
A Soldier's resolve in this maddening world

An unlucky soldier from the far future is transported to a world of swords and fantasy after his death. Only, things are not as simple as they appear. What is this bullshit about might makes right? What do you mean I am the Villain? This is bullshit! I want no part of this! Elves? Dwarves? and...Cultivation? this is stupid. Someone! Save me from this mad world!!

ruijard1 · Huyền huyễn
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10 Chs

The night of the Wolves


As the moon rose into the sky, a deep howl rang out in the vicinity of a small town located on the frontiers of the Heavenly Saint Empire.

Deep within the forests that cover the area between the town of Taizhou and Jilongtan city, two children who were 12 to 13 years old, huddled together in fright inside of a hollow tree trunk, regretting their earlier actions.

When these two children decided to run off to Jilongtan to enter a sect and become stronger, they did not account for the fact that they would end up getting caught in a trap laid by a bunch of Demonic beasts.

Despite what their name might suggest, Demonic beasts are not dumb animals. Thanks to the power of Qi, they have enough intelligence to be counted as sapience, except for the fact that it is hard for low-ranking demonic beasts to use this intelligence in a proper way.

But that is not the case when it comes to higher-ranked demonic beasts.

As the children stayed silent, hoping to throw off their pursuers, the area was already flooded with massive forms.

As the moonlight shined through the leaves, it revealed the bulging form of wolves covered in ash-colored fur and deep red vein-like patterns running across their entire bodies. Their red eyes shone with savage intelligence, searching for their prey.

These massive demonic beasts that were as tall as a well-built man were known as the Ash Wolves. A species of demonic wolves that were commonly spotted in this region and in the Eternal Forests.

But it was very clear that these were not normal Ash Wolves.

Unlike the normal Ash Wolves that hunt in a pack of 10 to 15, this group consisted of at least 30 Wolves. Their aura was also shone with a bright silver light, showing that they were all at least in the Silver rank. Their eyes, which were normally supposed to be the same color as their fur were instead deep red, indicating that something was wrong with these wolves.

As the Wolves growled and sniffed around for the children, another wolf stepped into the area.

This one was pure white in color with the patterns of the eight phases of the moon on its body. Its eyes were also pure red just like the rest of the pack, but this one was clearly intelligent as instead of sniffing around for its prey, I started spreading out its aura to try and locate the children.

As its golden aura spread throughout the area, the rest of the wolves continued to try and find the children in different ways.

No matter what, the pack had to hunt down these children and drag their half-eaten bodies to the nearby den of the humans.

Yes. This was an act of vengeance being carried out by the Alpha of this wolf pack, the Silvermoon Wolf. A subspecies of the Ash Wolves.

Ever since a mysterious human had appeared in the nearby town, he had been hunting down the Ash Wolves in the forest relentlessly. In the end, the Alph had no choice but to abandon the forest and make the humans think that they were all dead.

But now that the Silvermoon Wolf has broken through to the Golden rank, it was confident that it could wipe out that little settlement of the humans and kill them all for revenge.

Conveniently, two human children had suddenly shown up in the forest just as the pack was getting ready to attack the town, so the Silvermoon Wolf decided to make an example of the children and then drag their corpses to the town to induce despair in the humans in the same way they did to its kin. Then, it would slaughter all of them and feast on them.

As its golden Qi swept through the area, it suddenly bounced off of a tree trunk nearby, causing a faint grey aura of the two Iron rank initial stage children to shine in the darkness. Exposing them to the mercy of the wolves.

If the Silvermoon Wolf had a human face, it would have surely grinned in glee.

With a short bark, the tree trunk was immediately surrounded by the pack of wolves.

Without wasting any time, the Silvermoon wolf sent out an attack through the swipe of its claws. A blade of Qi directly sliced the trunk apart and injuring the boy.

The exposed children screamed in fear as the wolves pounced on them.

But their advance was stopped when the first few of the Silver-ranked beasts exploded in a shower of gore.

The attacker revealed themselves to be a young woman 16 to 18 years old. Her cold blue eyes stared at the wolves as she held a sword in her hand. Her blue hair flew about violently due to her rapid movement.

As she stared at the wolves that surrounded her siblings which shone with a silver aura, her bronze-colored aura suddenly changed color as her Qi gained a new depth and weight to it. Suddenly, her Bronze rank peak stage aura directly rose to Silver rank middle stages, overshadowing all the Ash Wolves that were only in the initial stages of the Silver rank.

This sudden increase in cultivation caught the eyes of the Silvermoon wolf that descended from its perch atop the tallest tree in the area.

Tonight, it would eat its fill of human flesh and nothing is going to stop it.