
A Slice Of DNA Ben 10 Fanfiction (Dropped)

Took concept from Ben 10,000 You know I wasn't expecting to have my DNA all scrambled in one day and then getting captured by the space police. Than it all ending with talking to a small grey man. My life is about to get freaky and about to see a whole new version of Earth and the universe. Hope you enjoy I don't own anything except my oc all rights to the owner.

Count_Daath · Khác
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7 Chs

This is why I hate camping pt.2

"Shut up I'll answer your questions once you're in my office I don't have time for sitting around idly now follow me, also when you speak to me just call me Azmuth." Azmuth said with authority. "okey dokey mister Azmuth." I said in a mixture of confusion and sarcasm. I try to get up from my the hospital bed I was on and I then noticed I was at least three inches taller. I was already pretty tall for my age at 5'8 but I felt like I was almost six foot. I started to look around the room for a mirror. When I found I looked and my jaw dropped I had indeed grown to six foot I also had lost my lean lanky body and had gained a swimmers body. That was surprising but what surprised me more was the changes to my hair and eyes both had changed to a space black with my eyes getting a star like appearance.

"Ahhh what happened to me what happened to my cute fat." I screamed. [ Wait calm down I will most likely get all the answer if I follow Azmuth ] "Stop screaming it's not that bad I'm actually surprised your upset from what I know that is actually more desirable in humans." Azmuth stated outside the waiting for me to follow him. "Sorry I just need some clothes I don't feel decent in baggy hospital clothes." I said while looking for my clothes. Azmuth reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small trinket and pushes a button on it then shoots out a pair of size 12 shoes a pair of black jeans and a dark red shirt that I wore when where at Jefferson park. I quickly put them on and follow Azmuth. I look around while following him and I have too say he has a bland sense of color coding everything is either green, black, or white. "You do know there are other colors right I might not like that much colors either but come on man really green I have a friend who likes green and he wears his stupid jacket all the time." I said jokingly. Azmuth humphs at my joke. We walk for about two minutes more before we reached Azmuth's office.

"Well go on inside I don't have all day." Azmuth says grumpily. " Oookay." I said. (Authors thoughts: Hey so I want ahead and added Eunice a little early don't worry it hopefully change the story to much her DNA Donor is still Gwen.). I walked in and saw a beautiful girl with blond hair and green with a curvy body I quickly looked down to see if my jaw dropped and thankfully it didn't. Azmuth walks up from behind me and jumps onto desk next to the cute girl. "So Mister O'herra will you please sit down so I can have a proper conversation." Azmuth said impatiently. I walk to a chair in front of the desk and sit down taking occasional glances at the girl. "So lets get straight into it, you've become a living weapon." Azmuth stated. "What but h-." I said before I was cut off. "Don't interrupt me while I'm speaking now before I was interrupted the material you stupidly touched was a liquid part of the codon stream. The codon stream is green lava like liquid containing over one million sentient species, yes even including mice DNA. You may now ask three questions then I will answer more if you have anymore." Azmuth said. "Okay first why did it attack me? Second why was it there? Third what are you?" I said confused. "Okay these very easy questions to answer first you are actually a subspecies of human an Osmosian well half Osmosian when the liquid C.S (Codon Stream) detected you it tried to collect your DNA but when it touched you your powers accidentally activated for the first time absorbing the liquid C.S into your body. The reason why it was there was because six years I sent a level 20 piece of technology down to earth it seems when it landed a piece of it broke a tiny bit before it fixed it self where you found the liquid where it landed. I didn't know it was there in till a Earth week ago when it reactivated it self by absorbing energy from electromagnetic waves overtime reactivating it self. And lastly what am I, I am a Galvan the smartest one. I am Azmuth the Smartest being in 3, arguably 5, galaxies." Azmuth stated haughtily. "Wait Half Osmosian what's that I'm guessing it's not on my Dad's side." I said. "You correct in that matter I've checked your body and it seems your mother was a artificial Osmosian that may be the reason why she died early, her DNA was killing her." Azmuth stated sadly. "Hugh yeah she died she didn't suffer but, lets not stay on that topic...so care to tell me what happened to my body." I said in a solemn tone. "I can tell you that but, it might get complicated. You see you body went through a fundamental change. Your DNA in a way evolved to house the over a million sentient species DNA. Usually one ounce of DNA Can hold 455 exabytes which is one billion gigabytes. Even if we could shove all the information of those species into you your body still wouldn't be able to hold it all but during the process of your body attaining all this information it evolved you to the point were one ounce of your DNA Can hold a million yottabytes. A yottabyte is a septillion bytes. So an ounce of your DNA can hold a million septillion. So you can still hold a lot more DNA your body for a long time, but since you have all the DNA data it makes you a living Codon Stream that is why I have this girl you see next to me, well not exactly girl she is a unitrix you see she helps collect DNA around the universe and puts them here but she doesn't have to do that any more since you alive all I have to do is have you come here a couple times a year and donate some DNA and woo bam the Central Codon Stream doesn't have degradation to the DNA. So I had your father adopt her so I'd like to kindly ask you to take care of her. Also one since are pretty much like the omnitrix I sent to earth six years ago I will need you to be tutored by a boy I trust his name is Ben Tennyson." Azmuth stated out of breath. "Wait did you say Ben Tennyson!" I stated in shock.


Hey sorry I can't do another chapter after this one today but, I promise to do one or two tomorrow.

Count_Daathcreators' thoughts