
Ch.10 Now For Something Less Serious

Being left alone in my room, I would choose to immediately enter into Active Cultivation to try and gather the time I need. Unfortunately, I didn't have any new books to read and within a few minutes I grew bored and left the Active state. After a short period of walking around my room, I'd finally leave it and would make my way back upstairs.

My goal was the kitchens of course, finding companionship with the chefs there. As soon as I entered I was welcomed and we'd begin talking about cooking ideas almost immediately. I'd even introduce to them a few new ideas on cooking and even about using herbs not just when sick. Got some weird looks because of it, yet I liked that, it was like a challenge to prove myself.

Asking one of them if they'd be willing to be my arms because of my weakness, I'd also have them send out a servant to retrieve a specific book from the study. Meanwhile I'd discuss with them the benefits of taste, and some ideas for interesting ways to sear meats not to "seal" in juices but for the texture of the meat. It's amazing how that idea was so common, the ideas to seal in juices of meats, realizing it doesn't work that way and their own dots connecting... Heh.

Ah! The servant finally came back with the book, I'd set it down and open it up. Searching quickly thanks to already having it stored in my head. I'd find the pages with the right herbs and drawings. Pointing to them, I'd ask some of the servants to collect the required herbs. Soon after began a new age in cooking!... Well, not a new age, but it did improve the Chefs cooking abilities.

I spent a good many hours with the Chefs as I introduced to them tens of different recipes and it wasn't until my grandfather came to get me that I reluctantly got dragged off. All the while I promised them that I'd be back, nothing could keep me back from returning to my homeland!!!

Okay okay, enough being silly. It turns out that Grandfather wanted to bring me along to the city when morning comes. Because I spent so long in the kitchens I had missed the chance earlier and would have to wait. Realizing my own mistake, I promptly scoffed and corrected him that I hadn't wasted any time. Ah, by the way, we're heading to the dining room for dinner, even if I hate that bitch, I'll have to share a table with her to eat.

Entering into the Dining Room, I was quite surprised by the two sights. First of all, that big breasted homewrecker was sitting down while holding a baby, letting the young child sucking from an exposed teat. Not even bothering about the awkwardness of it, she seemed to be a very good caregiver and was able to eat her own soup that was before her with ease. Yet all the while she eat, she was constantly correcting the baby's position so it wouldn't be uncomfortable. The sight was surprising and made my steps pause, and remember something.

This woman may have killed my mother, and my own self, but she did these for that child... A simple child and she was willing to kill whoever it took to give the baby a good life. She was a person, a mother... And I couldn't really find fault with her actions.

Walking to the dining room table, I'd wait for Grandfather to pull out a chair before climbing up to sit in it, even smiled to Amy. "My brother looks healthy, it's good that he wasn't affected by my sickness." It rolled off the tongue so well, and I stared at the baby with a fond expression. My first meeting with my brother. Yet my own thoughts were interrupted by an annoyed scoff, "My child is a strong boy, there is no way that he'd be of the same weak lineage as you from your mother."

Oh right, there's my incentive to kill! She killed my mother, and tried to kill me. I nearly forgot that thanks to the cute baby. Smiling with derision, I'd look at her and chuckled. "When a person survives sickness, it only makes them stronger afterward. I'd say by surviving what I have, I've grown many... Many times stronger."

Grinning now, I'd lick my lips, staring at my prey with excitement. "In fact, I can't wait for the next sickness... Maybe after I recover from it, I'll become a god." Laughing at that, I'd sit back and relax now while she looked as if she just ate a plate of shit. You get what you deserve, bitch. "By the way, enjoy dinner, the Chefs and I personally made it together."

Looking at the soup, her eyes would flash with surprise before scoffing and looking down at me. "As if you could help the Chefs, lying boy." I'd simply grin at that, waiting as the first course for dinner would be brought in. It would an appetizer using a recipe I quite enjoyed.

Using mashed potatoes mixed with sour cream, bacon and chives, you'd form it into an oblong length and press cheese inside. Bread and fry, it was like a mozzarella stick but used other forms of cheese, and potatoes. These appetizers, accompanied by a dip I had them make. They set down two plates of them, one in front of Amy, the other in front of me.

When the servant set down the appetizer by me, they even stopped to trade a few words, questions, that the Chefs had. While Amy looked on with disbelief and my grandfather looked on with a smile, I'd answer them as I could. Though a few were a bit tough, still it put a smile on my face afterward cause even I was thinking of some new cooking ideas because of it. The loaded potato cheese sticks were delicious by the way, even though there wasn't much of any salt, it was still tasty and whetted a person's appetite for me.

Dinner would continue quite like that, Amy would be filled with disbelief and even surprise, while I chatted quite amicably with the various servants who came with questions from the Chefs. Near the end, when it was time for dessert, the Chef that was making it actually came out himself to discuss it. Not because he couldn't get it, but because he had his own ideas. While talking, we both grew excited and without even worrying about etiquette, I'd get down from the chair, walking away with the Chef to work on the dessert together. A bit later, while laughing, my Grandfather told me I missed a most hilarious sight of that woman nearly fainting into her food, damn it! I wish there was a camera I could use to capture that moment.

I'm thinking of stopping my chapter description and just listing what chapter this is. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Alexis_Lionelcreators' thoughts