

A heart broken Iris is desperate to have a boyfriend. She meets a guy in the most unromantic way possible. This guy leads her to other five guys all good enough for her. She however doesn't shoot her shot because she is weird like that. A lock down brings them all under the same roof again and she was advised to put the boys to test to know whom to date.

Vani_ira26 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


Creepy! And again, spooky!

"Hey spooky girl, get away from me, "And to Kyle, "Thank you but I really don't have to come if it makes your friends uncomfortable. Besides, I am not exactly a party person. " I smile at him lightly. His drops and so is the light in his browns.

"You don't make me uncomfortable. "Must be Jace says really low I almost missed it.

Chuckling awkwardly, "You are just now saying anything to me. "

"I was still accessing the situation. " He replies shrugging rolling his blue eyes about their sockets as if scanning his brain .

Three pairs of blue eyes here, suspicious...

I was going to say something when two people beat me to it.

"She makes me uncomfortable. " Said the angry looking guy who made the sandwiches with all the nutella. In an alternate dimension I would be fan girl over the cute gap between his teeth but now...

Damn you.

"Me too ." said Mitch at the same

time as the angry guy. I decided to call him angry bird, you know, just to ruffle his feathers. Mwahahaha...

But that later, I was currently looking at Mitch with confusion and some betrayal too. Well, so was most of the population except for Izzy who was busy typing away on her phone. By the way, she looked like she would throw a tantrum in... 1..2...3....4

"I was backing up Jace's statement. " Mitch says sounding unsure as to why our gazes were fixed on him.

"Right. " Is all I say to him.

I then blank out as they all bicker back and forth about letting Iris come to the party. I have all their voices tuned out as I rewind the day's events. I then look at my watch and see it's 2.00pm. No wonder I have been feeling hungry for the past few seconds. Let's say like 5.

They are still arguing and this time it's about whether their party should be at some club or their living room. Sorry Skai's living room. That's right, it is his house and the rest are visiting.

"So when do you guys have lunch? " I ask suddenly not looking at anyone in particular .

Silence .

"We, " Gesturing to everyone except me of course, " will have lunch when we will, " points at me, "You will go back to wherever you came from. " Angry bird says bluntly to me.


Before I can say anything...

"Raj!! " Skai, Mitch and Kyle all shout at him and give me apologetic smiles.

So that's his name. Angry bird it is. And the sound of his name makes my blood boil.

" If you hadn't made sandwiches with my spread I would have been outta your hair but no, you just couldn't resist it, could you? " I yell at him unleashing my bottled up anger.

He gets up agitated, "Oh, the stupid nutella spread again. It's used. You ate some sandwiches so get over it! "

I angrily reach for him across the table in a bid to at least scratch something but he has quick reflexes so he dodges and he is not the only one with quick reflexes as I feel familiar pair of arms on me restraining me both gently and firmly . Let's say that was one of the things I do best at such situations . But I could swear I don't have violent tendencies. Throat clearing. Cough.

"I don't know you and I already hate you. See punk, you don't know how long that stuff has been out of stock and how much I love it but now can't have it because of you, You greedy hyena! " I scream at the top of my voice. Really really angry. We'll discuss whether it's justified or not later.

"Princess it's already happened so deal with it. "Raj carelessly says smirking stretching his lips to his ears, eyes crinkling cutely and almost closing . Dang it Iris, focus!

Oh no, no, no, he did not just sign a death wish. I look down and take a very deep breath then turn around to face Skai with a look of, ' don't hold me back ' . He looks kinda terrified and I'm glad my look works perfectly. Someone gasps.

"Can we keep her? " Mitch asks no one in particular sounding excited.

Keep her?

I intensify the look and what happens next leaves me speechless. So he pulls me in and connects his full, soft and pink lips to mine. I die. I know I shouldn't kiss him back but I can't stop myself.

Those lips are very soft and he tastes like nutella . He is a good kisser and well he is a hot guy. What's the worst that can happen? Here I am kissing a guy I met a few hours ago. Classic, huh!

I could say I swear I didn't want that to happen but I would be lying. I calm down by the way and when we pull apart gasping for air, there's rounds of wolf whistles. So let's say I feel a little ashamed because you know, I don't exactly do that kind of thing and here I was giving lessons. Yay life!

"St Laurent never fails. " Kyle mutters slapping Skai on the back like he's so proud of him.

And just what does that statement mean?

I look around and everyone is staring so I do the next best thing which is bolt out like a lunatic. I hear 'Wait ' and my name but I don't stop or turn around. I just couldn't. Too embarrassed.

What is wrong with me?! What was I thinking? Oh, right I wasn't. I only ask for a hole to crawl in and die. I can't take the 'walk of shame ' moment any more I will just drop dead.

I was too deep in my storming thoughts to realize I didn't even know my way back. But thanks to Uber services I will get home. I hope. I just need to drop face first on my bed and not wake up for a week. Save for the few maybe many trips to the fridge and back. Or bring the damn thing to my room altogether!