
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 8.2: Operatsiya partizanskaya part two

Link for what is syndicalism: https://kaisthings.com/anarcho-syndicalism-101/

7 hours later after getting dispatched for a mission....

Some of my men who I brought stood silent inside the BTR's while some were humming while listening to music from their phones. They had their government issued built in headphones from their helmets with huds that had crosshairs like some fps game that used Bluetooth to connect with the phones. We don't have to worry about hacking since our phones are using government internet and was encrypted with a browser derivative derived by Americans called tor made by the GRU made to counter American hackers back in the 2000's that uses layers of encryption, and layers of servers to stop messages from getting to the enemy. Since we aren't in the motherland anymore or in fact the modern world we don't need to worry about hacking since there was no internet and this was some sort of medieval fantasy land.

There isn't (Probably) a country that can make internet or a type of same concept since the architecture from the village didn't have any type of cement but instead used clay and stone bricks to make homes most were even wooden ones. Knowing that they didn't even research or created medical procedures to cure diseases as easy to treat as pneumonia yeah there isn't probably a country capable of creating the same concept as the internet. Plus I doubt some country in this world has some sort of satellite knowing the people use swords, spears, and chainmail armor for military equipment. I wonder if this feudalistic empire that we made ourselves in contact with is some superpower maybe like as Rome in the pre collapse/east Rome and western rome/HRE and Byzantium split.

I mean if you can equip the military with so much chainmail armor in the pre industrial world where most are serf's and slaves it's possible and you need to have millions of people enslaved. Plus chainmail needed to have each chain made by hand from the condition of the chainmail it was made rather newly. Hmm... Then I noticed the bear like thing snuggling it's head on my camo pants. The thing that killed my friend. I still resented it but I may need it for future endeavors if encase it gets fresky.

Suddenly I remembered the notebook. Might as well look at what are we aren't allowed to do.

I opened the notebook and read it.

Operatsiya Partizanskaya/operation partizan sky

Clearance level: -B/High ranking company level

Ordered by: Company Captain Alexander Mikhailov

Mission briefing: We are currently in another world. This world isn't the same world. You get the gist right? In this operation you need to secure supplies, diplomatic power, economic power, and ideological power. We will change this feudalistic world. We will bring our democratic/anarcho syndicalist ideals to this world and revolutionrize them. Power to the people through soft power not through war or revolution even if it takes years or decades. Just like in the motherland where it took 6 years/7 years. We will create a place where the people vote for laws, where workers can vote on who is the manager of their work stations not by corrupt company management, where the people could say no to laws that restrict their freedom, and more importantly where the rich can't lobby against laws that the people voted unanimously just like in our homeland from 2016 to the present.

We shall start a syndicalist protectorate of the Russian republic because a.) we don't have a way back, b.) so we can ready to go back home c.) if we ever come back we will be congratulated as adventurers, and icons in the gru department we worked for. We will have our pictures put on the hall of glory if we ever come back. It's gonna be allied state of the USDRR or the united socialist democracy of the Russian republic. Our ideology shall be syndicalism just like in the homeland. Although the name of our homeland says it's a socialistic democracy we are not infact Leninists. We are syndicalist. An old idea of socialism.

Unlike Marxism the syndicalism only works through labour unions/syndicates (Independent entities ruled by the people themselves not the military since the military is its own union/ syndicate The military is only used to defend the people not to oppress them or to do a counter attack if encase a terrorist cell attacks just like what happened in saint Petersburg.), autonomous regions/provinces that have their own rules and regulations, the rich not having a right to lobby against laws by buying political power where the people unanimously voted for the rule because a.) Corruption. And b.) the fear that the government might become like america. (A country filled with greed, corruption, and party lies that their people believed.

