
A Shinigami's Quest (Dropped).

Ichigo was 'rejected' by the universe after he defeated Yhwach, as he was fading away, he saw his world, his universe slowly being destroyed. Just before he lost consciousness he heard orihime telling him to stop in a crying and begging voice.

DrDreams · Tranh châm biếm
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Kuku explained to them why she wanted to meet Nessie. He was lazy and pretty passive but he was the only water dragon in the world. All the species that lived near or in water respected him. The different species would update him on the happenings of the world and bring him food. He would get to laze around and do nothing, but if the species were in danger, he would go out and help them if they needed. They had a symbiotic relationship with each other. He would provide protection and they would give him food.

Nessie had updated her on the status of the dragons. According to him, there were very few dragons left after the war. Dragon King Vritra had also been slain and sealed into multiple sacred gears. Dragon King Tannin had willingly let go of his status to save the remaining few dragons and asking the devils for help. He was helped by Mephisto.

The status of Dragon King Fafnir was unknown. There were rumors that he had been slayed by Sigurd but also that he had been sighted after he was slayed, so his status was unknown. Midgardsormr was still around and so was Tiamat. Tiamat was said to be in the underworld. Yu-Long was also alive and had been sticking around Asia for some time.

Out of all the Evil Dragons, only Crom Cruach was alive and all the others were said to be dead. She had a hard time believing that but until she found anything contrary, she would go with it. Kuku had also answered his questions about unique dragons. According to her, dragons are beings of power. They are known as power incarnate. The strongest and oldest dragons came into existence like that. They weren't and then they were. Many of the other dragons were created and birthed by these older dragons.

These dragons understood the conditions it took to form a dragon and they experimented with them to create different dragons with different abilities. She was also one such dragon along with Nessie and many others that didn't survive. She was either born or created by those dragons and given her own place to stay. Her affinity was wind and that affected more than just her powers.

During her explanation, they visited every castle they could find in Scotland. Most of them were ruins and contained nothing, but there were also ones that were intact and still looked beautiful and majestic. They also helped anyone they could along the way and their fame started to increase. It wasn't much due to the little amount of ghosts and other supernatural activities they came across, but it was similar to what they were known as in Ireland. Helpers and good drinkers. He was starting to get used to drinking and since it didn't effect him as much as normal people, he tried every strength of drink they had.

In the end, he still liked drinks with low alcohol concentration. Since Scotland had much more open areas, he started to experiment with his powers. The comments of his companions comparing him to mid to high-level gods still bothered him. He felt like he should be much stronger than that. He was already on continent destroying level, rather he was pretty sure he was on world destroying level in his resurreccion. He talked about this with Zangetsu and got his answer.

According to Zangetsu, he was holding himself back. In his resurreccion, he should let his powers go, rather than keeping a tight leash on them. His final state should be similar to Final Getsuga Tenshou. A form where he merges with Getsuga, but this time he would fully merge with Zangetsu. He was stubborn, but so were his powers. Zangetsu was the manifestation of his powers, character and personality. He asked him.

"Ichigo, do you really think I would like being on a tight leash like a mad dog? Do you think you would?" Zangetsu asked him, rolling his eyes. He hadn't said anything to Ichigo because there wasn't any need for him to release his full powers. Though Zangetsu wanted a situation like that to occur. He really wanted to release everything and destroy a fuck-ton of things.

Ichigo decided to try that when they were much further away from humans. It felt strange to not think of himself as one. They weren't able to find anything too interesting in Scotland other than the amazing scenery and helping a few people here and there. The most interesting thing that happened to them was finding a sinner, or more importantly a Necromancer. The feeling he got from this thing was extremely strong. It felt like his powers wanted him to crush this bastard and they did. It seemed like Hell really hated Necromancers, even more than abominations.

The thing, because it was no longer a living being, tried to put up a fight but was quickly overwhelmed by the number of chains assaulting it. It was screaming and shouting obscenities as it was dragged away to Hell. There were a lot of ghosts in and around the area they found the necromancer in, rather the ghosts were the reason they even found it in the first place. He thanked the ghost and asked them if they wanted to move on. Nearly all of them agreed but a few decided to stay back and try to find their families and confirming their safety.

During that little episode, he learned that this world was really not as peaceful as he first thought. Yes, in his own world he had faced megalomaniacs that wanted to be gods and decide life and death of other and monsters and whatnot. People who had killed a lot and done everything to reach their goals, but the atrocities happening in this world were far more... real in a sense. That or he really hadn't seen the worst of his own world and was being biased. He had always heard of such things happening but actually seeing them done in person had far more of an impact than just hearing about them.

