

With a crestfallen and damp mood Max hailed a cab taking nothing else with her but herself Kendra' s image played freshly in her mind recalling what has just happened a few hours ago... Yes Kendra her bestie for three years had betrayed her and no one had defended her against the false accusation She recalled Kendra' s strange behavior a few days back and a soft but exhausted sigh escaped her dry lips. She has betrayed their three years of friendship ... Three years back Max had joined the Mafia gang after her parents could no longer afford her study fees. Her father Robert had persuaded her to join a Mafia gang and she

couldn't bring. herself to refuse basing on how her pathetic her family looked Her youngest sister Cherry was just two years old by then and she took had to study and besides she. was suffering from a mild chronic heart disease since birth In the end joining the gang was the only way to meet her family demands since the payment was quite a handsome one. She would be feeling better if she had her money she had worked for for those three years unfortunately everything had been taken after being expelled from the gang " " we're here ma' am, " the cab driver's voice awoke her from the intense bitterness she was feeling at the moment. Slightly pushing the door, she alit the vehicle paying the driver the only money she had left. Gazing at the familiar place a feeling of nostalgia surged through her though she didn't feel at ease like she had to because this orphanage was her home for the past three years One thing tortured her mind, were her parents going to believe she had been framed and expelled from the gang? Gazing at the kids shouting and giggling while playing around , she reminded her little sister Cherry.... Everything was just too much for her brain to handle. She sighed helplessly before starting to take small steps forward. " Guess who is here today?" one of the nannies Rose said with a smile on noticing Max. " Oh My, Max!"This tym round it was Nanny Cecile who exclaimed running over a nd and hugging Max. " Nice you came Nanny Cecile has been missing you.". " I missed you too auntie ," Max forced a smile. " You don't sound happy, exhausted" Nanny Rose noted. " Perhaps," Max replied. " I'll proceed ," she added and turned to continue " Big sister! " a five- year old shouted on noticing Max. The little girl ran and hugged her excitedly. " Cherry! " Max smiled raffling the little one's hair and she giggled " where's daddy and mummy? ". " They both went out to buy groceries ," Cherry replied. B" btw big sister can you please help me with my home work I've not finished it yet, " Max was exhausted but she couldn't turn down her little sister " Alright , " she responded and they proceeded. Cherry who has been writing suddenly stopped and looked up at her big sister before speaking, " Big sister can I ask you something?" " Pleeeease," she pleased making a puppy face. " we'll finish your work first, " Max knew what her sister was up to. " Max pleeeease, " Cherry held onto Max's hand. *You' get tired of asking questions,do you? ". Cherry noticed her sister's mood and hung her head low like an obedient puppy " okay ask big sister will answer," Max said in a softer tone feelubg she had offended the young one Cherry raised her head , " Will I ever get better and be like my other friends?" There was a hint of hopelessness in her tone which greatly moved Max as she turned to look at her sister half- surprised

Abt three minutes had passed and Cherry had not received a reply from her sister yet. She watched as her sister's expression changed. gradually

Was she bound to be sickly forever? ".

" Sister please say something, ". " Cherry, " Max called returning her gaze to Cherry who looked cadaverous. " Actually I got you a new doctor and Guess who? - " she said and paused.

" Harrrrrrrrrry!!!!!".

" What Prince Charming is my new doctor !!! "

" Yeeeey! " Cherry cheered up as she started to toss about in the room excitedly

Max laughed lightly

Cherry had a huge crush in Harry , Max's friend who was a paediatrician and often visited them at the orphanage

" When will he come? " Cherry asked impatiently

" Should I give him a call? "

"Not now but he should come tomorrow ,"

Max laughed at her sister' s remarks

Seeing her little sister happy, an indescribable feéling filled her heart and her smile widened. " Did you forget about your home work?"

Nope perhaps I'll finish it with him tomorrow. "

Max chuckled

" Sure , " she ended up replying as she watched Cherry flip back the pages of the book

" BTW big sister my language teacher gave me a present , I'm best fluent in Spanish, " Cherry said running across the room and picking a wrapped box,"