
Chapter 5 – College

(Godolkin University – Gym complex – March 5th 2016)

"COME ON CLARK" The instructor yelled as Clark was laying before him on a triple-reinforced push-up bench his face red and sweat dripping. "KEEP GOING, COME ON, ONE MORE!"

Clark let out a heavy breath as he pushed up the few dozen hundred tons of weights pushing down on him, the resistance increased by giant magnets on the floor next to him trying toll pull the massive weights down. A regular man and most common supes would have been crushed or cut in half at the weight he was lifting but for Clark, it was all a normal Saturday evening for him. Letting out a final push he pushed against the resistance making his arms go straight and completing his last rep of the evening.

"Yes! That's what I am talking about." The instructor quickly pressed on his Vought Pad to turn off the magnets and a mechanical arm moved out to take the weights Clark had just been lifting. "Great session tonight, excellent as always."

"Thanks." Clark breathed out as he wiped the sweat off of his face and moved to rehydrate grabbing one of the large jugs of water placed next to him drowning it in one. "So how close am I?"

"200 more tons and officially at least you are benching the same as Homelander." The instructor gave the 21-year-old future superhero a massive grin as he turned the result around to show Clark.

Clark gave an appreciative nod and cracked a rare prideful smile at his achievements. Whilst many knew Clark was beyond modest, he did take this rare moment to be proud of where he had reached. He was only 21 but he was already the second strongest person on the planet behind Homelander of course. And who knew, a decade or two more he could be the world's strongest hero taking over from Homelander, the man wasn't getting any younger and eventually a new generation always had to take over. I mean just look at Soldier Boy, he died saving America and about a decade later Homelander rose to fill his void.

"So, what are you doing to celebrate." The instructor's voice sounded out next to Clark breaking him out of his current musings.

"Celebrate?" Clark asked confused his workout session had been great but it was still something he did every week without fail.

"Oh, come on, you just aced the recuse finals and on national television as well." The instructor looked disbelieving at Clark, knowing fully well what a young man like him should be doing. "You are THE pick for the upcoming draft, everyone knows you are the next Homelander, it's why those cheerleaders throw themselves at you."

"I haven't really thought about it," Clark said honestly choosing to ignore the cheerleader comment, remembering the more than a few times he had to dodge the girls on campus throwing themselves at him.

"Yeah right, well that is it for today. So, you can run along and enjoy the rest of your day." The instructor gave Clark a firm nod as he departed leaving the superabled young man alone.

Clark breathed out a deep sigh, grabbed his stuff and headed for the showers taking little notice that he was the only person present in the entire gym complex. After his very quick shower, Clark exited the gym, whilst donning his 'costume' it was still the basic black T-Shirt costume that his aunt had designed years ago. She had said that the moment he graduated they had a whole new costume ready for him that would debut him as America's next greatest hero not the Superboy but the Superman.

As he exited the gym, he suppressed another sigh as took a quick look around the campus, the Vought hero 'college' was more of a reality show than an educational program. Everywhere he went there were cameras, placed to fill everything for one of Vought's premier shows Varsity. It made him feel kind of sick, the teachers he had always looked surprised when he showed up actually wanting to learn crime-fighting techniques even after 3 years at the school. And that wasn't even mentioning the times the place was almost the Hunger Games with the number of people trying to backstab each other just to get ahead.

However, Clark didn't really worry about that too much as everyone seemed to give him a wide berth. He wasn't sure if it was just because of how powerful he was compared to everyone else at the 'college' or if it was something else. He had a sneaking suspicion that Stan Edgar or his aunt was also making threats behind the scenes as well, keeping the more ambitious people off of him. He wasn't sure how to feel about that as it seemed underhanded but he was also grateful as it kept him from having to deal with the madness a lot of other people like him dealt with.

"HEY CK!" The voice that sounded out immediately drew Clark's attention and he turned his head to see a face that he hadn't seen in a few years.

