
Ch. 12

When the two of us entered, I found out a few things. First of all, that I REALLY love this place. Secondly, that I really am not well known by others. If it wasn't for Helmsford being by my side, I'm sure I would have been escorted out for fear of infecting others with my "sickness". While I was dressed and looked the part of a noble, the strange sickly appearance I had made the librarian who confronted us look on with some worry and tried to keep her distance from me as she spoke with Helmsford.

Not that I cared though, I was staring at the rows upon rows of bookshelves. While Helmsford explained who I was and our purpose for coming here, I'd make my way to a row. I didn't really care about what the row contained and really just wanted to get a chance to look through the books within. It was as I pulled out a book, arms shivering from it's weight, I'd get a chance to look at the tome of knowledge... Or well, trashy romance novel.

No, I'm not joking. This book, this almost two hundred pages written upon some yellowed and aged paper, bound with a combination of wood and silk rope, was a romance novel! Not even something good either, some kind of Mary Sue bitch, a noblewoman who was willing to love a handsome squire who becomes a knight. I didn't even have to read past the first page to know what it was about. Still, even if it's shit at least it would be better than nothing. Being careful, I'd have my back to Helmsford and the woman, storing the book and recording it before pulling it back out.

After that I put away the book and began to go through the rest. I wasn't concerned with Helmsford's conversation and discussion and just focused on recording as many books as possible. Even if I had a full day it wouldn't be enough to record all of these thanks to the sheer numbers. But as I recorded, I did discover that a great many of these books were fairytales, legends, fictional stories. Despite this world being one of fantasy and adventure, people still liked to read adventure stories. Probably the nobility were the ones these were made for.

While I was recording, Helmsford would eventually come up to me. He seemed calm, and even curious about my constant recording of books. But rather than asking, he'd just say to me, "I've smoothed things out with the library attendant. If you need anything you just need to ask her, I have something to check on in the city."

Putting up the latest book that I had just finished recording, I'd look over at him more seriously, and curious as well. "What is it that you have to check on?" I mean, I could have asked some better way but, why worry about that?

Apparently he didn't expect the blunt question as he'd sigh a bit in frustration and finally said, "It's a surprise for you so you can find out when it's time."

Straightening his suit a bit I'd take the moment to contemplate what it could be before shrugging and going to the next book, while I did so I'd ask. "She'll leave me alone while I'm gathering books at the least, right? I wouldn't want her to see something she shouldn't."

Smiling now he'd nod his head, "I made sure to warn her that you shouldn't be bothered unless it cannot be helped. She was of course more than willing to do so. She was quite scared by your appearance." Hearing that I'd chuckle a bit and would shake my head. Turns out I was right, she really was scared by my sickly appearance, good for me.

Finishing up our conversation with a few pleasantries, he'd leave finally and would leave me to my task. Going through the books one by one. It was actually quite enjoyable, I was able to have one of the little fantasy books up to read while I worked. It's an interesting story of a mage who discovers their noble lineage and uses their magical powers to help his family rise to further prominence... Okay, so that bit is crap, but the author may have been actual mage or knew someone who was. It gave me a better understanding of how magic is worked and was quite useful just for that.

While I was reading and storing though, I didn't even realize that someone had approached. Thankfully I was just putting up the book when my collar was grabbed. Getting yanked virtually off my feet I'd flail out in surprise and yelled out until suddenly finding the ground with my feet. Stumbling slightly, I'd look at the person who grabbed me, my eyes flashing with anger as I looked up at this somewhat older gentleman with raven black hair and slight curved eyes. He wore some nice looking suit that was black cotton and well tailored. Staring at me with annoyance, he'd say immediately. "Another one trying to sneak off from class, eh? Well, your parents will hear about this!"

What the bloody hell is this guy talking about? Parents, sneaking off... Oh. Glaring even more with anger now I'd open my mouth to say, "Now you listen here you fucki-GAH!"

Getting yanked suddenly my expletive would turn to a yelp as he'd glare with some anger along with annoyance. "watch your tongue young man, you may be a noble but I'm hired directly by Arnold himself to teach you little brats!"

Dropping me as he'd let go of my collar, I'd fall with a thud and quickly moved away from the prick. Of course while I did I'd start to laugh mentally. He actually has the gall to mention Alexis' father? Oh you are a seriously dumb motherfucker. Smirking a bit, I'd finally stand up and rolled my eyes, deciding to play along. "You were hired by Arnold? That is amazing! Have you seen him, have you seen his son?"

Not like I know if you did, but hey, if he realizes... Of course my hopes were a bit too big as the man would frown, shaking his head. "Of course not, no one has seen young master Alexis since he took ill. To be so deathly ill at such a young age, it is a waste! He's squandering the best years to learn." My smirk would falter there as I'd gaze at the man with a dropped jaw. Is this dude for real? He hears that I'm ill, and he doesn't wish me well. Instead he's talking about education, seriously?! Well... I guess everyone needs their passion, and at least his isn't self-destructive.

Taking a deep breath, I'd finally smile. What anger I had at my reading interruption was mitigated by this dude's sheer passion for education. By the way, the reason I'm discussing this at the moment is he's currently in a tirade about youth needing education above all things at a young age so they can better take in the knowledge provided. Should end this though. Letting out a loud dry cough to get his attention, I'd say to him. "Look, I... Didn't skip out. I came here cause I wanted to read, to learn more. So if possible... Could I continue?"

Unfortunately the guy would shake his head. "That will not due. Besides, you're in the fairy tales aisle, obviously what you said is a lie." Reaching out, he'd grab me by the arm, surprised for a moment at the thinness of it. His grip turned a bit gentler after that but still he'd lead me along, saying as he went. "No tardiness is allowed in my class, other tutors may be lax, but I will not be!"

While we went I wanted to complain, to counter or even to explain my identity... But I didn't, I was actually curious about the man's deep desire to educate, and about what this class would be like. Besides, it's been a good ten years since I was last in a classroom setting. I wonder how education was handled back before people knew what the square root of x was.