
Drink, Drink!

To be a strong person, someone must go through the pain and many obstacles may it be physical or mental.


The sound of a projectile coming in contact with someone, it didn't hit the target; instead, it was missed,

"I would like to know…. Why are we here!"

Estella shouted as she dodged another incoming arrow towards her as she ran alongside Daisy in the narrow path of the underground of the Mansion,

"It's a dead end; let's turn around," Daisy said as she returned with Estella to find another away from this mess and confusing maze they were in.

It would only take long for them finally get out of the maze after nearly escaping booby traps when they entered at first.

"Nicely done you two, now that's your record."

Aurnia said as he noticed the teo coming out from the existing door which they had come from the practice underground,