"Alex?" Clark questioned his sigh and blinked a few times before he realised that he wasn't imagining things. There stood at the foot of the gym stairs leaning against a new model Chrysler was Alex the young superhero Drummer Boy giving Clark a wide smile. "Alex, my god I haven't seen you since…"

"That good awful New Year's Eve party Vought hosted in Chicago back in 2014." Alex finished his old friend's sentence pushing off of his car as he smiled at Clark, "It was right before Young America disbanded and you started the whole sole career thing."

"Hey, you know that wasn't my decision and you knew how I felt about the team. We weren't reall-" Clark started to try to apologise remembering that the party was the last time he had seen basically anyone from Young America.

"Hey, I know. And I'm not here to bust your balls okay. I was in town, and I thought it would be good to catch up." Alex said cutting Clark off giving his old friend a wide smile that Clark always remembered that his friend had on his face.

"Yeah sure, that sounds great," Clark said walking down the stairs to stand in front of his friend, who now had to look up to see into Clark's face. "I just finished up at the gym so do want to get a meal or something the cafeteria is open 24/7 here."

"Sounds good but there is actually a party I've been invited to, it's nothing major just a few friends," Alex said casually gesturing to his car a smile gracing his face. "I'll drive us and trust me it will be an epic night."

Clark looked at Alex for a few moments his senses telling him that something was off and had a feeling that he shouldn't go with the superhero pop star. He had heard rumours that Alex was into some things that Clark wanted no part of and that the former teen Supe pop star had fallen into a bad crowd. However, Clark also felt that he needed a night off, he was giving his all to become a superhero and wasn't his instructor right shouldn't he take a moment to celebrate his achievements. Besides, he knew Alex the guy may have struggled with the super life but he wasn't spiralling out of control and the tabloids were likely making things up, they did it to him all the time.

"Okay, you know what I am free for the evening, and I think a nice quiet party sounds good." Clark agreed, causing the smile on Alex's face to grow impossibly wide as he punched the air in triumph.

"Yeah, that's what I am talking about, WOOH! YEAH!" Alex suddenly seemed incredibly energetic punching the air several more times and all but snatching Clark's gym bag from him.

Clark found himself all but pushed into the car as Alex quickly through his gym bag into the back seat. Clark almost had to tear the seatbelt on as Alex suddenly jumped into the driver's seat and floored it. The speed at which Alex was driving was alarming what was even more alarming was that Alex then started up a conversation.

"So, how you've been doing? Wait stupid question, great of course I caught the last week's episode of Varsity you killed it." Alex spoke just as quick as he drove causing Clark to be unable to reply as the sound-powered man kept powering through his words. "Anyway, you hear from any of the old gang? Annie, Mary or….what was General issue's real name? I want to say Pete no Jack."

"It was Dwight, and no not really. Well, I talk to Annie still we call and keep each other updated but I haven't seen her since I moved out here, Jesus it's been three years already wow. She stayed in Des Moines and didn't think the hero college scene was for her." Clark said as kept glancing between Alex and the windscreen, as his old friend weaved through the Saturday evening traffic. "Uh Don't think we should slow down?"

"Nah it's cool, we are almost there anyway." Alex casually replied, a wide grin on his face seeing that his invincible friend looked nervous at his driving. "Yeah, me and Annie broke up you know?"

"Yeah, I heard. Sorry to hear that man you two seemed good together." Clark said, a little confused as Alex and Annie had broken up when Young America had still been a thing and clearly remembered Alex telling him at the time.

"Yeah, it wouldn't have worked out my Gran never liked her, and we were just too different you know," Alex said as he took a sharp corner, his words worried Clark as they were verbatim what Alex had said a few years ago.

"Yeah, um hey Alex are you feeling alrig-" Clark decided to press the issue as there was something clearly off about Alex and was worried that his friend seemed to be repeating an old conversation.

"And we're here!" Alex abruptly stopped the car in front of what looked like an abandoned warehouse, and without waiting to explain promptly jumped out of his side of the car.