Capitalism used to be where the people control the means of production with vigour, and empathy to help others from the bourgeoisie. Now it's a husk where greed runs rampant and ruled by a select few companies that treats their workers like shit just like the bourgeoisie how ironic isn't it? A economic system being ruled over by a select few companies instead of where the workers can't protests and can't improve their lifestyle unless you have connections. if anyone protested their jobs the only jobs they can get will be wisked away to be used by another poor soul who doesn't know what they are getting themselves into.), lowering of terms to 1 year max, representatives in Congress with over 600 seats and 4 parties (The anarchists/⅖ of the party, syndicalist, direct democrats, and small amount Leninists), making the premier/head of state an over glorified diplomat that has no power unless 2/3's of the Population says yes to his proposal but cannot change the constitution, and direct democracy. It's like the democracy we hear from ancient Greek history. It's kinda ironic how the Americans call themselves the most democratic country in the world but they aren't even a democracy and didn't even follow their founder's rules.

They are just an oligarchy by the super rich like Jeff besos who started to expand his business called Amazon and started a PMC who did get some controversies because of killing a village filled with "suspected extremists" in Somali land and got a presidential pardon, politicians who say they differ from ideologies from each other but they aren't they are just the same there is no difference between two parties they are just one party wearing a mask pretending they are who they seemed but I'm reality they are lying, and companies and it calls itself a democratic republic to us it's just plain hypocrisy. It's like calling Sparta a democracy when in actuality it's a republic with a council and with some oligarch's.


#1 = No pillaging villages.

#2 = No usage of the government issued chlorine gas grenades near civilian populations use them in warfare against the monsters that the anomalies bring where the civilians have been already evacuated.

#3 = When you gain political power you will start a workers union.

#4 = Do not use the thermite grenades near forests.

#5 = Do not force traders who sell slaves to free them. Remember we are here to slowly free them not start a revolt or a diplomatic dispute. I know if some dumbass is gonna do this one of your heads will be cut off since if the king is pissed about you attacking one of his people. You remember medieval history class right? Yeah so be careful.

#6 = No starting a rushed revolution.

#7 = No starting a blockade after getting supplies and getting support from bureaucrats or from the people. Some nationalists will start a civil war and cause more death if you did that. It will be bloody and wasteful.

#8 = No abusing power. If some I ever hear that you abused your diplomatic power I will have you shot NKVD ww2 style.

#9 = Only start protests no revolts.

#10 = Start worker unions

#11 = Do not use forced labour.


Huh so the captain is just trying what? Trying to make this world comfortable to live in? A world where people have their freedom, and peaceful. How optimistic. I bet some will rebel and destroy everything we worked for to start another monarchy.

I sighed as I know what's going to happen. Plus I don't think he would allow secrecy since we did allow the public to know about military projects and.... it caused a international embargo because of that time we tried to build what basically was a self propelled rail gun/artillery railgun. The project lasted 2 years we made the prototype after that we stopped because of the embargo, and the need to maintain it in a daily basis. It could flatten 4 city blocks but it used a lot of electricity, and very expensive to maintain. It now lies in a military museum in Moscow.

This is gonna be a pain in the ass. Why did the captain even assign me to this. Oh.... Yeah... I was the only one next to the lieutenant in rank. His ass is sitting in his hammock while I'm trying too survive the damn hot BTR because of the fucking sun and the ac not working!

Suddenly we experienced a bump in the dirty road. The thing that tried to snuggle in my feet was now on my genetials. I picked it up and put it directly in my side. Then one of the soldiers who got a familiar went on an alert like state like something was gonna attack.

*Water splashing noises*


"What is it private?"

"Well... I hit some alligator like animal and we are currently near a marsh... And we are currently getting surrounded by some sort of pack of them."

Ah shit....

"Men man the 14.5 mm machine gun and the pkm. Also get out of the BTR. We may need some of you to guard the tires."

I opened up a hatch in the back of the vehicle and left the BTR and started shooting the alligator looking things. Most of them appear to be 2 meters in length and a foot high.

Oh shit.. This was a bad idea.

"fall back! let the gunners do their jobs!"

I pushed my soldiers in the BTR and locked the hatch using the spare keys.

*5.45x39 Burst Gunshot*

I fired off my gun in burst mode. One of the alligator looking things flopped and stopped moving.

