
A Serpent's Rise

After passing away I found myself reborn as a snake in a mystical world without any system or cheat abilities. This world is filled with monsters and to survive and make a place for myself in this monstrous foodchain I must become a monster myself.

Drakonos_Drake · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


The ground was shaking as if being trampled by a large herd of buffalo, all the men in the village were alert with their eyes always on the dark periphery of the village.

This is not something they haven't faced before but it has always taken a toll. A tall lanky man who wore full sett of leather clothing with distinguishing marking which made him stand out from every other individual seemed to me rallying up all the able bodied men.

He seemed to be their chief and by the looks of it had no plan to risk his own life and was gathering up meat shields.

I slightly poked my head out and flicked my tongue, immediately I caught the putrid smell that could only indicate that the goliaths are her but the scary part is that despite there massive size they could still hide among the vegetation.

The environment remained tense for about 10 more minutes before hell broke lose. I stopped picking up the violent thumping from before. A large spear about 12 feet long was suddenly thrown from the dense vegetation which ended up impaling 4 people simultaneously.

The villagers started panicking and started running towards the river as their previous courage faltered. 4 massive goliaths emerged from the forest, all four of had red hair and had long beards and braided hair. There wore loincloths around their waist with two of them being 3 meter tall, one 4 meter tall and was the same one i've seen on the past two occasions. The last one was a true monster who stood around 6.5 meter tall and had huge muscles and well carried a 2 meter tall crudely made stone axe. The rest of the golaiths carried large wooden spears like the one that was thrown earlier and it seemed like 4 who revealed themselves were the melee party the spear thrower was still hidden among the vegetation.

The humans who ran were the lucky ones as they had the more chance to survive, few brave men stood defiant but were stomped on and devoured alive as there weapons couldn't Pierce the thick hides of the goliaths.

I couldn't keep the track of how many escaped or killed and devoured alive. But when some humans with torches tried to hop their little rafts to escape through the river caught a glimpse of me and hesitated thinking that I was the same monstrous Catfish that attacked them before as they couldn't make identify what sort creature I was at night.

Their hesitation costed them dearly as The 7 meter tall goliath was upon them, the humans knelt down towards their aggressors in hopes of mercy but the attention of goliaths wasn't upon them but rather on me.

Their eyesight a goliaths is much better then that of a human hence it could clearly make out that I was a large snake. Before I could even dive to hide myself and escape the gaze of the monster before me it immediately knelt down making the ground shake.

"Tnska s thy miudhty Naga fur delsgjring thy sustainance".

The monster before me spoke in a crude tongue but what shocked me the most was that I could understand some of his gibberish.

He seemed to be thanking me for not allowing his food to escape. Although I was puzzled but I didn't stood around any longer and left for my lair.

All lot came across my mind but one think that I could make sense out of was that it called me a Naga. In ancient cultures of earth nagad were seen as serpent gods who alleviated mankind from its primitive self, it seems like for the goliath tribe im sort of sacred animal that why it knelt before me in reverence. Atleast now I know that the golaiths won't attack me but I won't test this new theory of mine after seeing the carnage they are capable of.

After resting for a month I emerged out of my lair only to find that the entire settlement was totally gone. Although I don't believe what the entire village was wiped out but its safe to assume that there aren't many survivors and I actually found the rotten corpse of the village chief with its head missing, poor lad probably had his head bitten of like we saw in attack on titan. With the problem of over fishing being technically solved I headed back to my old lair and resumed my previous lifestyle.

Luckily no other creature occupied my old lair while I was gone allowing me to settle back in comfortably. With all that finally delt with I went out hunting and caught a boar which would probably last me for a few month's and finally entered a long slumber.