Clark would have thought this another troubling sign of Alex's mental state, had he not noticed the makeshift parking lot Alex had parked in, which clearly showed that the place was not as abandoned as it appeared. As he looked around, he noticed that a lot of the cars seemed to be high-end models and some he swore belonged to his fellow students and a few of his teachers.

"Alex, what is this place?" Clark tried to ask his old friend who merely kept walking almost giddy as a schoolboy as he merely waved Clark to follow.

"This is going to be an epic night!" Alex said with confidence as he ignored Clark and banged on the metal door in front of him. Clark was again going to demand answers but a slit in the door at head height opened up revealing a pair of eyes.

"Oh, it's you again, like I said before B-listers piss off. This place is only for locals or the elite, and you are neither singing boy." The bouncer's deep gruff voice sounded out clearly annoyed that Alex had apparently returned, then struck the door causing it to shake slightly. "Now, beat it before I lose my cool."

"Hey, hey it's okay. Look I said I knew the local super scene, and here's proof" Alex then turned and gestured to Clark up and down like he was a prize he was showing off. Clark's brow suddenly furrowed as he realised that Alex hadn't appeared to catch up he just needed Clark to get into an exclusive club.

"Oh shit! You're the Superboy." The bouncer's gruff voice suddenly lost all pretence of anger or annoyance, as he started to unscramble the locks on the inside. Before Clark could speak up and verbally beat Alex up the Bouncer appeared gesturing for them to come inside. "My apologies to your friend, if I had known there, wouldn't have been any trouble, honest. You know what the first drink is on the house."

"That isn't necess-" Clark tried to protest but suddenly found that Alex was dragging him in with a wide smile on his face.

"That is more like it!" Alex spoke far too loudly as he exalted in his triumph, as he turned, he saw the grimace on Clark's face and let out an apologetic sigh. "Look I know this looks bad, but come on you wanted to get out and have some fun I promise you'll love this place."

Clark let out a small sigh and gave a very reluctant nod and followed Alex in. Mainly because he wanted to keep Alex safe the young man was clearly not in a good state of mind and also because he was curious. He had heard about these underground Super clubs and had been invited to a few but never attended as he heard that they were a little too wild.

But honestly, these people were superheroes how bad could it be.

(Several Hours Later)

It was bad.

Clark was deeply hating his enhanced sense at the moment as even tucked away in the VIP booth as he was he could still hear, smell and even taste most of what was happening. And there was a lot happening, half of the room was making out or worse, and the other half were high or getting there. All of which was nearly enough to make him vomit.

"Hey Baby, why don't you join us." Clark turned and saw a scantily dressed young woman calling over to him. She was clearly out of it as she was swaying side to side with our care, and her voice was detached.

Clark gave her a quick scan and saw alarming the girl was on more drugs than he could name, she was pumped to the hilt and was still going. He was about to say something when suddenly another girl also completely out of it and wearing even less clothing came up behind the first and dragged her off. The two swayed and walked jaggedly before they ended back on the dance for in a press of bodies, pushing up against one of Clark's classmates.

Clark just shook his head and picked up the drink that was sitting next to him, that he had to touch since Alex had gotten it for him and then promptly disappeared. He took a single sip, which he promptly spat out the liquid was more a cocktail of narcotics than alcohol. Deciding that he finally had enough he slammed the drink back onto the table and stood up scanning the room of debauchery for Alex.

It took him only a few moments to spot his erstwhile friend dancing or more accurately failing about in the corner of the dance floor, surrounded by a dozen people in a similar state. Clark lifted himself off of the ground and floated over the dance not wanting to wade through the bacchanal of a dance floor. The only thing he had to contend with was a pair of individuals with very little clothing on practically devouring each other that were also floating through the air.

"CK!" Alex cheered as he swayed around spotting Clark as he landed in front of him. "Hey everyone! This is my very good, bested friend, THE SUPERBOY!"