*More 5.45x39 burst gunshots*

I continued firing off my gun 10 times until the loading mechanism jammed. Damnit. I tried unjamming it by hitting the buttstock to the BTR's back. I continued hitting the BTR until the alligators sprinted at me.

"Shit! shit! Shit!"

I pulled out my tokarev and fired of all of the ammo.

*7x 7.62x25 tokarev Gunshots*

I stopped one of their tracks but some where still heading towards me. I continued to bash my gun into the BTR.

I stopped and just changed the magazine that still has 3 bullets. Damnit. This is a waste of precious ammo. Fuck.

I then took off my gun's dust cover, and reached my fingers to the loading mechanism. I checked it and noticed a bullet stuck between the lower half of the recoil system and the loading mechanism.

I hurriedly carefully tried to get the loading mechanism unstuck by putting my finger into the loading and get the loading mechanism unstuck. After a second I pulled it out and hurriedly put it all back.

Then I noticed that one of them snuck up to me while I was busy getting my gun unstuck. It then tried to lunge at me. I hurriedly pulled out my knife and stabbed the son of a bitch by stabbing it in the head effectively lobotomizing the alligator looking thing.

Suddenly the pkm roaded to life.

The gunner started to shoot the beasts.

"Sorry staff Sargeant. The pkm is really hard to reload. The mag is really really heavy."

"Uh.... that's okay. You saved my skin right there corporal. Thanks."

The corporal started to mow down the beast with incredible accuracy. For a corporal he isn't that bad at shooting.

Suddenly i noticed that the ones we are followed stopped and watched us from above. Watching the fighting from above. Lucky bastards.

After 30 seconds straight of using the machine gun with it's 200 capacity magazine the alligator looking things stopped moving and the marsh looking Soo bloody that some of it was covered with red.

Suddenly the ones we were following dropped a rope and fast roped into us.

I hurriedly pulled out my notebook that I use for translation.

Schmidt then looked at me and pulled me to him.

*How did you do that...*

I looked at the notebook and translated my answer.

*What do you mean?*

*I mean how did you defeat the c class monster's!*


*I mean how did you kill the sumpfgebet scheusals! Those things are very hard to kill with swords, bows, and magic! How! How did you did it! The only thing I heard was loud musket fire.*

He continued to ask me.

I sighed and told him about our guns.

*This is repeating musket/Automatic firearm. It shoots musket balls/bullets in a fast rate without loading it as slowly as a musket and much more efficient than any musket.*

Link for what is li, bu, and chi in ancient china: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_units_of_measurement#:~:text=Traditional%20units%20of%20length%20include,of%20300%20or%20360%20bu.

*But muskets only have a range of 0.02 li! (10 meters) It can't go further without losing most of its penetrating power!*

He said while spitting some saliva in my mouth. Ew... I wonder what diseases are in that saliva. I better go do a medical test later.

*Well with a few enhancements with the gunpowder it can reach 1.8 li. and can break the speed of sound*

*But how can you make it go that far and how can the musket survive that?*

*That's a secret. I'm sorry. The captain told me that is classified info."


*Can I ask you something?*

*Yeah what is it Schmidt?*

*How did you notice the monster almost eating you?*

*Flash back from spetznaz bootcamp*

"Now privets. Let's try to Survive the live fire drill."

said one of the drill Sargeant's.

"Wait what?"

Said one of the new recruit's.

Suddenly I hear a shot and dodged to the right.

"Privates. Now dance."

Suddenly we got pelted by bullets life and right we tried to dodge some of them but some of us got shot and started bleeding.


I started to run. I don't get paid enough for this shit.

The other new recruit's did the same thing as me.

Suddenly I felt funny and my perspective of time started to slow down.

I saw bullets flying by as I ran. It looked like I was high on adrenaline. From what school thought me this can also be dangerous.

I continued to run until I found a wall to hide behind.

Suddenly a bullet pass through the wall.


I ran away from the place as fast as I can until I found a bush to hide in. I continued to hide in it and surprisingly no one ever shot the bush.

A few hours later...

