
A Sociopath's Multiverse Travel

The story of a sociopathic multiverse traveler .

RHRumman · Tranh châm biếm
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I guess it wasn’t a dream ?

( 3d pov )

In many realities a chaotic situation can be seen , most of the male population are being killed by an Unknown Entity . Realities with higher level beings tried to change the outcome of it but couldn't , no matter how hard they try they cannot reverse time from a certain point , its as if reality itself is preventing them from doing so . The inhabitants of realities that are faced with such a catastrophe are fearing for their lives , thinking that the apocalypse is coming to end their existence .

Some beings outside the scope of reality got curious about the situation and tried searching for the culprit of such mass murder , but came out empty handed . They ware blocked from even entering a reality the Unknown Entity has passed through before . Even after many attempts the most they could do is see what is happening in those realities . This turn of events greatly unnerved them to the point of them looking for the traces of the Unknown Entity more franticly across existence .

The perpetrator of such chaos can be seen floating in the void between realities , totally unaware of the chaos he spread throughout existence while being unconscious . He seems to be slowly waking up from a very long slumber .

( 1st pov - Romen )

[ Please wake up master , I have completed the tasks you had given me . ]

I woke up from what felt like the most comfortable sleep I had in my entire life . Its seems like it wasn't a dream . I honestly didn't think I would wake up again , it just seemed too good to be true . I somehow feel stronger then the last time I was awake even without a physical body , guess its the things mixed in my ' essence ' that's causing this feeling of power .

" Thank you Sara . I can't even imagine the hassle you had to go through to collect that many points . Show me the immortality perk so I can finally start my journey . "

[ Your welcome master . It is my pleasure to help you as much as I can . ]

My memories also feel like they are as fresh as the day I experienced them . Its pleasant to see the few good memories I have , but its also very unpleasant to clearly remember every bad experiences I went through and the ones I forgot about as I grew older . Still I would rather have all of my memories then not having them at all , the memories I have made and the experiences I went though made me what I am now , erasing some or all of it would be similar to just killing me .


[ Shop ] - { Perks }

{ Immortality } - You cannot be killed by any means . Even if existence itself somehow cease to exist , you will still be alive . Grants you instant regenaration , infinite stamina , self sustenance and essence reconstruction . With essence reconstruction , you can absorb your body into your essence and reconstruct it whenever you want . This way if you want to to use the perk { Devourer } to take over someone's body by devouring their soul , you won't have to destroy the body you created and can assimilate in the new body seamlessly using the { Integrator } perk . Your bodily fluids can also heal and extend someone's life according to your will . < 999,999,999,999 >

[ Points ] : 6,999,999,999,999


" Buy the perk and start creating my body Sara . "

[ Done . Starting the creation of your body now master , you will be unconscious momentarily during the process . ]

After going unconscious again I woke up this time feeling weird , after being basically a soul for some time it felt weird having a physical body again . The weird feeling quickly went away as if wasn't there in the first place . I have to say , having a body like this feels amazing . In my old body even though I was fat , I had a weak body with very low stamina . So now felling this kind of strength and energy is making me feel like I'm a god or something . Though I know its just an momentary euphoria of suddenly gaining a strength I never had , It still felt nice .

' Sara can you hear me ? '

[ I can master . ]

Good , it would have been awkward if I had to communicate with her from my mouth all the time . Though I guess it was idiotic of me to think something that is bound to my soul can't read my mind . Its better this way anyway so I really couldn't care less .

' Show me my status for now Sera . '

[ Yes master . ]


[ Master because of the { Immortality } perk giving you infinite stamina , your { Physique } will now only show the amount of physical defense you have . The Energy { Aura } can be used indefinitely as you have infinite stamina , the amount of strength boost you get will depend on the | Aura Mastery | ability level and your overall physical statistics .

Master you have 3 new abilities that indicate the level of mastery you have over the energies in your possession . They are , | Aura Mastery | , | Mana Mastery | and | Mind Mastery | . The higher the level of these abilities the better you become in using the specific energies and the effects they have on you or the reality around you . ]

[ Status ]

{ Name } : Romen

{ Perks } : { Omnipresent } , { Devourer } , { Immortality } , { Integrator } , { Boundless } , { Limitless }

{ Energies } : { Aura } , { Mana } , { Mind }

{ Bloodlines } : { Ancient Hanma } , { Primordial Incubus } , { Ancient Black Martian }

{ Strength } : 8,774 { Agility } : 7,642 { Physique } : 8,543 { Instinct } : 7,535

{ Intelligence } : 55,678 { Wisdom } : 55,337 { Spirit } : 35,773 { Luck } : 6,969

