobin.

He took his time to have a look around the room. The decoration was old fashion but neatly done. The bed is a huge one located right at the center of the room with a lot of weird objects hanging around the room.

He reasoned that the objects must be for one form of magic or the other.

"What is this place, this looks magnificent " Tobin wondered at the beauty he was looking through his window. His window had direct look over the kingdom. Once could see a alot from that single stand point. Although the buildings were not as elegant as what he was used to in the city, he could see beauty and uniqueness of this place. He could see men and women chatting freely moving around. Many a times he would notice young woman look towards the direction of the house. He had this feeling they were always looking out hoping Lord Harold was having a view of them.

"What exactly is this land called? Magic land? " Tobin asked moving to the bed to rest his back more to himself than to Calvin who just stood around waiting to be talked to.

"The land of Ozir my Lord, I really am scared about how much you can remember at this point. Maybe we will need to make a portion to make you remember things again faster " Calvin suggested with a look of worry in his eyes.

Tobin knew that wasn't his problem he waved it away immediately. He didn't want anyone giving him anything he would regret tasting.

"No don't worry, I will be fine I think I just need to rest a little " Tobin waved him aside.

He looked around to see if Bam was around but discovered the wolf was nowhere to be found he must have left with Tyre. He probably knew by now that Tobin was an imposter.

"Lord Harold what will you have me do now for you, will you like to have your bath now or you intend to do something else first " Calvin asked as he tries to switch topic.

The name Lord Harold was soungine really nice in the ears of Tobin but he wasn't too comfortable with it especially as Calvin looked almost same age with him. But to be sure he decided to ask

"How old are you? Tobin asked.

"Eighty -six years "

"What did you just say? Tobin asked standing up to look at him closely.

"I am Eighty-six years my Lord " Calvin replied this time unable to maintain eye contact with him.

Tobin staggared back a little looking daze at the situation. He blinked his eyes several times to be sure he was seeing correctly.

How can someone who is Eighty-six look like a sixteen year old.

"Then how old....

"You are two hundred and sixty-two my Lord " came a sharp reply from Calvin befor Tobin could even complete his statement.

"How come? This people don't age or what? Tobin asked trying to hide his confusion without success.

" where is he, where is that man that left me for days without a word " Tobin heard a female voice calling out. He could tell the voice was coming to his room.

He looked at Calvin immediately for explanation.

"Its your betrothed, Lady Naomi she is coming, I better take my leave now " Calvin said reaching for the door with fear in his eyes. It was obvious Tobin was in some kind of trouble.


"My Lord I think this is an opportunity for us to strike the kingdom of Ozir, their champion is in a state of confusion and doesn't know who he is for now" Tyre reports to Lord Lakan of the kingdom of Logus another Magic kingdom. Lord Lakan is a powerful wizard in Logus.

The kingdom of Logus have always been in constant battle for supremacy with other kingdoms especially the kingdom of Ozir. They have spies working in every other kingdom who feed them with any opportunity of weakness for them to strike.

Tyre working as an apprentice of Lord Harold was also a spy from Logus. He was assigned to pretend to work under Lord Harold until he was sure to have discover a weak point in Ozir that they would be able to explore. Hence when Tobin(Lord Harold) came out of the hut without clear remembrance of some details and having witness the fear in his eyes after seeing a mere wolf he was convinced that this was an opportunity. The additional fact that, Tobin could not create a portal was a confirmation.