Suddenly I heard bush ruffling near me and immediately grabbed my knife and grabbed the one who went near me to be used as a bargaining chip.

I got back to the camp and saw my drill Sargeant congratulating me. I was so infuriated I tossed the man who I took as a hostage at him.

*End of flashback*

*Ivan. Can we get the leather and the meat from the sumpfgebet scheusals. It's a precious commodity. I'd give you 40% of the profits since you were the ones who killed the buggers. Plus the meat tastes good. Specially when roasted.*

*Wait how much is this animal's leather and meat sell anyways?*

*About maybe 10 gold pieces per 5 chunks of flesh, and 20 gold piece per leather pelt.*

I wonder how heavy of their gold. And i wonder how their economy works. Is it like Rome? where the economy works by people like merchants? Do they have some thing like a guild where a medieval association of craftsmen or merchants trade and deal with each other? Guilds from what I learned from history class were actually a collective with autonomy from the state.

A few BTR's who were a little left behind like about 100 meters from here we're catching up and radioed.

"Uh... Staff Sargeant why are there so many giant alligator corpses?"

"Copy that. I can explain that. Well the driver accidentally hit one of the alligators and we were swarmed by them so we killed them."


The radio stayed silent. After a few seconds the men caught up and left their vehicles, and help the Schmidt and his men to skin off the leather, and cut off the meat.

A few hours later...

"Oh thank God... Phew...."

Then suddenly one of the men who were thirsty collapsed. One of the men who had a familiar with the water element created water splashed them with the water.

After that he then gave them his water bottle.

The men who were thirsty fought each other on who gets to drink the whole thing. I face palmed at how idiotic the situation is. They could've just ask him to get more water.

After that I looked back at some of the meat and decided to cook it.

Some of the researchers with us who sent to see how their technology works, and what diseases or things are able to kill us that they have. Are now trying to see what pathogens are in the meat and can we put them in jars/sterilize them to last us a few days.

I grabbed some perishable goods, a few pots, a grill, and a propane tank from the transport trucks.

I tasked one of the soldiers who knew how to cook well.. To cook.

I got to the medical transport and asked one of the physicians to do a medical test on me.

"Why do you even want a medical test? It's rare for you to do a medical test like this without being forced to."

Said one of the physician's.

"Well. I got some saliva from Schmidt and was afraid of getting sick with some disease we don't know how treat."


We did a swab test and after an hour of waiting I didn't get anything. I was healthy.

Thank God. I thought I was going to get some disease that could kill me or infect everyone.

I went back to see the soldier I tasked to cook and saw him singing with other soldiers while waiting for the meat to properly cook.

"🎶And just because he's human

a man would like a little bit to eat.

He wants no bull and a lot of talk

that gives no bread or meat.

So left, two, three!

So left, two, three!

To the work that we must do.

March on in the workers' united front,

for you are a worker too!🎶"

Sang one of the corporals. This was the song in the civil war that the socialists used to rally support. From the high taxes (For supposed "government projects" that didn't even made a highway into Siberia or improving infrastructure), legalizing human trafficking because they didn't pay off their debts, Orphans getting to do forced labour while some where forced to fight for the rich's amusement, and the shitty governmental projects the people had enough and started a civil war in the Russian federation.

"🎶And because a man is human

he won't care for a kick in the face.

He doesn't want slaves under him

Or above him a ruling class

So left, two, three!

So left, two, three!

Comrade, there's a place for you.

Take your stand in the workers united front!🎶"

Sang a private

"🎶For you are a worker too.

And because a worker's a worker

No one else will bring him liberty.

It's nobody's work but the worker' own

To set the worker free.

So left, two, three!

So left, two, three!

Comrade, there's a place for you.

Take your stand in the workers united front

For you are a worker too!🎶"

One of the soldiers check the meat and saw it was cooked.

I left and called in some of the soldiers who didn't came to the fire.

"It's launch! Get ready for some fresh meat!"

The soldiers who were sick from the rations got their plates, bread, and silver wear, and immediately went to where we cooked.

To be continued.....