
"How old are you?"

Sooyoung smiles as Yeon walks in with a coffee and a cup of water. carefully balancing each cup, trying her best to not bump into anything. her mother finally helped to grab the coffee as her daughter looks up giggling.

As the young girl looks up everyone gasp expect Jungkook. she looked exactly like Jin, expect her mother's long beautiful hair. Jin is shocked "How old are you?" Jin asked

Sooyoung gasp "Don't answer that Yeon!"

Jin raised his voice "No, how old are you?!"

"YEON!" Her mother said in a warning voice, once more Jin raised his voice repeating his question. finally, Yeon had enough "I AM 12! WHY DOES IT MATTER!? WHAT IS EVERYONE YELLING?"

"W-wait?! she's my daughter?" Jin asked realizing putting two and two together

"Wait what?!" Yeon said shocked

"Yes, Kim Seokjin is your father," her mother said

"H-hi," he said sweetly

"Woah hold up! you don't get to act sweet and all innocent-like," Yeon says batting her eyes," You betrayed my mother. left us weak and poor, while you got all the fame and fortune, and let me tell you something my ma taught me one thing, we ain't friends with Rats," she humphs and structs out

Sooyoung giggles "That's my girl, I also expect to be paid double if I working with him," she points to the rat, and struts out