Alex's inebriated statement was made with him moving forward and slapping Clark on the chest to prove a point. However, the crowd around him was far too out of it and likely wouldn't have reacted at all even if Homelander had appeared stark naked in front of them. The only one to react was a very drunk topless girl that swayed over and through herself onto Clark's arm trying to push up against him.

"Alex I'm leaving," Clark stated firmly a grimace on his face as he pushed off the topless girl who immediately went back to dancing, so out of it she didn't care she'd been rejected. "I have no idea wh-"

Clark cut himself off as his senses suddenly registered fully what was happening to the man in front of him. Alex's heart rate was through the roof massively and was hammering away like a jackhammer in his chest, he was also sweating buckets and his pupils were dilated. That wasn't to mention the moment of mixed neurological signals and chemical imbalance Clark could also see in his friend's head.

"Oh god, Alex I need to get you to a hospital," Clark said moving forward placing his hands on Alex's shoulder making sure he didn't collapse to the floor.

"What I'm fine," Alex declared waving his hand in front of his face as his head swayed side to side in a very uncontrolled attempt to shake his head. "I swear, trust me the stuff I'm on is all good. I feel great."

"Christ Alex, I think your ODing or you're about to I need to get you out of here." Clark started pulling Alex towards the exit, but the sonic-powered hero just pulled his arm from Clark's grip.

"Hey HEY! What's the rush! The party isn't over." Alex said clearly more out of it than Clark thought as he had not heard a word his friend had said. Gesturing to the massive press of drunk, high and otherwise intoxicated supers.

"YES, IT IS." Clark rounded on Alex and lifted the other super-abled man from the ground lifting him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry, not caring about Alex's protests.

Alex was going to protest but Clark suddenly turned around and lifted one hand snapping his fingers together. For a normal person, the action would have been a futile gesture destined to be drowned out by the shrillness which was the party. However, when Clark snapped his fingers it was like a mini-explosion occurred causing several dozen people to be pushed to the floor and the music to cut out.

"OKAY! PARTY IS OVER EVERYONE OUT!" Clark's shout was accompanied by his eyes glowing red and everyone going silent as they stared at the man.

It was then like a stampede of bison as everyone scrambled to leave the premises with or without their clothing. Clark however took no notice as he merely turned around and started towards the exit carrying Alex whilst the stampeding crowd parted to make way for him. As they exited Clark felt his disgust raise as he saw that more than half of the people had just passed out of were getting high outside in the makeshift parking lot.

Clark made a beeline for the street wanting to get away from these people and find a place that he could safely take off from. However, as he was leaving, he was forced to duck dropping Alex as a bolt of electrical energy shot at where his head had been, blasting a hole through the wall. Clark looked up tracking where the attack had come from only to see that he wasn't under attack, one of his fellow students with electrical powers was just high.

The student was crackling with electricity and was still unbelievable taking drugs, crouched over the hood of a car where he had deposited a mountain of cocaine and had his head pressed into it. The man was shaking with pleasure which was causing him to blast off electrical blots into the surrounding area. Clark moved quickly dashing over to the man and pulling his head out of the mountain of coke, he was about to yell at the man about responsibility when the man with a pure look of joy on his face released a massive electrical bolt.

The bolt struck Clark directly in the middle of the chest and sent him flying crashing through a series of cars as well as buildings. His world was briefly a series of walls and rooms as he went flying back until he felt the power of the bolt dissipate and him hitting something large and metallic. He had no time to get his bearings as he felt the ceiling above him give way, causing him to react immediately and move up to grab it.

"Oh my god, oh my god." Clark's vision immediately snapped to an older woman clutching several children one with major electrical burns cowering on a stairwell to his left.

He suddenly became aware of the number of children in the building, which he was guessing was some kind of either shelter or orphanage due to the part of the city they were in and the beds he was seeing. However, he couldn't focus on that as he felt the ceiling start to buckle and cracks appearing in the poorly maintained building all of which were made worse by the smell of gas. Turning his head Clark saw what he had crashed into it was the main boiler of the building a large older model that was now leaking gas into the air.

