
A sweet shocking surprise

Vansh was busy with his study and noticed it is taking long to clear traffic so he casually observed his surroundings where he noticed many people entering into a cafe. He seldom visits cafe as he shows very less interest in coffee. But something instigated his mind and started thinking of going in there.

He opened the door of his car and got out. He then looked at the driver and said "I will have a coffee in that cafe ,call me once it's clear". The driver felt amused as his boss never goes to a cafe atleast not before planning a meet-up with a friend or partner.

Vansh got near the entrance of the cafe and observed a woman with a skirt facing her back to him and speaking with someone. As he opened the door he met with a pair of eyes that he had longed to see through and a beautiful face he wished to touch every moment. A shocking but a overwhelming expression aroused on his face. He started moving closer to her.

Shakira eyes met a handsome man with a black suit and well groomed hair walking inside the cafe. This was the first time she felt like she has seen the most handsome man in her life as she never felt someone this handsome from her everyday customers.

She felt a strange familiarity after looking for a while but she brushed aside the thoughts aas she felt like she can't remember meeting this person before.

She saw the man looking at her with a different expressions in his face but could not understand what that meant. She saw him approaching her as he was coming closer and closer .

Vansh felt like hugging her the moment he saw and ask her about why she left him all of a sudden without any information. As he went closer he saw her starting the conversation so he kept his thoughts aside to listen to her first

She started the conversation saying "Hi sir, we have a wide range of coffee available here. Please take a seat and our waiter will take the order". There was no shock or surprise expression in his eyes which he was looking for instead she talked as if he was a mere customer that came to her cafe. He could not decipher what is going on. Is it that she doesn't want to speak to him and acknowledge him or she is not the one he is searching for. He then took a seat and stared at her for a while before saying "can you suggest me the best coffee as i have no idea about what is good?" .He thought this answer might give an idea whether or not she is the one. As he imagined he got the answer from her as she said "Sir ,our all flavours are good but i personally like Snickerdoodle Hot Chocolate the most". A smile appeared on his face with that answer as he said "I will try it then". She smiled and told a waiter to take the order and went back to her seat.

She sometimes glanced at the man now and then. He slowly sipped the coffee and tried to feel that she may the one he is looking for but could not understand why she did not recognise him. Many questions ran in his mind as he thought did she lose her memory?,is she pretending to be a stranger?, is there anything that i don't know from the past one year? .

For all these questions there is no answer with him. But he is desparate to find them as soon as possible.

He took his phone and called a number as he said "A cafe near minar church named "Morning Sunshine", i want to know everything about it's owner ASAP",then he disconnected the call.

He then looked at her and smiled as he murmured just wait my sweet heart i will definitely come back to get you back into my life. He got up and left when his driver came to call him back.

Is she the one he is looking for?

stay tuned to find more

priya_17creators' thoughts