
A Spy for Hire.

Kofi's just blown up her entire capital city to smithereens for taking her beloved master from her. But with the help of the Surviving System - the very thing the Delvaran government was after - she lands in the prosperous parallel country called Lupart. But what's this, her head are filled with memories that are definitely not hers and far much more than what she should be having " Did I just crash a person's rebirth "? Yes she did, cos she's a survivor. But Kofi has no qualms with anyone in this world and simply wishes to explore her surroundings but the original owner of this body won't let her. Now she has to fulfill her dying wish, deal with terrible family members, regain her lost memories..... and many many many more. But all these things cost money and Kofi's only good at stealing and you guessed it, spying. When she accidentally ends up at one of the most prestigious schools for the country's elite, her skills may be useful. She makes friends and twice as many enemies along the way but Kofi doesn't care. She'll take any mission no matter what it is. The question now is, Do you want to hire a spy? ( Disclaimer : Cover not mine, all credit goes to original owner. Only editing was done by me )

Kik1_Yijaa · Khoa huyễn
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91 Chs

Chapter 57 : Hugs for everyone.

Mordecai sighed as he looked down at Jubilee disapprovingly, " What are you doing "? She wagged her fork in his face sarcastically, " Eating "? He twitched slightly, " You're meant to eat at the table Juju ".

She shrugged, putting more plantain in her mouth " But it's just us. And you know I prefer to hold my plate ". Cassie was a bit nervous watching the two bicker [ They're so different ]

He suddenly turned to her, " Cassie, tell this cave woman to come to the table ". She laughed nervously, raising her finger [ Don't drag me into it ] " Is it really important where we sit "?

Before the two could start yelling at each other, there was a knock at the door. Cassie got up and practically ran to the door, " I'll get it ". She was a bit surprised when she saw Lloyd and took a step back.

He leaned forward, hand on chin " Who are you? I don't think I got the wrong apartment ". He looked up when he heard an excited voice he recognized. He smiled as he opened his arms wide, "Big Brother Lloyd "!

Cassie was a bit surprised [ Did she just call The Interrogator her big brother? ] Jubilee smiled, arms wrapped around him as he wiped the corner of her mouth covered in oil, " Still as messy as ever ".

She heard another familiar voice as Leonardo let himself in, " Gee. Did anyone miss me "? Mordecai ran forward like an excited puppy, " Of course Brother Leo ". Leonardo patted his head with a smile, " You've gotten a lot taller Mordecai ".

Cassie felt like she was going to fall over [ What's the president's son even doing here? ] Asher popped out from behind as he pulled a dazed Cassie into a tight hug, " Hugs for everyone. I don't want my little strawberry feeling left out ".

She groaned as she gave up struggling against his embrace, " We met yesterday Brother Asher. And you're super sweaty ". He squeezed her even tighter, " But I've missed you so much since then ".

She turned red, " You shouldn't say things like that ". Rider groaned as he managed to close the door and looked at Cassie, " You look so red. Do you have a fever "? She turned her head and put it in his chest, " Cousin brother that's not true ".

Asher laughed, smoothing back her hair [ So silky smooth ] " Yeah. She always goes this colour around me, that's why I call her a strawberry ". Cassie pulled at his sweaty clothes, " Brother Asher ". Rider face palmed himself and shook his head, " How dense is he "?


" If you could just have Coda do it, why put me through all that "? Kofi smiled innocently as she tilted her head to the side, " But that wouldn't be as fun ". Peach suddenly locked him in an arm bar from behind, " Don't you dare do that again ".

He nodded while Chase sat in a lotus position quietly watching Peach and Kofi [ Women are scary ] Kofi poked a tired Dylan's cheek, " Help me with my hair ".

He tried to bite the finger but she was faster, " No ". Kofi pouted slightly, poking his cheek again " Pretty please ". Dylan turned his head in another direction, " You could have seriously hurt me earlier ".

She smiled playfully, " Don't forget the important part, I didn't ". Dylan sighed as he sat up [ That sounded like a threat for some reason ] " You're not gonna go away if I don't help you, huh "? Kofi nodded, turning her back to him, " Yeah ".

He sighed in defeat as he held her hair, " Y'all are bullies ". Peach sat up from her spot on the couch, her gentle voice slightly intimidating " Did you say something Omenio "?

Dylan shook his head and decided on braided pigtails for her. When he was done, he refused to let Kofi look that cute [ Why does a she devil look like a cute little angel? ]

He shook his head and muttered to himself, " Unacceptable ". He rolled the braids into buns and was even more frustrated, " Why do you look so cute "? Kofi was confused by the question but shook her head all the same, " I don't know. I guess I just am ".