
A Soldiers Life

For all the glory and recognition I wanted, for all the training I did to make it happen, and for the war it took for it to be achieved. It did not help me prepare for what is to happen. "Where the hell am I?" PS. English is not my main language. Hopefully you wont have stroke reading the fic.

Zaylent · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 11: The Supply Route Part 2(End)

The faint sounds of engines finally reached us, my heart rate quickened, the familiar feeling of adrenaline pumping in my veins. As the first truck rolled into view, we held our breath, waiting for the signal. 

"Now!" Lieutenant Taylor's voice came through the radio, and all hell broke loose.

Tom and other grenadiers started by firing RPG-7, M72 LAW, M67, rocket propelled weapons that would work great in this situation. This sends some vehicles flipping and debris flying. 

Mack's and other machine gunners gun roared to life as they sprayed bullets down on the convoy. Me and the other riflemen picked of the ones scrambling for cover, not giving them a chance to recover. 

I squeezed the trigger of my M16, feeling the recoil as I aimed at the soldiers trying to take cover behind the trucks. My bullets aimed true as they reaped the life of a few NVA soldiers, seeing this I couldn't help but yell. 

"Come get some gook fuckers!"

The NVA soldiers were clearly well-trained and quickly adapted to the ambush. They began returning fire with deadly accuracy. As the enemy quickly retaliate by firing their AK-47s as I quickly duck as bullets whizzed past, tearing through leaves and branches and hitting the ground around us. I saw some of the guys from the other squad fall as bullets rained down on them. 

'We expected resistance, but not this much! Even though we cull a big portion of their manpower, were still outgunned by two to one!' I thought as I fired at the already advancing enemies, stopping them at their track. 

I see a cluster of soldiers huddling up behind a grove of trees, seeing this I looked at Tom and ordered. "Tom! Northwest, 45 yards out! Blow them fuckers out."

Seeing this, Tom lobbed out a few grenades at the cluster of soldiers quickly killing some of them, the disoriented one, come out of the hole they're hiding, battered and bruise because of the grenades fragment.

Me and Mack decided to end their misery, firing hail of bullets that send some of their limbs flying.

The firefight intensified, the air thick with smoke and the acrid smell of gunpowder. The NVA soldiers were advancing, trying to flank us. I fired in short bursts, aiming for the gaps in their line.

Mack has his M60 mowing down anyone who dared to approach. "Keep em pinned!" he yelled, sweat streaming down his face.

But the NVA were determined, not backing down one bit. Even though we have the high ground their numbers compensate it. The firefight dragged on, each side taking and losing ground.

As time pass by, the resistance of the convoy slightly weaken, giving us some time to breath.

'The NVA's resistance is finally weakening' I thought as I keep firing, suddenly, we received fire at our six, then I heard a grunt of pain, along with Toms yell "Carters hit! Bob get over here!"

Turning back, I see some VC scum creeped at us from behind aiming to overwhelm us. Their advance was quickly met by our fire, halting them at their place.

"Reinforcement, enemy reinforcement have arrived! Jim we need to fall back!" Bungum shouted as he reloaded his rifle. "They're gonna overrun us!"

"No, we cant fall back!" I quickly responded as I drop more VC's. "Were the only wall between the guys from below and this gook fuckers. Sarge its your call."

Sergeant Savage glanced around, assessing the situation. "Alright, no retreat! Hold your positions! Fight back or the guys below is as good as dead."

We dug in, using whatever cover we could find. The VC's kept coming in wave after wave but was met with intense fire.

We fired relentlessly, hoping that it would stop the enemies advance. 

A bullet grazed my arm but I kept firing. There was no time to stop, no time to assess the wound.

Nearby, Mack took a hit to the shoulder but stayed at his post, his M60 still laying down suppressive fire. "Not today, you bastards!" he roared, his face contorted in pain.

Tommy's grenades were running low, and he started using his rifle more, picking off targets with deadly accuracy. "How many of these guys are there?" he shouted, frustration evident in his voice.

