
A spetznaz detachment in another world

We found ourselves outside of reality. We weren't in earth anymore. We were sent by the G.R.U the investigate an anomaly in space time. We were part of a division inside the Russian G.R.U called the anomaly department. We investigate and study dangerous anomalies that can harm the motherland so we could make counter measures for them. Can we go back or should we be worried? I asked my comrades as they go around screaming, and panicking as the anomaly disappeared. Well shit.... Writer: If you enjoy this please follow or leave a star on the chapters. it really helps me a lot. Note I am the only one that makes this chapters and don't be worried if I'm late on my schedule. Also the source of the pictures seen here are from creator night cafes. They are a site that makes A.I generated art for free. Thanks please enjoy this story about a spetznaz detachment in another world as they find a way back to their world.

ComradeoftheGRU · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: The village escapade

Staff Sargeant Ivan Pavlov's POV.

I sighed as the tired lieutenant slept in the BTR-80M. Its been an hour. We made a tent for the wounded and made a temporary F.O.B. We started tend the wounded and let some of the soldiers rest. I was irritated with the lieutenant but he did do the logistics so I can't blame him.

"Captain. permission to help the village without the lieutenant."

"Affirmative. Now get into a BTR and drive into the village. You should arrive to the village in 20 minutes or so."

Everybody grabbed their ak-12's, ak-74m's, and got two rpg's just encase.

"Men move out!"


The men got into a BTR-80m. The driver started the engine. The engine roared to life like a lion. The driver floored the gas pedal to get faster to the destination. We put on the seat belts as we desperately tried to not get head injuries due to the bumpy dirt road, and the fastness of the driver's flooring of the gas pedal. After ten minutes of intense praying we arrived at the burning village seeing those monster's faces. It was disgusting.

We left the BTR while the driver and the gunner readied the pkm.

*Unintelligible speaking*

The gunner of the BTR just shot the abomination and riddled it's body with incendiary 7.62x39mm rounds.

The other abominations noticed this and charged at us.

*Rapid fire Gunshots*

"cover us!"

I said to the BTR gunner.


Said the BTR gunner.

*Rapid fire machine gun firing gunshots*


Said one of my privates.

The gunner riddled the hordes with incendiary rounds. More and more bodies dropped to the ground.


We continued firing in semi auto to the horde of abominations. Trying to compensate the recoil of the guns. The monsters were riddled with bullets. It was raining bullets. Hundreds of rounds fired at a single direction. Some of the guns jammed as we retreated to the BTR. The gunner reloaded his machine and fired at the incoming monsters.

After a few seconds the horde dropped dead. They seemed to be dead.

We checked if the monsters were still alive so we got near to the monsters, and shot them in the head. Suddenly one of the monster started twitching and grabbed my feet. I immediately pulled out my side arm and shot it in the head. It didn't seem effective. So I grabbed my army knife and stabbed the monster in the jugular.

After that we tried to find survivors. A few minutes later we found a few of the the survivor's. We tried to talk to them but we didn't understand what they were saying. They were speaking in an unknown dialect. I sighed and tried to do sign language. They seemed to understand and sent the survivor's into the camp.

We continued on finding more of monsters and exterminating, and finding more survivor's to be sent to the base.

Yeshua Volkov's POV.

I woke up to gunshots in the stance. I Immediately got up, and asked what was happening to the captain.

"Oh you mean the fire fight? Yeah there were a few of those abominations hanging around in the burning village we saw 3 hours ago. I sent some of the soldiers out since you were asleep and I couldn't be bothered to wake up."

*Distance gunshots*

"We found quite a few of those monsters attacking the village. We sent an extermination squad if encase it will bite us in ass in the future. You can call it a preemptive strike. After all it may cause concern in the future if we do not destroy those abominations to nature."

*Distant gunshots*

More gunshots can be heard coming from the area where we saw that medieval looking village. It was now a smuldering heap of dust. I saw a few new faces in our ranks. I was confused who were they?

"Excuse me captain why are there new faces? And why are some of them In rags?"

I asked the captain.

"Oh those are the survivor's of that burning village."

Most of them look like human while others look like human animal hybrids.

"Excuse me. May I ask you something?"

"Yes lieutenant?"

"Why is some of the refugees look like therianthropes from myths from Mayan, and other mythologies?"

"Some of our researchers are still trying to understand how these evolution occured but one of the leading theories are due to high exposure of god particles and those leading into a new branch of evolution. E.i the humans with animal parts with collars in their necks. There are higher levels of god particles here than earth had. Maybe god particles are the reason why humanity, and thus self aware consciousness was created. It was proposed by some of the staff a few years ago. And was wildly popular between the science community at least the science community that knows about it."

"Oh so these are just like those freaks of nature?"

"More or less but there are still part human, and more intelligent that the monsters we fought. We are still trying to understand their language. We communicated with them using sign language. The only communication between us and them is sign language. They can't speak Russian but can speak an incoherent language that even our onsite linguists are unable to understand."

I sighed as I looked one of the men who took his helmet off was giving everyone coffee, and tea. The refugees looked at us with a confused look. It looked like they were suspecting us of something.

"Captain may I ask you something?"

"Yes what is it?"

"Aren't you worried that the medicine are gonna run out?"

He looked at me with a smile and started laughing.

"No. (crazy laughing)"

"Why are you laughing?"

"Well its our job to help people under attack by the abominations even if it may costs us lives. After all the continuation of the lives is better than the seeing them bleed, and get diseases to death."

Some of the few survivor's of the village look at us with confused looks.

After a few seconds some of the soldiers were letting the people drink coffee.

"So what's next? Setting COMS?"

I asked the captain.

"Yes could you please set the COMS, and radio's."


To be continued.