{ Abilities } : | Time & Space Manipulation < Active > Lv.7 | , | Curse Magic < Active > Lv.9 | , | Healing Magic < Active Lv.7 > | , | Aura Mastery < Passive / Active > Lv.1 | , | Mana Mastery < Passive / Active > Lv.1 | , | Mind Mastery < Passive / Active > Lv.1 |

[ Points ] : 6,000,000,000,000


' Sara what's statistics of a human from my old reality ? '

[ Its somewhere between | 1 - 20 | per category except { Spirit } and { Luck } master . The limit being 20 , as your old reality didn't have any special energy for its inhabitants to absorb and straighten themselves , actively or passively . As for the amount of { Spirit } and { Luck } statistics , it varies from individual to individual on a larger scale , so its harder to quantify into numbers within a certain range . Sorry master . ]

' Its okay Sara , you don't need to apologize about something like this . I was just curious about how much stronger I've become from the point of view of my old world . '

[ Thank you master . ]

So I'm basically fucking overpowered from the perspective of lower power level worlds . Which world do I want to go first ? There are a lot of worlds I want to go to even if they don't have stronger opponents , my reason for going there is the women I like in those worlds . But for now I want to test out my body a little , enjoy good food , and have a relaxing time in a world for some time .

With those categories in mind the first world that comes into my head is ' Trash of the count family ' . It was the first novel I read when I first discovered novels after getting bored of anime and manga . It was a memorable experience for me . The story , characters , world , and the funny moments here and there made the novel one of the best entertainment I had ever consumed in my entire life . I can only make the world much worse by going into that world , but do I give a shit about making it worse ? No . I want to personally be in that world , I want to see the moments with my own eyes that gave me some fond memories of enjoyment , I want to see the funny character interactions that happen once in a while between them , I want to see the emotionally broken characters that somehow mend their wounds and keep moving forward unlike me who just ended his life because how empty it felt to keep on living .

' Sara does the reality from my memory ' Trash of the count family ' exist ? '

[ It does exist master . Do you want to use [ Travel ] to go into that reality ? . You can instruct me on how you want to go there and the specifics . I can take care of the rest of the procedure for you . ]

How do I want to go there ? I can just take over someone's body from the story but , that would be too much of a hassle . I can also appear to be some mysterious master or some bullshit like that , but that is unlikely to work in making me stay near the main character Cale Henituse and his merry band of misfits he assembles as the story goes on . Kim Rok Soo or Cale Henituse as he is called after he was transmigrated into another world in the body of a minor villain of a funnily enough ' novel ' is a very smart character , though he can be aloof sometimes leading to misunderstandings happening around him but other then that he has a calculative personality . So if a dude calming to be a hidden master suddenly popped up in front of him asking to follow him or join his group , it will only lead to a complicated situation . I don't like complicated things so that option is out the window . I can also go to Deruth Henituse , Cale's father and the lord of the Henituse territory , and ask him if he wanted to employ a healer for his territory , but that would be even more of a hassle and wouldn't even guarantee that I'm around the main characters group when they go around the world trying to stop bad shit from happening . I can just mind control the Cale and be done with it , but I just don't want to do that , it will take the fun out of it and make it feel unnatural . I want to see and interact with the real characters as they are , at least for this reality .

So that leaves me with the ' Childcare ' option . Cale has a soft spot for children . He became an orphan in his last life as Kim Rok Soo after his parents passed away after a car accident when he was young . Because of the experiences he went through in his last life before he took over Cale's body , made him develop a soft spot for children . I think I have a plan that might work that takes advantage of it . I don't think Cale would just take in just any orphan children he found on the street so I can only try and see what happens with the plan I have in mind .

It seems I instinctually know how to manipulate my age when I wanted to become younger . I reversed my age to 3 years old so that my plan might actually have a chance to work . Though even for a 3 year old I look like a 7 or 8 years old kid from what I'm seeing in the status screen . I guess entering 1 year before the story starts would be a good choice not to arouse suspicion and getting used to everything .

' Sara send me directly in the reality of ' Trash Of The Count Family ' 1 year before Kim Rok Soo transmigrated into the body of Cale Henituse . Make sure I'm near the mountain in an area with no people where the baby dragon ' Raon Miru ' is being held captive . '

[ As you wish master . During the use of [ Travel ] you will be momentarily unconscious to reduce any kind of discomfort you may feel master . ]

' Sure... '

As my consciousness started drifting away again for the second time today , I began wondering if my plan would actually work ? Its highly unlikely to work if I'm being honest . Whatever , lets just see what happens...