
Chapter 48 The clouds are fluffy~ 7

After the cultural festival, normal classes returned and the change of seasons was getting closer every day, but the sky was still the same, a beautiful azure canvas stained by sporadic cottony white clouds.

Unlike Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima and Midoriya, my person was saved from having to present multiple remedial classes for the internships, since I presented a small general evaluation test which I passed with 95 points, since I hate history class, for This and due to the active omission of the faculty, I am resting quietly on the roof while the rest of my classmates are fighting with the blackboard.

As something to highlight, a few days ago I had a strange chat with our adorable and psychotic director.


Director's office.


--Yes, Nezu-sensei?

--Do you really want to be a hero?

The small black eyes of the small but terrifying bipedal animal looked at me and I could feel how they reached my soul, certainly Nezu-sensei is not for games.

--Sensei… Can I be honest with you?

--Clear! What you say won't leave these walls.

--Actually... I don't know. Heroes, villains, vigilantes? What is the real difference?

Let out a big sigh, the bipedal animal just nodded, saying nothing.

--The heroes work under the "Rules" imposed by the government, the vigilantes only follow their own "Rules" and the villains are those who break all those "Rules"... but... What happens if I renege on all those rules? Isn't the world black and white? It's devilishly grey, good or bad actions are relative and changeable, today I can save a person and be praised for it, tomorrow I can fail and be condemned... sensei... What do you think of this aforementioned society of super humans?

I asked the small but wise director, who just smiled. His eyes shone with a cold light before he spoke.

--You knew the dark side of the world at a young age, Kurogane-kun, many children end up being great villains due to these kinds of circumstances, they resent the world that took away their loved ones and the heroes that "didn't protect them"... you were welcomed by Endeavor and I think you didn't fall into darkness... but.

--The darkness is still there, sensei.

I interrupted the director with a crooked smile on my face.

--True, but I think there is more to you than darkness... love is a very good light, your song was very beautiful Kurogane-kun.

--Thank you, Nezu-sensei…"

--Going back to the topic... And yes, this so-called super human society is quite unstable and with the retirement of All Might everything will be more difficult, but that's what you are for, "Plus Ultra" we always have to go beyond our limits, since there are the answers to our questions. Now tell me Kurogane-kun, what do you long for?

--What longing?

The director's words touched a part of me that had been kept silent for years... What do I really long for? What is my true wish? What is my goal? Thinking of this, I left the office.


Nezu-sensei's words keep spinning in my head already filled with the voices of my own madness, bringing even more chaos to my mind.

--What longing, really? What is my true goal?

Notice the sporadic clouds on the light blue canvas.

--I made Toru-chan cry... I hadn't realized her feelings and ended up hurting her ... I'm quite a hypocrite, right?

I let out a long sigh while mentally cursing myself, I know I'm the biggest despicable bastard in this entire academy, of course if we ignore the "Kabuki-onna" from the third year of support, that girl is horrible I don't know how the hell I earn my years previous Were the students bought, drugged or blind? Anyway, I'm still the No. 1 bastard in the UA, the news is getting more and more alarmist, the Quirks of the new generations are getting more and more strange and difficult to predict, the crime rate is increasing slightly but constantly, the Paranormal Liberation Army books are in all bookstores and are selling like hot cakes, everything is ready for this small and utopian society to go to hell.

--What do I want to do?

I lifted the second restriction from my eyes after nearly dying on Kamino, I improved my control over Avalon and ice, it's only a matter of time before I can freeze time like Sdeaht, not sure if that will help against "those guys" though. ", going back to my old scribbled square, apart from Gigantomachia and Destro, there are many other old ops in the liberation army, could stopping time not be enough to win?

--What am I looking to achieve?

Many heroes will die next year, many will resign, many, many things will change... but it doesn't really affect me that much, maybe after all, I'm just a traveler. Momentarily enjoying a happy family and then being dragged into Shoto's backstory is just a coincidence or chance, although a part of me deeply thanks the old Todoroki Eiji aka Endevour for taking me in, a part still holds him dear. bit of rancor, if it weren't for their flames my parents would still be alive, maybe? Just maybe? Could they have survived?

--Should I really be here?

I murmured and murmured as I absentmindedly watched the passing of the clouds, not caring about the time or the hour, I simply watched the clouds pass by, thinking of the director's words.

--What the hell do I want?


Bedrooms 1-A. Kurogane Yuuji's room.

--Are you OK?

The person who was talking to me was none other than my good friend, Shoto in his unchanging poker face I could see a bit of concern, which is good, this guy needs more emotions in his life and maybe an exhibitionist but that's his problem.

--I look good?

--Nah, you look disgusting... tell me, why did you skip classes?

--I was thinking…


--Yep~ thinking about... What is my wish?

--Don't come with your philosophy monologues.

Shoto frowned before sighing wearily.

--No, this time it's serious... you know, I beat the old man and fought on par with that Final Boss on Kamino...

--And, the point is?

Shoto looked at me and urged me to continue.

--Is the school useful to me? Can I really be a Hero? Can I make Fuyumi happy? Can I keep her safe? What should I do? Is it okay that I'm here ? And that kind of thing… I'm not in the mood to pay attention in class.


--Hey~ don't laugh Middleterm~

--Excuse me... I didn't think that after singing that song, you would have an existential collapse.

I looked blankly at Zuko's plagiarism and couldn't help but laugh at my own foolishness.

--Hahahahaha~ you're right~ there's nothing that indiscriminate violence won't fix~ and I'm good at it~

--I'll go see mother in a few days... Do you want to come?

Shoto is good at catching me off guard with his permanent poker face, the fact that he is going to visit his mother is a good sign, it not only means that the broken Todoroki family is mending but that Shoto himself is becoming human again and not only an accumulation of Trauma and black humor, now he is more of a teenager with family problems and black humor, they seem the same but it is not, it is a great advance.

--Yeah… eventually I have to see my mother-in-law.

Shoto's eyebrow twitched slightly before he frowned.

--Are you serious after Fuyumi?


--And the girl from Support?

--Merely commercial relationship without any kind of carnal intention.

--*Sigh*… if you hurt her, I'll kill you.

--Don't worry, I'll kill myself before that happens.

We both bumped our fists and smiled.