A man unwittingly reincarnates to a new world. A world where humans hold no kingdom nor title. As the powers that be vie for dominance, watch as he crawls his way up and build an empire that will lead the world as it's HEGEMON.
Athan Geldstein, Month 11, Day 20, Year A.F 652. City of Aster, Kingdom of Rosalia.
The shouts and screams of my men, mixed with the chaotic explosions was suffocating, their expression of dread and fear, asking me for guidance terrified me.
Until their once terrified eyes changed to dead ones and the scent of the dead nearly chokes me, I struggle before I screamed, screamed with fear I never felt as hands grip my sides dragging me to darkness.
Fortunately for me, that scream woke me up from such a nightmare.
Then I hold my face in utter depression as I realize what happened, "I fucked up."
I hold my head as their dead eyes look back. "I fucked up and killed a lot of my men."
Though before depression could take me once more, a hand moves the tent flaps aside as a soldier spoke, "My Prince? Duke Vincent has asked for your participation in the formation of the latest battle plans."
I rubbed my eyes as I stood up. I look at the soldier before I spoke. "I'll be there."
He salutes to me before he leaves.
The tent remained what it was yesterday. It looked just as mundane as it did before. I straighten my back and, with confidence, I open to see what their discussion was about.
Vincent stops in his talk before he looks at me with scrutiny. I stop myself from looking down in shame before he gestures to a seat with a smile.
"So, as I was discussing, the fires in the outer city have continued blazing through the night and morning. Leaving it a charred and lifeless place, yet some buildings have remained standing."
Vincent taps his cane as he looks around in disappointment and disapproval. "Though despite your successes in taking down the wall and overtaking any resistance. This action has costed us six hundred knights,"
Six hundred knights! That is almost half. I look down in shame, knowing that perhaps a few hundreds of those died because of my foolishness.
Viller then spoke up, "Then what would you have us do?"
"Not lose any more knights," Vincent spoke as he furrowed his brows as he spoke gravely, "If we lose anymore knights, the incoming army could easily wipe out any resistance even if we camp ourselves behind those walls."
"Then how would you have us take the inner walls?" I said to him.
"Without burning it into ground, for once and with the cover the buildings provide. I wish for you to avoid casualties in our knights." He replied with a small, threatening smile.
I swallow dryly, aware that they see what I did as something foolish. The only reason I survived the ordeal is because of Ansen's timely arrival.
Speaking of which, he remains passive and seemingly uninterested in the discussion. He notices me and looks back at me with a familiar smile before once more passively watching.
Viller then spoke up, "So, we just have to burn down the gates and avoid return fire, correct?"
"Yes, then I'll have the infantry push forward to take the inner walls."
He intertwines his fingers, "And once we do, we could effectively cut off their supply lines from the port and we would win this siege."
Andrew Allister
The smoke rising from the outer city wasn't a view one wishes to see for a morning, yet something like this has borrowed us enough of a time to at least pass a day.
I look behind me. The wealth and luxury the inner city provides and shows was nowhere near the outer city. It held every influential member of the city and some owned by those we cannot hope to insult.
While the outer city was the place upon the industry revolved, where most peasants had their houses and businesses. We could pay them off, pay them to them to forget our transgression and rebuild off of the wealth this war could give.
Though if we do the same for the inner city, our prestige and reputation would take a hit. One that I wouldn't be able to recover in this lifetime.
As hard pressed I am to defend, the fact of the matter is, there aren't much options left. Fortunately for me, the walls that defend the inner city were much more resilient than those of the outer gate.
The gates that are capable of at least taking on the hits those knights will give. Two gates that protect it held openings to fire through, and with them stuck in two gates, we could take out any of their troops that dares to enter.
Then there are the bridges connected to the two gateways, One which they will avoid hitting because of the moat underneath it.
The inner city is quite easy to defend and with the amount of defenses my ancestors built for it. Perhaps they saw what the city was becoming, so they made sure it had all that it needed to survive.
Ansen Rivider
The outer city was a charred and desolate wasteland, the smell of smoke and ash was suffocating. Its quite a shame the fire took with it any wealth we couldve plundered.
A knight rides beside me before he salutes, "Sir! The knights are in their positions."
I glance beside me. He straightened his back once he locks eyes with me. "Signal them to fire, and tell them that their health is of the highest priority."
He salutes as he rides away, delivering my orders. Leaving me with my thoughts.
Unfortunately, before I could think up of any plans, a voice spoke behind me, "Ansen! It is quite a delight to see you on the battlefield!"
I look to see the delighted red eyes and youthful exuberance.
Viller was a friend, a good friend. If it weren't for my father's machinations, I believe we would have been closer friends, certainly without me trying to manipulate him into giving into my father's plans, we could've become closer.
Sadly, the world doesn't work the way you want it to.
Before I could speak to him, a barrage of fireballs erupt. As the two gateways were consumed in flames, we watched the gate creak and buckle but never break.
The walls erupt in a flurry of motion as they shoot out their counterattack. Arrows rains upon my men. Luckily for them, the building allowed for easy cover, one they took full advantage of.
Another barrage hits the gates yet it remains standing. Perhaps the available covers are too far to effectively create damage.
Another barrage makes contact with the wall, as chunks fell off, some explosion even hits the bridge directly. My eyes bulge in recognition before sending out a messenger with a shout, "Tell all knights to cease all magic! We cannot afford for that bridge to break down."
Viller notices this and rides out to order the same to his men and those of Athan.
The sounds of marching take my attention as eight thousand men march into the outer city, ready to take the city once and for all. A few moments pass and the barrage ceased before they can deal any true damage to the bridge.
A messenger runs up to me, "Sir, Duke Vincent wishes to ask why have you ceased your bombardment of the gates."
I turn my horse and ride up to the army. They enter the destroyed gates showing a magnificent view, thousands of shielded men, with spear pointing up the sky, their expressions grave as a battle starts.
Coming face to face with Duke Vincent, I see his expression, his red weary eyes framed by his white worsening complexion, one which shows his worsening condition.
I straightened my back as I report to him the situation.
"There's a moat, and a bridge connected to the two gateways. With us taking cover from a repeated onslaught of arrows, I cannot expect my men to be capable of accuracy." I report to him.
Certainly, with the continuous rain of arrows, self preservation should kick in. A fact which affects their aim.
Vincent taps his chin in thought. "Perhaps you're right. Then what do you suggest we do?"
It took aback me being asked of such a question. I don't believe Duke Vincent ever thought quite highly of me, to trust me of such.
"I do not know," I look down in shame, "That's why I came here for your guidance."
I look down as I feel his eyes on me, his suspicion highly likely. After all, he never joined this war in full support for father, the only reason he joined was lack of options.
Vincent then looks behind me as Viller runs in, his hair disheveled as he spoke, "Uncle! The situation has changed."
"I am aware." was all he replied.
Ansen comes along behind him, his golden hair dishevelled and his eyes downcast. I have noticed his obvious downcast expression, one that cannot persist if we hope to win this war.
Duke Vincent then looks back up from his thoughts, "It seems we would have to tackle this problem with a unique approach."
He gestures for us to step closer before he discusses to us his plans.