"Uh I've got this ma'am I need you to get the children out." Clark tried to sound calm and direct his attention to the older woman on the stairs. The woman did nothing but repeat 'oh my god' stuck in a panicked tranced, causing Clark to snap at her. "MISS! I NEED YOU TO FOCUS!"

The woman's eyes went wide and she seemed to focus enough to grab the children she was carrying and start running for the exit. She moved faster than Clark thought possible for a woman her age and she basically kicked down the front door as she ran outside.

"WAIT! You need to get the other children!" Clark called after her and then cursed as the ceiling above him started to give way. He shifted his weight spreading weight over his shoulders trying to keep the ceiling up as his mind started to race trying to figure out what to do next.

"CK? You alright?" Clark's head snapped back to the front door which was under the hole he had made when he crashed into the building. A smile appeared on his face as he saw Alex standing in the doorway he was swaying slightly and still high but at the moment Clark would take what he could get.

"Alex!" Clark shouted with joy as he kept shifting his weight trying to keep the failing building from collapsing. "Alex, you need to get upstairs now and get the kids out."

"What kids?" Alex asked blinking at Clark confused in his drug-hazed state, although he had shown up to check on Clark, he was still clearly so out of it he had no idea what was happening.

"THE ONES UPSTAIRS!" Clark yelled quickly losing his patience as he felt the ceiling starting to drop and heard the children upstairs shout in panic.

"Okay, okay," Alex said almost trance-like feeling Clark's hostile tone was ruining his buzz, as he moved into the building using the wall to support him.

Clark grunted as he started to feel the ceiling truly break apart as boards and beams broke falling to the floor. The falling debris caused the panic screams from upstairs to intensify and also forced the incredibly high Alex to dodge to prevent himself from being crushed. Alex jumped into the wall and felt something plastic crack as he collided with the wall as he slumped to the floor feeling his high start to leave him, he looked up to see he had hit a light switch.

Clark's eyes widened as he saw what Alex crashed into his head immediately snapping up to the several lights he had crashed through when blasted into the building. They were all broken and the electrical wires feeding into them were showing. Clark's world slowed to a crawl as he saw the small electrical spark happen now that the circuit was completed, and then his world became white as it ignited the gas-filled air.

(Vought Central General Hospital – VIP Private room - March 7th, 2016)

"Okay, okay that's good has she signed the NDA…" Clark looked over to his aunt Mary that was sitting in the corner of her cell phone plugged into the wall and pressed to her ear. She had been on the phone so long it had died so she was forced to crouch over in her chair to charge it and talk at the same time. "…...Oh, thank God for that. Well, make sure that no one gets to her okay."

Clark's vision then turned to the TV screen that was in the hospital room, the room had been forced on him by his aunt although he wasn't injured, she had demanded he take it so they had somewhere private to talk. His face formed a grimace as he saw the headline of the currently muted TV: Drummer boy injured responding in orphanage accident, he could also see in the scroll under the headline the causality figures. What was not on the screen was his name or the fact that it had all been caused by a Supe out of his mind on cocaine, nothing of that kind whatsoever.

"That's not what happened." Clark's voice sounded out causing his aunt to look over at him her lips pressing into a thin line.

"Peter, I will call you back okay." Mary hung up the phone she had been glued to for nearly 24 straight hours not waiting for a response. Her face became all business-like and she suppressed a sigh that she had to deal with her nephew's naivety. "What was that?"

"That's not how this happened," Clark said forcefully standing and pointing to the TV. "It wasn't a gas leak or an accident, it was because a Supe got high and blasted me into the fuckin building. And Alex wasn't there being a hero, he was out of his goddam mind on drugs, JESUS he nearly OD walking through the door!"

"…So?" Mary asked her manner calm and business-like, as she looked at her young nephew.

"SO?!" Clark asked in disbelief, "SO! There need to be consequences, the Supe needs to be arrested, Alex needs to go to rehab and I want to help the survivors. I mean I was the one who crashed into the building."

