
A Serpent's Rise

After passing away I found myself reborn as a snake in a mystical world without any system or cheat abilities. This world is filled with monsters and to survive and make a place for myself in this monstrous foodchain I must become a monster myself.

Drakonos_Drake · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


An entire decade has gone by and my routine for the pas 10 years has been revolving around sleeping and eating with pretty much nothing else going on.

I am no 40 years old and have reached a length of 12.5 meter which has put me on par with the extinct titan know, although its estimated that they could grow upto 15 meters in length which make me 2.5 meters behind. My width is almost a meter at the widest apart of my body which allows me to easily swallow a fully grown man without mich problem.

There is also a bit peculiar change happening with my body as my scales are now bright gold at the head whereas rest of my body has a mixed pattern of both black and brown. My eyesight has improved allowing me to see upto a distance of 400 meter.

I also noticed very few strands of what appears to be hair growing along my upper neck near my head but they are very few in number with their length not exceeding 3 inches. I have no idea what's going on with my body as the only way to know what's going on is to wait and see where this change goes.

My newly acquired size finally gave me the courage necessary to go on to the land for a bit of exploration.

My few weeks on land were rewarded with newly acquired knowledge. The forest surrounding my lair is inhabited now only by just animals but also an somewhat intelligent specie of apes which stand around 0.5 to a meters tall. They lack tails and have no fur on their chest. These little apes possess a bony crest like gorillas but have limbs like chimps and range from being brown, black , few orange and some elderly looking apes which have white fur.

These apes don't appear to have any sort of sophisticated housing system but do have to knowledge required to make fire and create crude weapons. Due to their small stature I concluded that they couldn't produce enough force to pierce my scaly hide which emboldened me to analyze them a bit more closely.

Many apes climbed trees upon catching the sight of me with only a single ape that decided to confront me with a spear. The stupid ape seems to be an adolescent with a lack of understanding and experience due to which it made such a stupid mistake. The moment the dumb ape entered my striking range it didn't even had the chance to raise the spear properly before it got strangled and swallow alive in front of its entire tribe.

This little victory stroked my ego like some horny teenage boy stroking his cock making me forget the scale of this world as ny victory was short lived.

I heard sounds of thunder but their were no signs of thunder as well as no clouds which caused me to gaze upwards.

Then I saw a impossibly large bird who was as colorful as a peacock and as majestic as a reagle lion. With a wingspan so huge that it casted a shadow my swallowed the sun and wing flaps as loud as thunder it flew away as quickly as it came.

Then came the aftermath as wind flew as if it were a hurricane blowing not only trees but also animals away, I manged to save myself by fastening myself like a rope around a rock which prevented me from suffering some serious damage. There was no point of estimating the size of the titanic bird whose feather reflected light making it seem like a phoenix as I could only gaze around the destruction it caused just by flying low.

An entire section of the forest was blowm away with only a few hundred or soo trees still standing among tens of thousands and only some dozen of medium sized animals still walking around who manged to find shelter in time.

That beast reminded me of the mighty thunder birds of native american legends whose wing flaps sounded like thunder and size which allowed it to hunt whales like an eagle would hunt a fish. This entire ordeal once again put me in my place and made me question what other sort of beasts would roam this world as the monsters I witnessed were all belonging to land but my heart shivered at what would lurk in the seas.

Upon making my way back to my lair near the river I encountered something that shouldn't exists at all, the thing shich was now staring at me looked like it lacked a soul with black eyes sunken into its skull, unnaturally pale white skin with a tall lanky body which stood 8 feet tall and elongated fingers which ended in claws. The creature stood on 2 legs as if making a mockry of humans with a starved looking body with bone visibly sticking out and a lack of lips with gnarly jagged teeth sticking out.

The creature had no body hair except the hair it had on its private parts making it impossible to distinguish its gender. It gazed upon me with an unnatural hunger but took a few steps back as if it knew that one mistake could make it into a prey as a creature of my size wasn't something anyone could mess with.

I raised my head almost 5 meters into the air making me appear taller than it with my large hood on full display.