He decided that him wanting to deal with a few of these fuckers was a good thing, for everyone. They decided to go to London after finding nothing else. This time, he decided to use a Garganta to go to their destination. He told Inari and Kuku to wait.

"Wait, I want to try something."

He had already successfully opened a Garganta back to his home realm, even if there was nothing on the other side, so why couldn't he open one that would take his somewhere in the same realm? He tried to picture the London Clock-tower, also known as Big Ben, and swiped his hand in air. Last time, he had asked Zangetsu to help him but he had already experienced it once, he was pretty sure he could do it on his own this time.

And not even a moment after he swiped his hand, the space in front of him started to fold and reveal a dark opening. This time, he could feel the other side of the opening. There was little to no activity on the other side so he decided to go through it. His companions on the other hand were looking at his with open mouths and before he could step into the Garganta, they stopped him.

"Ichigo!! What did you do?!" Inari shouted, shaking him.

"W-what? I created a Garganta to London." Ichigo said as he was being shaken.

"Did you just rip open space?" Kuku asked him.

"Yes. As far as I know, that is what I did." Ichigo answered as he freed himself from Inari's grip.

"Do you even know what you did?" Kuku asked with a sigh.

"Rip open space?" Ichigo replied with a head tilt.

"Yes you did. You ripped open space, something that shouldn't be possible." Kuku a replied to his question.

"How did you do it?" Inari asked him after calming down somewhat.

"How? Don't you guys do the same with your teleportation magic?" Ichigo asked again.

"Ichigo, what we do is different. We select a destination and basically throw ourselves through a crack in space using our magic. It is a simple thing that anyone with a good quantity of magic can do with practice. What you just did was rip open space to your destination, by yourself. Very different." Kuku answered him.

"I don't see the difference." Ichigo said with a frown.

"Ichigo, what we do is create a small miniscule crack in space using magic and warp ourselves through the crack to the other side of it. It's the reason those more sensitive towards magic can predict where someone will teleport. Those with experience can even tell who it is." Inari explained after she calmed down.

"What you did was create a human sized opening in space using little to no effort. That is not something many can do. Rather only the True Dragon and the Dragon God are to be able to do this by themselves. Everyone else requires a lot of energy and concentration to do it. There are a few sacred gears as well, but they don't count." She continued. Hearing this Ichigo decided to tell them what he thought of his own power level.

"And I have been wanting to tell you that your assessment of my power is wrong. Back in my world, during my final fight, I was strong enough to destroy countries with my attacks and now I am tens of times stronger than that. That is without entering my final form, in which I'm hundreds of times stronger." Ichigo replied.

"And this ability to rip open space is the ability of the the monster I told you about, that is a part of me. They could also do this with a simple gesture." He continued.

Inari and Kuku were astonished. They had believed that the world Ichigo came from did not contain many strong people if it was destroyed by a single entity. Ichigo had told them that he was one of the strongest in his world during his final fight. 'One' of the strongest. Meaning there were a few even stronger than him. If they had come to this world and had gained the same boosts as him, would they not be comparable to Shiva. Didn't that also mean that Ichigo, in his final form, was comparable to Great Red and Ophis!

"But when you turned into your final form, you did not feel very strong." Inari asked confused.

"I was subconsciously holding back, according to Zangetsu. It was probably due to me knowing that I would hurt my friends just as much as my enemies. I had a tight leash on my powers due to that fear." Ichigo replied shrugging.

"So then, how strong are you really?" Kuku asked him.

"I don't know actually. As I said, I have been holding back until now, but even that was comparable to high-level gods according to you two. So yeah, strong enough to not worry about much." Ichigo replied. He had always ran after strength to protect his own. Now he had that strength but very few people to protect.

"You are an agent of hell. Hell gave you a task to accomplish. It should have also given you something in exchange for that, right? So you know what it gave you?" Inari asked after being silent for a while. The Garganta had already closed itself while their back and forth was going on.

"I don't know anything specific, but whenever I meet someone that hell deems it's target, it informs me. Also this seal probably also does something, but I don't know what." Ichigo answered as he showed them his left hand.

"So, we can assume that you can match Lord Shiva at the very least in terms of strength, right?" Kuku said with a frown.

"We'll go with that until proven otherwise. For now, let's go to London." Ichigo answered with a shrug as he swiped his hand through air once again. This time though, he was not concentrating on Big Ben, he was just thinking of London as he opened the Garganta. London was not exactly a small piece of land. The Garganta opened and they went through it, but they did not find what they were expecting on the other side.

I hope this is good. Couldn't concentrate much on writing this week. Tell me what you guys think.

DrDreamscreators' thoughts