
The Beginning 3

Eze Luthenna dressed in his regal event wear which is a golden wrapper worn from the right side of his Muscled chest till waist and it was long so it stopped at his feet the other side of his chest was bare which exposed his Muscled chest and arm. His head is adorned with a crown and his neck adorned with golden beads his wrist wasn't left our too it is also adorned with a golden bead.

Eze Luthenna is a dark tall muscular handsome king, very handsome to the extent he was also thought to be a god cause of his beauty, power and aura. he always stands out but his attire tonight added to the magic.

"Hmmm why does this feeling get so intense this night... but it can't be... cause when I look at all the females around the palace none feels right.. so why this feeling?..anyways I will see what this night event will turn out to be". Luthenna said to himself

" Your majesty the party is about to begin". Ike says

"Okay I will be there in a sec". Luthenna says as he raises his back hand since he was facing his window which is opposite Ike

"Okay your majesty". Ike says

Luthenna moves on his way out after Ike.

General Ike is a tall handsome man too but have a more gentler type of face than Eze Luthenna and he's black is more of a brown than dark skinned. Today he is dressed in his general attire which is a tiger patterned material at his waist, bare at his muscular chest but his neck and wrist is adorned with beads while his arm is also adorned with a tiger patterned arm band.

The night journey was a long and tiring one because it feels like am not on the right part because I just keep on going and not reaching there, even though I don't really like associating with people but right now I don't really mind because my feet hurts and the problem is everywhere is more quiet than usual.

"Nnunu do you see the palace ahead yet".?

Nnunu shakes his head.

"hmmmm and I think everyone is at the palace already cause we can't see anyone around here".

Ten minutes later I saw an elderly woman with load on her head and it's look heavy on her head and I was sure it's going to be more heavy for her age due to ageing.

"Nnunu Its like I see someone over there am I sure if it's a person".? I asked as I creased my brow

Nnunu chirped

"Yeah it's someone ... and she looks elderly...the load on her head is going to be heavy for her.. let's go help her"

In 5 seconds I was near to her calling her out so I won't scare her.

"Excuse me ma? excuse me ma ... may I help you out".?

She turns her head towards me.

"Oh my dear, but this load is heavy, won't it be too heavy for you".? she asked as she smiled

Me taking one step back, because this was not the reaction I have always gotten when I try to speak to people around here.

"No ma it won't, I can carry it". I said

"But my dear you look really young so it will be more heavy for you". she said

"Well ma I have made up my mind so don't worry about me". I said as I stretch out my hands to carry it from her.

"Oh ok my dear". she said

We started walking towards her destination quietly after 20 mins she spoke up.

"My dear where are you heading too".? she asked

"Ehm ma am heading towards the palace for the party". I said in a more shy manner

"Really? but that route was not the way to the palace". she said

My lips tightened.

"Now my dear it's look like you don't really go out or like to walk around, that's why you don't know that place". she said

My lips more tightened.

"Well I will show the way ok.. so don't be afraid". she said

I raise my head in a shy but happy way

"Thank.... thank you... ma". I said as I smiled

She smiled

15 minutes later we were in front a small hut.

"O..kay we have arrived, you can drop the load here I can carry it inside". she said

"Are u sure ma".? I asked

She smiled.

"Yes my dear am sure". she said

I dropped the load on the floor.

"Well you were on your way to the palace right".? she asked

I nod

"Ok then close Ur eyes and listen to the rhythm of the air and tell me if u can hear music from anywhere and point to the direction your hearing it from". she said

I had a confused look on my face because now I can't hear any music being played anywhere and the place is dead quiet.

"My dear just calm down don't doubt... now turn close your eyes, breath in and out and listen to the rhythm of the air and you won't be deceived". she

I did as I was told. I started calming down to here anything at all but I heard nothing I started frowning my face in frustration then I heard her say

"No my dear don't give up". she said

I breath in and out again thinking of nothing else clearing both my head and heart. Just then I started to hear the rhythm of the air like I could hear the sounds of the air. I stayed more still and that's when I heard it the music playing in far distance, then I stayed even more still and the music sounded more like it was close to me and then I got the direction, I pointed my finger to my right direction.

