
Leaving the Party

Aibing followed the familiar dark-haired tall man from the corner of the room to where he had been seated before - in a private room where no one would be able to hear them. She was sure he was going to be upset about her using his name to save herself. Little did she know, he was deeply impressed by her quick thinking.

"Have you learned anything since we last met?" Aibing nodded. When Xue Yingjie didn't say anything, Aibing took a deep breath before showing off her immense progress.

She started off performing the same Movement Skill that had piqued his interest two years ago, however there was a significant difference this time. Xue Yingjie was shocked to notice her enforcing her chi while performing the skill - and he was left speechless when she incorporated the martial arts alongside the Skill.

Xue Yingjie had heard about his friend's disciple for the first time four years ago. He had heard about everything, from her disastrous birthday party to the inhumane experiments her teacher was putting her through. He knew better than anyone, minus the He family, how marvelous she was.

When he had first met her, two years ago in He Xiaoli's office, he had been shocked to hear that everything his friend had told him was true. The little blonde girl before him was a genius. Maybe even more so than the Crown Prince.

She had learnt the secret to the Movement Skill that not even ten people know of at the young age of eight, after only having received the book a week and a half prior. And now, in only two years, she had complete mastery of the skill and already knew how to properly use her chi alongside it. It was a lot to wrap around his head, but Xue Yingjie couldn't help but smile with excitement.

"Are you ready to go then?"

"I'm ready when you are."

"Then let's go." He Xiaoli said with an expecting smile. As soon as he spoke, he flickered away. Aibing's eyes grew wide in shock, before she chased after him - leaving only an after image, and her old clothes, behind.

Aibing had a hard time keeping up with Xue Yingjie. Her flickering technique wasn't mastered yet, and she was significantly slower than him. As soon as she thought she had caught up with him, his after image was already fading away. And finally, when she thought she would collapse from exhaustion, the after image turned out to be the real deal.