
the overthinker

Oh the things to do

today , tomorrow, later, maybe , never , should you , should you not

If you do this or that

or you say that or this


Consequences ….

Oh the things to do

Sleepless night gone blurry

Blurry nights gone silent

So much time yet so little

Things to do places to see

So much more

Much much more to do

Never resting always moving

Many moons

Alone or sublime

Company here and there

Lonely nights

Loved filled nights

Oh the things to do

Oh the things to do

Many moments

Tick tick tick

Like a heartbeat moments pass

Things to do

Oh the things to do

Oh the places you'll go

Oh the people you'll meet

Concerning ? exciting?


Oh the things to do

But moments to live in

better spent not overthinking

Oh the things you'll do

people tend to overthink some things and it gets to the point that its all they do but sometimes its best to live in the moment

rather then stay in your own mind

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Al4ncreators' thoughts