
A String Of Fate

What happens when a vigilante gets caught and forced to attend UA High School? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Would you let a killer enter your school?” “...Never,” he replies I looked down as I felt my heart sink. I knew it. Even though I already knew the answer, I shouldn’t have given myself hope. I thought to myself. “I would never let a killer enter my school,” he said Yeah. Sure. Go ahead and rub more salt in the wound why don’t ya? Pour the whole container while you're at it! “I guess it’s a good thing you're not a killer right? You’re a Hero.” He said

Flor_De_Miel · Tranh châm biếm
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62 Chs

Cookies pt2

"Okay. So what have we learned today?" I asked class 1-A

"Stealing is wrong" they replied in union

"Correct" I said as I marched in front of them "What else?

"Fighting causes headache for Rose"

"Also correct. Now for a quick quiz. If I have a dozen cookies and let's say Midoriya here takes five, how many do I have left?" I asked

"This is so stupid. Seven" Bakugo said

I whipped my head towards him and pointed. "WRONG! If you take any of my cookies, there will be a price to pay. And a dead body"

Midoriya: *Oh man...why did she use me as an example?*

"Alright, this is going too far. We said we were sorry, can we go now?" Sero asked

"Get your behind back in line. Obviously we need an entire lesson on why not to take food away from Rose." I replied

At that moment Aizawa walked into the living room. He looked at me then stared at the kids I had lined up in front of me then back at me. Not a word. He turned back around and left.

"Mr.Aizawa! Help us!" Mina yelled

"Whatever you kids did, it was your fault. Not mine" he said from the other room

"Back to lesson one…" I said


Hopefully this regret will sink into them for years to come.

Not gonna lie, I really used my fingers for 12-5...

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