
Ch. 5 Thus the Plot Thickens

Composing my thoughts, I'd switch clothes for that brown tunic and came out, looking up at the Butler with a nice smile on my lips. "Did my father agree to let me in the study?" It was the first question I had and thankfully I wasn't disappointed, "He did actually, unfortunately he's also received news from the capital and he's been away for too long. Thanks to your improving health, even though you're having memory problems, he decided the time would be good to find out what the problems are."

All the while the Butler talked, we walked... Well, I followed as the Butler walked. The halls of this castle lit with flickering candles as we proceeded toward stairs that lead upward. They had me in the basement then, maybe they hoped to isolate me so I wouldn't make others sick. I'd bring up the question to the Helmsford who said, "That's quite right. In truth, I had to restrain your father multiple times to prevent him from coming too close to you... It was the same with your mother unfortunately."

Mother? Huh, they think she's sick too then... But why? Maybe she was, I haven't met her, which reminds me. "Where is my mother by the way, I would love to meet her." And that's when things hit a hard stop, the Butler stopped and didn't even look me in the eye, but his voice... There was pain, "She... Isn't with us any longer. The sickness took her."

Death, and from the how that Butler reacted, it hurt him for her to die... I wonder what that father thinks of it too? "I'm sorry, I didn't know. But, if she was sick too... Surely a Doctor was able to find a cure, that's why I'm alive, right?" Finally, Helmsford turned, looking at me seriously. "No, Young Master, no doctor nor healer could find a cure for her sickness. It's why we worried that you would go the same as your mother. It's why it's such good news that you seem to be better than you were before."

Tough news then bub, your young master did die just like this kid's mother... And they were poisoned. Not that I could tell him that, on top of not believing me, they could also think I got switched or something and kill me. Whatever, focus on learning about this world... Then find vengeance for this kid and his mother's suffering. "I understand, thank you for telling me about my mother's fate... Please, let us continue to the study. I want to recover my memories quickly so I can remember her more."

The mention of memory and my mother brought Helmsford back to reality as he seemed to have been lost in his own memories now. Continuing onward, we'd leave the basement and enter the castle proper. Though now I discovered that it wasn't a castle but a mansion. I guess the foundation had been made out of stone, but the wood for the mansion was quite a beautiful dark amber color.

Where we came out, the light of the sun shone in brilliantly through windows. Unable to help my curiosity I'd walk to one of the windows and looking out, saw beautiful green grasslands, a simple flowery garden complete with walkways and benches wasn't too far away. Beyond that was fencing that helped to keep out wild animals. It was a beautiful sight, the reds, greens, blues, yellows, purples, all sorts of flower colors sprinkled around the garden.

Marveling at the sight for a good minute or two, it would be a cough from behind that drew my attention back. Blushing in embarrassment, I'd hurry over, "Sorry, just... first time I saw such a beautiful garden. Being stuck down there was a bit stifling." Giving a slight smile, Helmsford would nod, "Of course Young Master, but let us continue. I'm sure you'd like to reach the dining room for breakfast before it grows cold." Breakfast? Wait, when did I last eat? Why am I not hungry?

Curiously, I'd walk with him, trying to figure that out. Though the answer was obvious, I'm a game character, I don't need food, do I? Reaching out, I'd tug on Helmsford coat tail. "Actually, I'd like to go to the study first, I'm fine eating a little cold breakfast, I want to remember first, please." I'd look pitiable, staring up at him with expectation and desire. And of course I won the argument with that look, "Alright Young Master, I'll have the servants bring you some food to the study." He'd make to walk a different way now, turning left as they entered the main hall instead of right. Following that, we'd approach a pair of double doors, opening up into a two floored study with many books. Just from an eyeball estimate it would have to be over a hundred. Daddy's home my lovelies~!

Moving to a shelf, I'd grab one of the books immediately, pulling it out carefully to open up and look into. It was a study on human anatomy and relation to disease. Curious I'd flip through a few pages, it was archaic knowledge. Disease to them was caused by spirits or demons, and these were mostly cures that were meant to "expel" the spirits within the body... No wonder they couldn't discover what the hell was wrong with me. Closing the book, I'd look to Helmsford, smiling. "I can read it appears, would it be alright for me to read all these?" Carefully placing the book up, I'd listen to his answer as my smile grew.

"Your father allowed you permission to any and all books here, since you wished to read, he would by no means deny you that. I must go to inform the servants where to bring your food." Giving a polite bow, he'd walk out, closing the doors behind him. Seeing him gone, I'd grin and slap my hands together, rubbing greedily. "Well now, let's see... Where to begin...~" Laughing strangely, I'd walk forward, hand reaching out toward a book...