
A sensible Issei

In the world of Draconic Deus (dxd) lives the main character Issei a perverted fiend of epic proportions getting power ups by doing fiendish acts to breasts and being overall perverted. But what if a soul from our world was put into Issei one year before Cannon begins with no cheats what so ever and a Dragon in his hand will he still be able to come out in top . . . . . . read to find out in the next episode of dxd

Raul_vaz · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

From The Top

thoughts -' hello '

Speaking -"hello"

sacred gear - { hello}

talking/exposition dump -*hello*


( Intro pov)

We begin in the world of Draconic Deus in a small yet essential town in the land of Japan

where the protagonist of our story has yet to wake in a world 🌎 where the stories of monsters and heroes are all true and the age of god's never ended a world filled with God's, Hero's, Angel's, The Fallen, Devil's and the most powerful of them all Dragons every single one capable of end the world as we know it, so let's dive head first into this exciting world that can anytime


(Mc pov)

"🥱 Yawnnnn"

*Yep that's me hey there 👋I'm Issei hyoudou the supposed main character of this story and boy do I have an exciting journey, I want to take you on so let's start at the very beginning.*


{FlashBack pov}

* It all began two weeks ago I was sleeping and woke up to the noise of a very very annoying alarm,

I was totally not amused but woke up never the less to put it off anyways, after a few moments of being disoriented,

I opened my eyes feeling completely, how do I say this weird(air quotes) and also in someone else's bed and clearly,

I was not in the right body I got up from the bed and looked in the mirror attached to the cupboard,

what stared back could potentially be one of the most recognizable and perverted faces in anime history the one the only boob dragon emperor issei hyoudou,

the only problem was I did not seem to have any of his memory,

I hope this wasn't going to be a major problem or I was going to be royally screwed but first,

yay to me I was in a world with gravity-defying boobs and random people with the power to destroy the world, also a shit ton of the main cast have trauma of some kind great for me,

I was a psychologist and a high-class therapist in my previous world maybe if I learn a bit of magic,

I could get my degree in a year or so with the help of mind magic that the devils seem to like so much and will be used to do some good work.*

(After completing my morning routine I walked down to greet my now parents )

Mc's mom: " issei dear, good morning it's good to see you out of bed this early "

Mc's dad: " issei my boy, good morning to your son come to eat with us your mother has made a delicious breakfast for us "

Mc: " good morning oka-san, oto-san ah yes ill come and eat but first I wanted to ask you if there were any spare boxes laying around the house"

Mc's mom:" Of course issei dear they're kept in the storage room, why do want them though"

Mc: " Thanks mom, I've just decided to throw out all of my porn mags and games, as for the figure I hear they have a good resale value since they are mostly untouched."

Both: "{ WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!"

Mc's dad: " did I hear that right honey is our perverted wannabe harem king son is throwing out his porn I'm so happy Hahahahaah"

Mc's mom: " you did dear I'm so happy I thought we would never have grandkids but now there's hope for him I'm also so happy hahahhahah"


*they continued to hug and cry to each other in happiness muttering about having grandchildren, like wow issei was a bit too hopeless if this wasn't an ecchi anime world issei would have never found love and would probably have been arrested and sent to jail for the stuff he did in the anime while in high school,

thank god for this world I guess, I, of course, was not going to do anything like what he did under this ecchi world was a world at the brink of war I sure as hell wasn't going to be depending upon boobs for powerups and

was going to train myself to death if that's what it took to survive this hellhole of a world, of course, I was going to enjoy myself along the way and hopefully help a lot of people who just need someone to talk to*

*After leaving my parents to themselves I walked up to the storage room got out a few cardboard boxes, went to my room packed up all my porn mags in two boxes to burn, another box for the eroge and porn games to give to this bodies perverted friends and began to click pictures of the figures and put them up on eBay (yay eBay exists in this world) for sale,

they were going for a high price since they were limited edition and in mint condition, they were going for about 200 to 300 Usd each so around 35 to 50 thousand yen each I was going to make some big bucks today,

I had around 20 of such figurines so I would make nearly a whopping 900 thousand yen wow when issei bought it it was only around 50 thousand for all of them I had made major bank I was putting 80% of this money into stock I knew would grow since it was only 2004 and apple had yet to release they're iPhone I would make a lot of money on dividends also Facebook and Twitter maybe I could travel to the states and go to Harvard for a year to get my psychology degree and could fund facebook and maybe get around 30% of the company by funding it,

yes, that could work I had it was still summer and I think if I can learn magic by the end of summer I can probably get to the states and speed through high school in a week and then could get into Harvard and do my psychology and a law degree in that one year and can make it back just in time for cannon to begin and could get another highschool degree in kuoh, hmm, yes I can do that but first, I shall go and burn these porn mags,

I look outside and see that it is already almost night I carry the boxes to an open area far from the residential area and set them on fire and watched the flames with fascination and Draig popped into my mind how could I forget the dragon living in my sacred gear he would help me greatly in the pursuit of my goals those boosts could be focused to give me accelerated thinking and problem-solving abilities and Draig could possibly give me dragon magic or turn my body into that of a dragon, yeah I'm definitely becoming a dragon it would probably make me way more handsome and stronger as I know even the weakest dragons are as strong as high-class of any other race, after all, this is Draconic Deus

after the fire went out I walked home ate my food and turned in for the night,

I had an amazing year ahead of me,

I wasn't going to waste it no matter what these were my last thoughts before falling asleep.*

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