
Chapter 71 Tartaro Party Part 3

--Are you still... alive... brat?


I hit All For One with my amputated right arm using it as a club before putting it back in place, my hero suit is nothing more than rags at this point, in fact the only thing left on my body are my heat resistant boxers and my ice armor, although All For One is not in a presentable state either, he has lost a considerable amount of muscle mass but the air of danger and evil in his body increases more and more, that and the unfortunate rainbow healing are filling my mind Patience, I've frozen him at the subatomic level more than ten times but that rainbow light keeps bringing him to life.

"God... hates... you... Ymir..."

--I tell you All For One! There is a 95% chance that she is a Goddess! And you sure bitch love Yaoi! He wants to see your ugly ass getting drilled by All Might! Or vice versa!

I laughed like a lunatic and charged All For One for the umpteenth time, to which the deflated, skeletal symbol of evil responded with his own charge.




Midoriya Izuku's first action upon entering the battlefield was to avoid vomiting when he saw the excessive cruelty in it, hundreds if not thousands of mutilated parts and unidentified bodies of guards and criminals lay frozen, crushed and exposed to the icy weather, a vision taken from hell Beside him All Might, Bakugo and the rest of the professional heroes had a gloomy and pale countenance.

--...( Is —is this real?! Kurogane did all this!)

--[If my boy... that is the true monster Ymir, a hedonistic assassin who derives his pleasure from the suffering of his peers... you must stop him, my boy, become the hero who will rid the world of that vile creature. ..]

An angelic and graceful voice resounded in the young green-haired man's mind while his eyes were flooded with an iridescent light while his body tensed in preparation for the attack.


--Are they even Human?

The hero Mirkyo couldn't help but express when she saw the real magnitude of the destruction and the cruelty of the fight she was supposed to enter, even with her vicious and violent nature, her animal instincts screamed at her to run away, to stay away from This battle... for the first time in her life she felt small in comparison to someone else.

She saw the young black-haired man bathed in blood charging at absurd speeds while punching, kicking and slashing his enemy with multiple weapons with vice, more than a fight it was a slaughter between two beasts that sought to tear the heart of the other without caring about anything else. .

Her ears are standing up like all her hair, her legs trembled not with emotion but with fear in her heart, she wanted to return but her professionalism prevented her from doing so.

--...(Let's just wait for a chance...)

Suggesting herself, she looked for a ledge and observed the inhuman battle that was unfolding in front of them.



Hawks could only frown at the scene, he could see the reminiscence between her and Deika, he knew that all the prisoners and guards had been eliminated by Ymir, leaving All For One as the only survivor, and now those two monsters are fighting to the death. , while they stain everything in their path with blood.

--A devil to hunt a demon...

Laughing, it spread its wings and took off, locating out of Ymir's perception, while holding a long black briefcase.


"...(So this is your true power, huh...Yuuji...to think that that child, that child I picked up from the rubble of one of my failures as a hero, would reach such heights...I know well to Yuuji, he always had a great darkness in his heart, I always hoped that his romanticism for Fuyumi would make him more manageable and moldable for my plans but... he always exceeds my expectations even more than Shoto, I never expected that he was actually this... this is too much, this is no longer heroism, this is just... slaughter and death...)

Endeavor looked at his son and son-in-law bathed in blood and exuding inhuman bloodlust and bestial drive as he fought as much if not equal to a bloodthirsty beast, just like when he first met him.

--I failed as a husband, father, guardian (tutor) and as a hero... huh?

Sighing, Endeavor gave a low growl before lighting his flames to full.

--HA! (Don't think you'll get all the fun, Ymir! I still have to kill you for going after my daughter!)

With an explosion the current Hero No. 1, joined the revolt.


--..(I really failed, I wasn't serious enough to cross the line and kill him when I had the chance, that day... now Kurogane-shonen has already entered that path of no return... I'm a true failure. .. But!)

All Might felt miserable when he saw the state of his former student and the destruction that he and his archenemy had caused, which filled him with infinite guilt, even so he was THE SYMBOL OF PEACE! Shifting into his muscular form he decided to give everything including his life to win once and for all, making sure to take All For One with him to the other world.


With a thunderous roar and an incredible aura the former symbol of peace charged into battle.



-- Well ... See you... Again... Toshinori!



The two symbols engaged in a savage exchange of blows while the rest cheered in their own way, while the bloodied hero Ymir was surrounded by a group of soldiers and his two former classmates.

--You look like shit Ice Machine...

--Oh~ Yeah~ Shut up little princess~ Even half dead I'm more handsome than you~

-- Huh ?! Did you say something Defective cooler?

--Your mother is hot~!

