
Two weeks

-Will Pov-

Lord Fenris arrived at sea dragon point just over two week ago with his caravan of people who were eager to migrate for a chance at a better life…

And a better life arrived sooner then any of us could have ever hoped for, as he built houses and farms that would have taken a dozen men weeks to finish in barely a day for next to no cost as he gathers all of the materials required by him self by running to the forest and back.

His strength and endurance are inhuman to say the least, as barely anyone has seen him rest in these last two weeks..aside from taking breaks for food a few times a day…

And the amount of food he consumes could fill the bellies of close to 30 people, which should be impossible…..but what people consider impossible is constantly being tested by the mere presence of lord Fenris…

He's unlike any lord I've ever seen or heard of, and being his so called "second in command" has given me a closer look then most…

Never had i been so glad that my mother taught me my letters growing up as I was when lord Fenris said and I quote " you can read and write yeah?, fuck yeah, congratulations you're now my right hand man"…..he did mention something about liking the "cut of my jib" and how he didn't like paper work as well….

For the moment my only real duties are to help organise where everything is stored, and listen to any minor complaints the people might have, which at the beginning was mostly locals complaining how lord Fenris was building new comers new homes while they lived in shacks….like lords personally building homes for small folk was a normal thing...they seemed to get a little too comfortable with the man's jolly nature to forget that he was their lord…

So in light of the complaints of the "snow flakes" and "interrupting his insane amount of work for bullshit reasons" he cut half their wages for a week and had them work double shifts gutting and bleeding fish and animals for blood and "bonemeal" for the farms….certainly not a pleasant job…but one lord Fenris insists on….he even apparently has a way for farms to work all year round without the land drying up, if that's true it will change the food situation in the north substantially….

Lord Fenris built a "brick kiln" and has most of the villages children packing clay into "pre made casings" to create hardened clay bricks, while not as hard as rock are still quite impressive, the children don't get paid much, but enough to feed themselves for a day and save a little extra….which by normal standards is more then any orphan or children of poor family's could ever hope for…they are of course supervised by some adults who handle the kilns fires…which they picked up the knack of quickly enough with a few demonstrations from our knowledgeable new lord

lord Fenris plans to tear down the village and rebuild it with these bricks which is something people are both nervous about and looking forward to….

The bear islanders that were rescued blended into the people of sea dragon point with an unusual ease, I'd say it's because the majority of them were women and children but even still….it's strange for them to blend so easily….but the town has more women then men now which is a rather strange thing to happen to any normal village…but none of the single men complained as finding a wife was hard enough as it was…

Lord Fenris also found quiet a few mineral deposits in the mountains, a few iron and copper mines and even a silver mine….yes a SILVER mine….while it's no gold mine like the Lannister's have, it will be quiet a boon to lord Fenris when he sets it up in the future…..the locations of the potential mines weren't in ideal areas but lord Fenris didn't seem too worried, so I suppose I shouldn't be either…

Apparently there were 2 mid sized bandits camps in lord Fenris's lands which he discovered in one of his "night runs" and were promptly taken care of by lord Fenris alone….the only reason the village even found out was because our lord was seen walking back to town one morning pulling 2 wagons absolutely stocked full of supplies and coins…another prosperous haul if I do say so myself….which I do , as lord Fenris makes me take stock of inventory and count the coins….which is painfully time consuming and boring..

Lord Fenris has yet to visit his neighbouring lord to "officially meet them" yet….which could be considered rude, but our lord said he had to much to do to worry about some "bureaucracy bullshit" and just continued on his quest to "not live in a shithole"

I'm currently outside of one of the newly built "farm houses" which has to be one of the best looking and largest houses I've ever seen any small folk outside of a very wealthy merchant live in…..it's made of mostly wood with some "clay brick" here and there….it's magnificent….big enough for large family to live in comfort…lord Fenris even build them a "tool shed", "barn" and a couple of "log cabins" for potential farm hands….those "log cabins" are nicer and roomier then the best house in town at the moment…..

I'm speaking with the farmers about their supplies and experience in farming and what they used to grow on their old farms….while lord Fenris was currently "plowing" the fields….by having the the plow attached to him and running through the fields tearing them up and preparing them for planting….