"Yes yes well-done dear you got it my dear well-done, make sure to follow your heart". she said

I turned smiling to tell her thank you but I didn't see her anymore.

"Hello? hello ma? are you there?". I asked

But no answer, I kept on calling but still no answer and am sure she didn't enter her house because I didn't hear any flap of her curtain door

Then I saw Nnunu chirping which meant we should be going.

"hmmmm but it strange tho". I said as I started walking to the direction I pointed.

"Where is she? where is really at?". Eze Luthenna asked. he sat on his royal stool as he watches the event. this time around it was the young maidens that were dancing, they all looked beautiful and the lead dancer dressed in skimpy in attire exposing much of her cleavages. As she dances she looks directly into Luthenna eyes and she notices he looks back at her, she smiles thinking that he his falling for her not knowing that he is saying in his mind what gave her the guts to look directly into his eyes.

As she sways her body she comes closer to him touching his toes going up to the knees, the crowd thought she was paying her respect to the king and cheering because she was saying "Eze I ga do ooo". "King you shall live long".

Eze Luthenna stares down at her, as she stared up at him, she became scared because his were that of an "how dare u touch me look" because he understood her real intent.

" E.. Eze merem ebere biko an anam e me ya ozo" " King have mercy on me please I won't do it again". she says quietly

"Ku ro to" "stand up". he says in an angry but not loud tone.

The crowd couldn't hear it because of the drums playing and the other young maiden dancers still dancing on the floor stage. They were done and the whistle blowers came up to play their lovely tunes but Muna heard it all because of her strange new hearing sense.

"Hmmm that's strange but I thought the king is happy that's why he threw this extravagant party but he sounds angry". I thought

"But what is even more strange is that when I concentrate on something even if it's in a distant place I can be able to hear it and this happened ever since I met that old woman... what's really going on cuz am kinda freaking out inside me". I thought as I looked down as I raised my eyes up it met with the king's own. I was shocked and I immediately averted my eyes from him but when I look away I still see him looking at me, I looked again and my instrusion was right he was looking at me. I became uncomfortable and hid in the crowd and I was at the back of a tall man, even tho I couldn't see the stage I felt more safe here until I feel he stops looking over here.

"She is the one am sure she is the one". Eze Luthenna says in his head.

"Oh so she is the shy one I see". he chuckled

Ike was having a curious look when he heard Luthenna chuckle, then Luthenna said to Ike at his ear that he should tell one of his men to call a guard.

When the guard came he bent to show respect to the king as he raises his eyes to the king's own, a quick flash shown at the king's eye immediately as he telepathically gave the instructions on who to call from the crowd and what to doThe guard did what he was told.

The guard entered the crowd and wasn't noticed because he was in a normal fine attire for the party just like the citizens. he finds her immediately and tells her exactly what the king told him, he noticed she was scared but he followed him and went into the palace room.

The guard came back and told General Ike that he has done the work he nodded signaling him to go, then he whispered to the king that the girl is in the palace room. Luthenna nodded smiling happily.

Ike still had that curious look on his face but something popped into his mind.

"Now I understand, he has found his fated one". Ike said in his mind as he smiled happily too.

"Seriously today is a crazy day, first it was my creepy encounter with the elderly woman now it's the king which I have never ever seen before talk more of even talking with him calling me to the palace room". I said in a dull and scared way

"I'm scared". I said

Nnunu rubs his head on my palm

"Thank you". I smiled slightly

Nnunu flew in after the guard left the room at that time.

Two women came in one with a covered wooden plate and the other with a wooden jar and and cup.

"We were sent to bring you food and drink wit0h water" the women said.

"please if u need anything don't hesitate to tell us the guards are near the entrance". one of them said.


They expected me to give a replybut I was too shocked, too scared and speechless to give a reply. I just held Nnunu closer to me and kept looking at them.

They started leaving when no reply was said.

"Nnu... Nnunu what is going on".? I asked my pet after they have left

Why would I be asked to come into the palace room and even given food, I was about to shake out of fear but I had to be strong for Nnunu.

"Ike when is this party supposed to end".? he asked

"it is supposed in about 1hr 30 mins". Ike said

"Make it 1hr instead". Luthenna said

"it's because of her right"? Ike asked as he smiled

"Yes my fated awaits me". Luthenna smirks.