Sergeant Savage seeing our increasingly dangerous situation, ordered Chuck to call for reinforcement. "Chuck call for some back up! We cant hold out any much longer!"

Chuck while still firing his rifle, sent out a radio transmission. "Bravo One Actual, this is Bravo Two. We are under heavy fire. Repeat, under heavy fire. Reinforcements needed ASAP, over!"

There was a crackle of static before Lieutenant Taylor's voice came through the radio. "Bravo Two, this is Bravo One Actual. What's your current position and enemy strength?"

Chuck ducked behind cover, glancing at the chaotic battlefield around us. "Lieutenant, we're at the Iron Snake Hill, near the bend. Enemy strength is significant, multiple VC's in contact, heavily armed. We're holding our ground, but we need immediate support!"

Another burst of static, then Lieutenant Taylor's voice crackle trough. "Roger that, Bravo Two. Hold your position. We're dispatching Bravo Three on your position now. ETA ten minutes. Can you hold until then?"

Chuck's eyes met mine, then swept across our squad, each of us fighting with everything we had. "We'll hold, Lieutenant. Just get here fast. Over."

"Understood, Bravo Two. Reinforcements en route. Hold tight. Bravo One Actual, out."

Chuck relayed the news to the rest of us. "Reinforcements are on the way! ETA ten minutes! We just need to hold on a bit longer!"

Sergeant Savage shouted above the din, "You heard him, men! Dig in and hold your ground! Reinforcements are coming!"

The knowledge that help was on the way gave hope to us. with renewed sense of determination, we tried to hold of as long as we could. The VC scum were relentless but so were we, we fought with everything we had knowing that survival depended on those precious ten minutes.

The firefight raged on, each second feeling like an eternity. The VC's pressed harder, trying to break our lines but were met by the heat of my rifle. Bullets flew, explosions shook the ground, dead bodies scattered, and rising thick smoke of battle.

Mack, despite his wound, kept firing the M60. "Come on, you bastards! We're not going anywhere!"

"That'll teach em!" Tom said as he lobbed his remaining grenade to a cluster of guerillas.

Chuck kept firing while checking his watch. "Five more minutes, guys! Just five more minutes!"

Carter, though injured, managed to fire his rifle, each shot taken with gritted teeth. Godbolt stayed close to him, alternating between providing medical aid and shooting at the advancing enemy.

The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity. Our ammo was running low, and the enemy seemed endless. Then, through the din of battle, we heard it, the unmistakable sound of reinforcements arriving.

Bravo Three, led by Sergeant Barnes, burst through the underbrush with their rifles blazing. The enemy was caught off guard by the sudden influx of firepower as began to falter.

"Bravo Two, this is Bravo Three. We're here to relieve you," Sergeant Barnes shouted over the noise of battle. "Let's push these bastards back!"

With renewed vigor, we joined forces with Bravo Three, pushing the enemy back into the jungle. The combined firepower of two squads was too much for the VC scum and they began to retreat, dragging their wounded with them.

As the last of the enemy disappeared into the dense foliage, we took a moment to catch our breath. 

Lt. Taylor's voice crackled over the radio again. "Good work, Bravo Two and Bravo Three. Secure the area and tend to your wounded. We'll debrief back at base."

Chuck looked at me with a tired grin. "We did it, Jim. We held the line."

I nodded, feeling the exhaustion settle in. "Yeah, we did. Now let's get Carter patched up and regroup."

Godbolt was already at work, tending to Carter's back. "You did good, Carter. Just hold still a bit longer."

Mack clapped a hand on my shoulder, his face streaked with sweat and dirt. "Looks like you owe me that beer, Jim."

"Oi, your also hit, noh? Why cant it just be a draw?" I couldn't help but retorted despite the weariness I feel.

Mack just grinned and said. "You're right, I'll buy you a whole case and you buy mine, deal?"


We couldn't help but laugh at our silliness, even with battered bodies we still can joke about it. I thought as as we gathered our gear and wounded and prepare to move out.