"We could do a large charitable donation, but you are not going public with this fiasco," Mary responded calmly crossing her arms over her chest. "Alex is being placed into a discreet Vought-controlled clinic as we speak discreetly our friend Anna has signed him in seeing as his family want nothing to do with the fuck-up. As for the Supe who caused this, we have already acted he has been docked a month's pay and transferred out of the state. So that's that"

"That's that," Clark repeated in disbelief, he couldn't believe what he was hearing or that it was his aunt saying it.

"Yes," Mary said forcibly gritting her teeth her patience running out.

"Auntie there needs to be consequences we can't just co-" Clark started his speech but was cut off by Mary.

"OH, FOR FUCKS SAKE CLARK GROW UP!" Mary snapped at her nephew causing him to look at her in shock it was the first time that she had ever yelled at him. Her patience finally out she started informing her nephew of how the world works "You want the truth, Clark; this is my job covering up the shit your kind leaves in its wake. Every day it's another fuckin trainwreck, dead hookers, drugs, people injured in botched saves, and actual bloody fucking trainwrecks!"

Clark's eyes widen and he was suddenly forced to sit down as his aunt advanced on him a snarl on her face that caused him to shrink back from her. Mary didn't seem to need to breathe as she unleashed years of frustration of dealing with all of Vought's shit onto her nephew.

"So, your friend was getting high and someone else was getting high when you two left a hero party. Yeah, that's right I know you were at that party and what was happening there." Mary gave her nephew a snarl-filled smile as his eyes widens when she mentioned the party. "So don't act fuckin high and mighty with me, and don't think you're any better. Fuckin Lana and her crap, all those girls making peeping tom allocations over the years, those rumours about Alex, Annie and you the rest of Young America fucking around that had to crush to keep your wholesome image intact and not to mention keeping people off that oh so fucking precious farm of yours."

"But, but, but, I didn't do any of those things and I didn't know about the party." Clark managed to sputter out still in shock at his aunt's attack on his character.

"OH, COME ON!" Mary shook her head and rolled her eyes in disbelief. "Clark this is me, not your PA or MA, I know what your kind is like and the shit they get up to. So please don't do the innocent act with me, hell I wrote most of those 'ah shucks' farm boy lines."

Clark's mouth opened wide and closed several times not that he couldn't defend himself, but his mind was just failing him at the moment as his Aunt laid into him. His mouth finally closed as his mind was starting to put all the small pieces he had seen over the years and realised the reality he had been ignoring.

"Ah good, you've decided to listen." Mary gave a triumphant smile thinking Clark's silence was a result of him accepting reality. "Okay, good. So, you are going to go back to college, we have released a statement of support already for Drummer Boy and taken care of the survivors that saw you there. So, all you have to do is not say shit and we're golden."

Mary released a deep sigh and then turned around over to a table with glasses and a jug of water she poured herself one, taking a long sip of the cold water. She took a moment to recompose herself regaining her sense of calm, as she continued on.

"You know I'm glad we've had this chat it's been a long time coming. Now that you know that I know about everything it makes things so much easier. If you ever need help dealing with an 'issue' you can just call me instead of dancing around. I know I was harsh but I'm your aunt and I just want what's be-" Mary turned around and suddenly found herself in an empty room staring at an open window.

She just released a sigh and put down the water she was drinking instead reaching into her jacket pocket and pulling out a flask she kept for emergencies and took a massive swig.

(Kent Farm – Smallville, Kansas - March 7th, 2016)

Jon just raised his hand to his wife as both of them spotted the shadow up in the barn that they both knew well. The barn was always where their son retreated when the world got too much for him, Jon had always joked that it was Clark's fortress of solitude. Jon released a slight cough and took two of the bitter pills his doctor had prescribed for his heart condition.

