
A Serpent's Rise

After passing away I found myself reborn as a snake in a mystical world without any system or cheat abilities. This world is filled with monsters and to survive and make a place for myself in this monstrous foodchain I must become a monster myself.

Drakonos_Drake · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs


I originally planned to infiltrate the human fleet and poison their food supplies with my venom but I had forgot one thing that is, I had never spoken anything since I came into this world which resulted in me being unable to control my vocal cords and my voice came out in a thunderous but guttural tone.

"For the emperor's sake are you out of your mind?", Antonio scolded me

" Forgive me lord, Thy past years has been thine brightest." I spoke this time much softly

"At first I thought i'll ask you how you managed to come out perfectly intact but it seems lile you didn't as your speech is now funny." Antonio dismissed me with this and I headed towards the resting tents with the rest of the tired expedition force.

After staying at the fleet for a day I had figured out that rations are only distributed every afternoon and are stored in the larger main ship where Judas also resides. I have to constantly focus to maintain my disguise so it won't be possible to just go and kill the distributors to take their form as I would simply expose myself.

I waited for night at which I excused myself to take a leak, when nobody was looking I slipped into my smaller 6 meter long form and but this item with a slight twist. Two large feathery wings emerged from my upper back which were strong enough to support my weight allowed me to take flight.

From afar I basically looked like a worm with wings but in the pitch darkness of the night it was impossible to spot me as even my scales turned pitch black, Only my eyes glowed in a hunting reddish hue.

I made my way over of the largest ship which also carried the supply rations and landed on the mast of the ship allowing me to asses my surroundings. There were 4 sentries which guarded the entrance to the lower quarters but one glimpse of my eyes rendered them paralyzed after which I furled my wings and made my way deeper inside. I eventually made my ways into the cargo bay of the ship and injected my highly lethal venom into each food sack. Just as I was about to make an exit the door of the cargo hold flung open and came a man dressed in what appeared to be priestly toned With extravagant jewellery decorating his body accoupmnied by guards including Judas and Antonio.

"There is the dark spirit that I spoke of, Now do you believe me my leige." The priest spoke

"Indeed you were correct Fabos" Judas replied while eyeing me up and down

"This thing really isn't some ordinary creature as there are no snakes with wings" he finished

"My lord this creature would sell for quite a price or you could keep it as your own pet if you heart desires. We could also end its existence if you order". Antonio andded

After hearing this my body swelled in size and my wings disappeared as I grew to a length of 12 meters which caused everyone present to step back as I unleashed poisonous vapour from my mouth which ended everyone's life who were unfortunate enough to inhale It, Judas and Antonio were dead along with some high ranking officers of their fleet. No point of wasting time in figuring out how exactly they found me a I shrank myself and made my way out of the ship and dove straight into the river and assumed my true form and rose from the very same river in all my Serpentine glory.

Bells rang across the human encampment which caused them to gather at the shoreline with weapons in hands in a proper military formation ready to face their foe.

Their face turned pale as they gazed upon my mighty form with their eyes. Feeling of awe, oppression and fear arose in thei heart as they had no idea how would they even engage me. Not giving the humans a chance to properly organize themselves I rushed at them with all the force and momentum my body was capable of generating and crashed into the little humans sending them flying. The tackle was followed my a stream of venom which not only corroded flesh but also its very fumes could cause suffocation and rupturing of lungs.

I was now dragged into the very situation which I wanted to avoid at any cost that is to avoid a head on confrontation with the humans but alas no point of complaining as no human can be allowed to return back.

I stood between the human formation with my hood on full display as I let out a deep growl with my mane flowing around and teeth layed bare giving me a particularly intimidating appearance.