
A Slut's Guide To Staying Married

It’s all pranks and constant bickering until one of them decides to step up and save their marriage. Lakeisha Corrigan is just your regular fed up wife who’s had enough and wants to fix things. Being a wife can be overwhelming, but then she stumbles upon this YouTube channel called ‘staying married’ and sees a glimmer of hope that things can actually work out between her and Baby. Join Lakeisha and Baby Corrigan on this wild adventure to save their marriage. With enough twists and turns to make even the most thrill-seeking daredevil dizzy, it’s a journey you won’t want to miss.

Church_Heathen · Thành thị
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67 Chs

Chapter 26: Drunk In Love

My heart raced as the sound of the front door slamming shut echoed through the house. I knew that sound, that unmistakable energy. My husband had arrived, and he was practically running into the room. I turned to face him, anticipation coursing through my veins.

And there he was, standing before me with a look of hunger in his eyes. Without a word, he dived forward, closing the gap between us. Our lips met in a sweet, passionate kiss, igniting a fire within me. Dressed in nothing but my floral lingerie, which was topped by a sheer silk robe, I felt his hands exploring every inch of my body. It took every ounce of strength to break the kiss, to resist the temptation of surrendering to this wild animal of a man right then and there in the living room.

"Come with me," I whispered breathlessly, my voice barely a sound. Taking his hand, I guided him toward the dining room, and he trailed behind like a lovesick puppy. As we entered, his eyes widened, taking in the transformation of the once-ordinary room into a candlelit paradise.

The table was adorned with flickering candles of various sizes, casting a warm, intimate glow across the room. Delicate rose petals were scattered across the pristine white tablecloth, creating an atmosphere of romance and sensuality. The air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of the meal I had prepared, a symphony of flavors waiting to be savored.

We took our seats at opposite ends of the table, deliberately maintaining a distance that fueled the flames of desire between us. It was a torturous game, but one we both reveled in. As we began to eat, our eyes met, exchanging glances that spoke volumes of the passion brewing beneath the surface.

I leaned in closer, my voice laced with playful seduction. "Darling, I've been planning this night for weeks. Can you imagine what I have in store for us?"

He chuckled, a mix of excitement and anticipation dancing in his eyes. "I can only guess, my love. But I know it'll be something extraordinary, just like you."

I grinned, my fingertips grazing his hand teasingly. "Let your imagination run wild, my dear. Picture the wildest fantasies, the deepest desires. Tonight, they're all within reach."

His gaze intensified, the fire within him matching the blaze in my eyes. "I can hardly contain myself. But I'll do my best to savor every moment, to revel in the pleasure you have planned for us."

We continued our meal, our conversation laced with innuendos and teasing whispers. As we indulged in the exquisite flavors, our words danced around the boundaries of propriety. With each passing bite, the anticipation grew, building a crescendo that threatened to consume us both.

In between laughter and bites of delectable cuisine, I leaned in once more, a mischievous smile playing on my lips. "Now, my love, it's time to switch off that cellphone of yours. No distractions tonight. Only us, our desires, and the uncharted paths of pleasure that await."

He nodded, a flicker of anticipation crossing his face. "Agreed. Tonight, there will be no interruptions. Just us, in a world of our own making."

And with that, we sealed our pact with a lingering kiss, the taste of promises and longing lingering on our lips. The night was ours, and as we continued our meal, our thoughts and desires intertwined, fueling the flames of passion that burned brighter with each passing moment.

I poured him a glass of wine, the rich red liquid swirling in the crystal goblet. As he sipped, savoring the taste, I watched him intently, gauging the effect it had on him. I wanted to create an atmosphere of relaxation and desire, where inhibitions would melt away and passion would take hold.

"Another glass, my love?" I asked, a suggestive smile playing on my lips. "Let's toast to us, to this night of unbridled pleasure."

He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "You truly know how to set the mood, don't you? But be careful, my dear. I might not be able to resist your charms if you continue pouring like this."

I refilled his glass, the crimson liquid cascading into the vessel. With each glass, I knew he was becoming more receptive to the ideas I had in mind. The wine was merely a catalyst, a gentle nudge to ignite the flames of passion that burned between us.

As the evening progressed, our conversation turned to dreams and desires, exploring the possibilities of a romantic getaway. I leaned in closer, my voice low and sultry. "Darling, imagine a secluded beach, where the waves crash against the shore in a rhythmic symphony. The soft sand beneath our toes as we walk hand in hand, watching the sunset painting the sky with vibrant hues. A place where time stands still, and it's just you and me, indulging in the paradise of our love."

His eyes widened, captivated by the imagery I painted. "That sounds absolutely enchanting," he replied, his voice husky with desire. "Let's make it a reality. Just the two of us, escaping from the world and immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature."

We delved into the details, planning our getaway with fervor. From choosing the perfect destination to envisioning the activities we would share, every moment was filled with anticipation and excitement. It was a chance for us to reconnect, to deepen the bond that bound us together.

As our conversation lingered on, the atmosphere charged with desire, he slowly unbuttoned his office shirt, revealing the sculpted chest that lay beneath. My breath caught in my throat at the sight, the primal instinct within me urging me to explore further. Unable to resist, I traced a path with my tongue, starting from his abdomen and making my way up to his impeccable pecs. The taste of his skin, warm and enticing, fueled the fire within us both.

Driven wild by my touch, he swept me up in a bridal carry, his strength evident as he practically sprinted up the stairs to the bedroom. The anticipation crackled in the air, the promise of magic about to unfold. Our hearts drummed against our ribcages, fueled by desire and a deep longing for one another. In that moment, we surrendered ourselves to the intoxicating promise of what was about to come.