As Jon moved into the barn, he spotted his son's black T-Shirt with his crest on the front discarded onto the floor. He didn't bother picking it up as he moved into the barn and up a ladder to the hayloft to a space he had built for Clark years ago. The hayloft looked more like a study, it had several couches, a writing desk and even a telescope Kal hadn't used in years.

Sitting with his legs over the ledge of the hayloft doors was his son who was sitting wearing one of his old work shirts staring out of the world.

"You haven't been up here in a while," Jonathan said with a smile moving into Clark's childhood sanctum however his son made no response, so he decided to press on. "I remember when you used to come up here when Lana said something that made you blush, of course, I think the last time you came up here might have been to hide from Lana as well."

"Christmas," Clark responded not turning to look at his father but feeling his father's questioning look on his face he elaborated. "I came up here last Christmas it's where I hide your presents."

"I know," Jonathan responded with a smile as Clark turned around with a look of surprise on his face. He then moved over to sit next to his son a soft smile on his face. "I've known since you were…six no seven. When you dragged that tool kit you got me out here and the trail of wrapping paper that you left behind was a little bit of giveaway."

Clark chuckled at his father's story, but his joy quickly left him as a solemnness overtook him causing his father to sigh. Jonathan turned his vision to the horizon like his son waiting for Clark to be ready to talk. It took about an hour of them sitting in silence before Clark released a deep breath and finally spoke about what was on his mind.

"Nothing is like what I thought it was Pa," Clark whispered fearing that he was about to shatter his father's faith in heroes just like his had been.

"AH," Jonathan said as he put Clark's discarded shirt together with his statement and correctly guessed what had happened. "So, something went wrong and Mary finally told you everything."

"WHAT?!" Clark shouted in shock twisting to face his father with horror on his face thinking that his dad thought the same things as Mary did about him. "PA, I swear none of what aunt Mary believes is true, I've never done anything like-"

Jonathan raised his hand causing Kal to go silent as he greeted his son's panic with a loving smile. "I know son, you aunt just….well she's dealt with so much bad that she paints everything with the same brush. I know none of the things she thinks about you is true, and in truth, I don't think she believes it either not deep down."

"…So you know about some of the Supes doing drugs, the parties and the cover-ups?" Clark asked hesitantly after a few moments of silence worried about what his Pa might actually believe in.

"I know some of it. Truthfully, I don't know a lot, I never wanted to because I knew you're not like them. So, I was never worried about having to deal with that side like Mary does" Jonathan explained giving his son a confident smile.

"But what if I am Pa?" Clark's question was quiet and soft as he looked away from his father.

"You're not." Jonathan's reply was spoken with such certainty that it caused Clark to look at his father's certain eyes.

"…. Pa? You can't know that. I'm a Supe just like them and if they can give into those …... urges I might too."

"…. You're not," Jonathan replied to his son standing up, deciding that it was finally time for the truth.

"I'm not what?" Clark asked confused twisting around to face his father who was walking back into the barn.

"You're not a Supe," Jonathan said turning his head to give his son a smile and a look of such pure love that it caused Clark to freeze. "It's time we talk about where you come from and the truth about Supes…. just keep in mind that the Supe thing is going to be a less weird thing of the two…by a lot."

"Pa, what are you talking about?" Clark stood up and strode over to his father who now descending down the ladder that led into the hayloft.

"Well to answer that question we really need to get into the storm cellar, it's where I put your spaceship." Jonathan's reply caused Clark to freeze again allowing Jonathan to reach the barn door before his son called out to him.

"WHAT SPACESHIP?!" Clark's face was one of pure confusion as he scrambled down the ladder after his Pa, so confused he temporarily forgot he could fly.

"Well son, it all started on a late June night after watching a godawful movie with your mother. It was the night of the freak meteor shower but more importantly, it was the day you came into our lives."

Jonathan waited for Clark to join him as he wrapped an arm around his son and started to tell him a story he had waited two decades to tell.

(authors notes)

Wait's over here you go! :)

So I have no idea when the next chapter of this story is going to be ready but I will try to get it done as quickly as I can :)

Luke5921creators' thoughts