The black-haired man and the ash-blonde exchanged various insults but neither of them moved, instead they remained alert.

--You don't regret your actions Kurogane Yuuji?

The young man in green asked with a low voice and his eyes closed but there was a strange and irregular air around him.

"What do you mean, Seaweed Hair~?"

--What the hell are you saying now DEKU?

Both the black-haired and the ash-blonde looked doubtfully at the young man in green.

--You killed all these people... the criminals, the guards, everyone...

Bakugo swallowed as he realized that truth and looked back at his ex-companion, who showed a tired and cold smile, his silver-blue eyes shone with a reddish light before he disappeared and he spoke lazily and sarcastically.

--Yes~ I killed them all~ that's my job~ and that's what they pay me for~ it's not like that... Hawks~

The black-haired man raised his hand and an ice icicle shot into the sky at incredible speed, a few seconds later, an injured Hawks landed a few meters from them.

--Looks like we underestimated your range of perception... eh Ymir.

--The old minister bitch wants me dead so fast? I thought it would be in a few years~

The black-haired youth sneered as the wounds on his body healed at high speed and a new armor of ice covered his body, the surrounding soldiers soon turned their weapons and aimed all at Ymir and the youths at his side.

--See the truth Midoriya, Hawks and I work for the government as their hunting dogs~ we hunt the bad guys in their stinking burrows while you heroes take care of the fools who jump into the light, dance for the public while we swim in the filth behind the curtain~ Welcome to the backstage~ the place where THE REAL MAGIC HAPPENS!



With those words, he created a hundred stakes and ice icicles that pierced and massacred the soldiers, screaming a hundred screams and screams.


-- Are you crazy Ymir?!

--...It seems that there is no negotiation.

Midoriya, Bakugo, and Hawk all shot back at my little display of brutality. Some will wonder why my surprising outburst of violence, because just like in the last few days, the fucking visions of the future! And this time it was from the immediate future, more precisely one that will happen in less than an hour if I don't hurry, that bitch is going to kidnap Fuyumi and Nemuri, while she kills Nagant... I don't know where they got the balls from to try it but you will regret it. They wanted a Demon King ?! Cannon-chan wanted a Symbol of Evil for Deku, well congratulations YOU GOT IT!

--They started~ and I'm sure the minister bitch sent her pets for my girls, or am I wrong?

--It's not what you think Ymir...

--Don't try to trick me chicken~ they can't escape my eyes.


Before I could attack Hawks, Midoriya charged at me with a jab which I easily dodged as well as blocking Bakugo while freezing and disabling his suit's armguards.


The two protectors fell to pieces as soon as Bakugo was able to stagger up.


Bakugo growled before propelling himself off with an explosion.


--How tiny they are~

I taunted as a certain 1000 year old onmyoji and dodged his attacks going for my main prey "Hawks" who had already taken flight and was preparing a weapon that I knew well, one of the few weapons I fear the EMRG-01X-III, an electromagnetic cannon with tungsten, carbon and phosphorus alloy bullets, also known as "BUSTER CALL" a last generation anti-tank weapon made in France, that evil thing can pierce five tanks without stopping and we are not talking about just drilling a small hole , this thing literally rips a hole through all five of them like they're just sheets of paper.

If I get hit with one of those sonic bullets in the chest or head, I'll die, hopelessly, as my body will explode on contact from the ridiculous amount of energy that thing has.

--You know something, Hawks~ I always knew that I would have to kill you one day~ I just never expected it to be like this~ It's nothing personal~

I smiled and grabbed the angry Bakugo by the arm and used him as cover, a meat shield, battering ram and hostage all in one~ What a wonderful princess~



--...tsk...you got me Ymir...

Midoriya growled as Hawks could only put his hands up and put down his weapon momentarily, he had orders to kill the boy but he wouldn't kill the other just to accomplish his mission, there was already too much death in the air to add another soul to hell.

--Let me go! YMIR!

--Sure princess...just let me catch my breath~


--I've been fighting All For One all this time, idiot... I need to rest... but then you bitches come to kill me... obviously I'll take a hostage~ DA?

Hawk and Midoriya looked at me with doubts while Bakugo writhed and writhed under my grip, too bad I have him imprisoned in a special ice coffin, he won't sweat a drop in fact if I don't let him go in 5 minutes he won't sweat anymore, since I'm messing with your sweat glands and the structure of your body on a molecular level, thermodynamics really has many uses.


Midoriya screamed and charged at me without caring about anything and that's when I saw his eyes, that light THE PU*A RAINBOW LIGHT! Cannon-chan's bitch was behind it all! Good no more Ymir Good!


I screamed releasing all the power in my body and the world stopped.