
Moving on and acceptance

You probably don't remember that night ..that dance

You probably don't remember our talks

Hell, you probably forgot the time we hung out with the group

You might have forgotten them but I never did

Not one day not one second

I don't know if I could ever forget any of those times

Talking to others always hurt when all I would think ov was you …

There was so much time i wanted to spend with you

Though things didn't end in that happily ever after

That yellow brick road i had fun walking down that road with you

So much pain from the words you couldn't even say to my face

When i told you everything upfront you just looked away and walked

Broken in a single moment

Bit of time passed still hurting and hiding behind the mask of pandoras actor

That yellowed brick road I got left behind in

But its time

The first step was always the hardest

You gotta run before you can walk sometimes

Well it's time

Time I come down

Its time my future lies beyond that yellowed path

No more

No more thinking about the days we moved along

Time I set out on my ark

So with that I think its time for new horizons

A new golden age

So I hope you understand

I wanted to hold your hand back then but i cant

So with that, my last testament to you is these words

Goodbye yellow brick road

Its been fun but its time I moved on to the new horizons that wait for me.

love can be complicated ,some find it hard to move on some stay stuck in the past. some find the idea of that next step hard

moving on is scary but beyond that horizon scary is but a fraction of everything else out there

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Al4ncreators' thoughts