His words were " it'll take those guys like a week to get the fields plowed, I'll smash it out in like an hour and they can get that food growing"

Lord Fenris over the last few weeks made 2 more seed drills and a about 20 plows and various other farm essential tools with the help of Fredrick and Eddard for the various new farms all over sea dragon point…Fredrick and Eddard being the two now very busy town blacksmiths who have also taken 2 apprentices each….they are running dangerously low on metals though….so a trip to deepwood motte is needed soon, unless lord Fenris could somehow get iron mine up and running….but we just don't have enough people for the yet..

Lord Fenris is not doing this all for free though, everything will be payed for eventually in small consistent payments and crop percentages over the next decade or two with no interest….even with the repayments being made, the farming family's will be making far more then they could ever have dreamed of before lord Fenris came into their lives

Everyone living in and around the newly named "Newtown" as lord Fenris named it, is extremely busy, not a single person who is capable of working is left idle, of course people are being paid one way or another so no one is really complaining, not to mention lord Fenris has made it mandatory to eat proper meals 3 times a day to improve health, which is easy enough to accomodate with the now 3 fishing ships running…in which the health of the small folk has shown remarkable improvements in these two weeks….as everyone is far more lively than when we first arrived..

My lord is burning through gold at a decent pace building up the town the way that he is, but as he said " you gotta spend money to make money" but I don't see how that's going to help….I've tried to advise him to limit his charitable actions Slighty but he wasn't willing to entertain that idea as he said "the lords of the iron islands have plenty of gold, don't worry about it"…..I'm not sure how them having gold translates to gold being available for us , but I trust my lord so I said nothing..

Lord Fenris seemed to be finished and has made his way over to me and the two farmers who had just finished listing off their previous experience.

"Alright those fields should take you a few days even with the new seed drill to plant properly….ya'll remember how i showed you to plant in uniform and spaced out?"

"Yes m'lord we remember"

"Good, I'll be taking off with Will, it's finally time to start up that sewage system….and remember to save your wood burning ash and take it into town….I need it for a few things"

"Yes m'lord…..and can I just say once again how grateful we are for everything you've done for us…..The old gods truely smile upon us"

"Not really doing it for you guys, it's more for me…the more food you grow, the richer I get….the richer I get the more people I can pay to do shit for me, visa vee, work hard now so i can be a bum later"

The farmers just smiled and laughed in high spirits at their eccentric new lord….he tells peoples he's not sent by the old gods….but I doubt anyone would actually believe that after everything they've seen him do….even I'm convinced the old gods sent him to us for a reason….

So we say our goodbyes and as we were walking away my lord started speaking " I don't have nearly enough materials to build a whole sewage system, but should have just enough to get the basics up and running….these two weeks have run me a bit ragged….I haven't even got a house yet, which is ironic, as I've done almost nothing but build houses lately…..I'll have to build a couple more brick kilns as well ….one just isn't enough to get started any time soon….."

He was more talking to himself than me, but i listened all the same, hoping to maybe pick some of his random bits of wisdom he likes to drop every now and then..


I jumped to attention " yes m'lord?"

" we are going to need more people pretty soon….maybe in a month or two….but considering the time it takes to travel, we probably shouldn't wait to long on sending out some people for a recruitment drive…any idea how to get more people "legally" without having to resort to reverse piracy?"

" it's generally frowned upon to "steal" small folk from other lords from what I hear, even though they are "technically" free people….but I would suggest sending out a few people to spread the word about "Newtown" and what it's like to live here….most people will will probably dismiss it as tall tales, but some people might want a new start badly enough to take a chance on it"

Lord Fenris looks to be thinking about my advice…though I wasn't raised as a noble and have no real back ground t speak of, I've always been quiet bright and learn fast according to my father…. And I always kept an ear to the ground regarding most things…

"Alright, do that…send out some people to travel around…make sure their grouped…no one travels alone…give them a horse each and some coin to keep them going….non essential people only…."

I just nod and make a list of all people who I can potentially send in my mind…there's not many really….

" it seems we're about out of iron and copper….I'll have to make a trip to deepwood motte tomorrow to see if they have any to sell.."

My lord goes back to mumbling to himself….busy days are ahead of that I'm sure…