
A Star's Journey

Estelle Mccoy suddenly becomes a hero in the mucky streets Misty Light. She earns the title "Goddess of Light," but what if her life takes a sudden turn? She finds out she is a powerful Starlight and she is told the most cliche thing: "You must save the whole universe." Her life becomes more complicated than it already is. She faces trails of loyalty, love, and life. Is she able to overcome them and still be the same person, or will she become a new person that she never expected to be?

Lil_Dumm_Child · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

I became light?

The man smiles cruelly.

"So you wanted to join in, little girly? Well, we'll be happy to grant you your wish." He motioned for his minions. "Get her! We'll have some fun after dealing with Hughes."

With a heartless smile plastered onto my face, I reach for the end of the metal wire. As the two ragged men lurk closer with arms reaching out, I watch them artfully. One of them has an injured leg and the other one buffed but slow. This'll be easy.

I glare at the men. "You may be a pack of wolves, but I'm a wicked fox with a taste for bloodlust."

I unravel the metal wire from my wrist, getting a good grip on. The men stopped in their tracks, blood draining from their faces. I quickly lash it out, testing its use. I score the buff man's face with a pleasent gash.

"Ahh, this quite satisfying," I muse happily to myself.

The vile men retreat back, but their boss yanks them back. "Where do you think you're goin'? I told you to get that disgusting brat!"

I grin from ear to ear. "Not enough for you? Ehh, I guess I could make room for you in my schedule."

I whip the wire again, but with more strength and speed that I am able to muster. The men are able to dodge some, but not all. Even so, their leader was getting fustrated.

"You little brat, I'll teach you a lesso—"

I turn the metal wire at him, catching him off guard. "Hah, what was that you bastard?"


They don't bother to mumble a word with me staring viciously at them. Such cowards were able to beat the Great Warwick Hughes? Nevermind that, I've got to finish this, I think to myself. I whip the wire again in warning and they hastily back off.

I smirk once more.

However, the fun ends quite too soon. The men leave all battered and defeated. And I'm left alone with aching arms and crimson blood running down the wire's side. For a moment, I just stand there, slowly replaying their retreat. They ran desperately as if they have witnessed a greater demon's rage.

Even so, I soon fall to the ground, laughing at their cowardice.

"If you want to act tough," I silently tell them, "don't ever run off like that."

After giving myself a few seconds to steady my breathing, I gradually peel away from the ground and stride over to where Warwick laid, his injuries much worse when looked at a closer distance. The cuts were too deep, leaving him looking diminished with blood loss. I carefully scanned the streets, looking for anything that could clog the streaming blood. I soon snatch a few tattered remnants of cloth lying by a dumpster and use it as a bandage around Warwick's wounds. Afterward, I began to drag him to the nearest physician available. However, it took ages to get to one because of two reasons: one, I couldn't manage to find one, and two, he was just way too heavy. Nevertheless, I achieved it somehow; with the outcome leaving me heaving and breathless.

Even so, when I showed up dragging Warwick like a human sack, everyone went nuts. Their questions nearly drowning me at once. I tried my best to thoroughly answer each, but even more flowed back. I already felt restless before; so the questions just agitated more.

"Silence!" I yelled, startling everyone. "There's someone who's nearly as good as dead,"—I pointed at where Warwick was laid unattended—"and you're just bothering with a dumb child like me."

They ceased all questions, shocked at my sudden outburst.

Ughh! Just because I have an innocent face, I think to myself, does not mean I am.

After a brief pause, everyone moved hesitantly and began treating Warwick. I glance at him for a second and saw that he looked even paler than before. Despite so, it only proved my point. Later on, I walk out, letting them do their doctor nick-nacks.

However, I never would have thought that anything would change at that moment. More trouble kept popping up from all sides; surrounding me one after another. I rescued a little boy from kidnappers, stopped a rebel gang from causing a bloody scene, and even caught the person planning my own assassination.

It soon came to be that I was a "hero" in these gloomy streets, saving innocent people from a horrible ending.

I gave them a hope to greedily hold onto; a light to follow.

Ehhh!!! This the first itme I'm doing something like this. Even so, it is just for fun. I hope you guys enjoy!!

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Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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